Du hast nach "Slowdive" gesucht.
Im Bereich "Interpreten" gab es 2 Treffer
Im Bereich "Titel" gab es 1 Treffer
Im Bereich "Tracks" gab es 1 Treffer
- When the sun hits (Slowdive cover version) / The Gathering - Accessories - Rarities and B-sides
Im Bereich "Referenzen" gab es 441 Treffer
- Slowdive / Blankenberge - Everything
- Slowdive / Somewhere Underwater - Slowly & safely
- Slowdive / +/- - Xs on your eyes
- Slowdive / 2:54 - The other I
- Slowdive / 65daysofstatic - replicr, 2019
- Slowdive / A Place To Bury Strangers - A Place To Bury Strangers
- Slowdive / A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Sea when absent
- Slowdive / A Whisper In The Noise - To forget
- Slowdive / A. G. Cook - 7G
- Slowdive / A. G. Cook - Apple
- Slowdive / Aereogramme - A story in white
- Slowdive / Airship - Stuck in this ocean
- Slowdive / Alcest - Kodama
- Slowdive / Alcest - Les chants de l'aurore
- Slowdive / Alcest - Les voyages de l'âme
- Slowdive / Alcest - Shelter
- Slowdive / Alien Boy - Don't know what I am
- Slowdive / Alvvays - Blue Rev
- Slowdive / Amusement Parks On Fire - Amusement Parks On Fire
- Slowdive / Amusement Parks On Fire - Out of the angeles
- Slowdive / An Horse - Modern air
- Slowdive / Anika - Change
- Slowdive / Apparat - Krieg und Frieden (Music for theatre)
- Slowdive / Apparat - Walls
- Slowdive / Arms And Sleepers - Black Paris 86
- Slowdive / Arms And Sleepers - Matador
- Slowdive / Arms And Sleepers - The organ hearts
- Slowdive / Art Of Fighting - Second storey
- Slowdive / Atlas Sound - Parallax
- Slowdive / Bad Actor - Stages
- Slowdive / Banjo Or Freakout - Banjo Or Freakout
- Slowdive / Bar Italia - The twits
- Slowdive / Bar Italia - Tracey denim
- Slowdive / Bdrmm - I don't know
- Slowdive / Beach Day - Trip trap attack
- Slowdive / Beach House - 7
- Slowdive / Beach House - B-sides and rarities
- Slowdive / Beach House - Beach House
- Slowdive / Beach House - Bloom
- Slowdive / Beach House - Depression cherry
- Slowdive / Beach House - Devotion
- Slowdive / Beach House - Once twice melody
- Slowdive / Beach House - Teen dream
- Slowdive / Beach House - Thank your lucky stars
- Slowdive / Before The Show - Hearts & heads
- Slowdive / Bibio - Ambivalence avenue
- Slowdive / Black Belt Eagle Scout - The land, the water, the sky
- Slowdive / Blonde Redhead - 23
- Slowdive / Blonde Redhead - Barragán
- Slowdive / Blonde Redhead - Penny sparkle
- Slowdive / Blonde Redhead - Sit down for dinner
- Slowdive / Blossoms - Cool like you
- Slowdive / Bored Nothing - Bored Nothing
- Slowdive / Bored Nothing - Some songs
- Slowdive / Boris - W
- Slowdive / Bowery Electric - Lushlife
- Slowdive / Box And The Twins - Everywhere I go is silence
- Slowdive / Brace/Choir - Turning on your double
- Slowdive / Breathless - Green to blue
- Slowdive / Bridge And Tunnel - The great outdoors
- Slowdive / Broken Water - Tempest
- Slowdive / Brutus - Nest
- Slowdive / Calla - Collisions
- Slowdive / Calla - Televise
- Slowdive / Car Crash Sisters - Sundance Sea
- Slowdive / Cari Cari - Anaana
- Slowdive / Cemeteries - The wilderness
- Slowdive / Chains Of Love - Strange grey days
- Slowdive / Chelsea Wolfe - Abyss
- Slowdive / Choir Boy - Gathering swans
- Slowdive / Chromatics - Closer to grey
- Slowdive / Chromatics - Kill for love
- Slowdive / Cigarettes After Sex - Cigarettes After Sex
- Slowdive / Cigarettes After Sex - Cry
- Slowdive / Cigarettes After Sex - X's
- Slowdive / Cirqles - Meander
- Slowdive / Courtney Barnett - End of the day (Music from the film)
- Slowdive / Coves - Soft Friday
- Slowdive / Crushed Beaks - Scatter
- Slowdive / Cuco - Para mi
- Slowdive / Culk - Culk
- Slowdive / Culk - Generation Maximum
- Slowdive / Culk - Zerstreuen über Euch
- Slowdive / Cultdreams - Things that hurt
- Slowdive / DIIV - Deceiver
- Slowdive / DIIV - Frog in boiling water
- Slowdive / DIIV - Is the is are
- Slowdive / Dag För Dag - Boo
- Slowdive / Daughter - Music from Before the storm
- Slowdive / Daughter - Not to disappear
- Slowdive / David Sylvian - Manafon
- Slowdive / Deafheaven - Infinite granite
- Slowdive / Deastro - Moondagger
- Slowdive / Deep Cut - Disorientation
- Slowdive / Demen - Nektyr
- Slowdive / Desert Mountain Tribe - Om Parvat mystery
- Slowdive / Desperate Journalist - Desperate Journalist
- Slowdive / Die! Die! Die! - Form
- Slowdive / Die! Die! Die! - Harmony
- Slowdive / Die! Die! Die! - S W I M
- Slowdive / Dizzy - Baby teeth
- Slowdive / Dizzy - The sun and her scorch
- Slowdive / Drowse - Cold air
- Slowdive / Dråpe - Canicular days
- Slowdive / Early Day Miners - The treatment
- Slowdive / Editors - In dream
- Slowdive / Efrim Manuel Menuck - High gospel
- Slowdive / Electric President - Sleep well
- Slowdive / Electric President - The violent blue
- Slowdive / Emma Anderson - Pearlies
- Slowdive / Ethel Cain - Preacher's daughter
- Slowdive / Ex:Re - Ex:Re
- Slowdive / Explosions In The Sky - Take care, take care, take care
- Slowdive / Explosions In The Sky & David Wingo - Prince Avalanche: An original motion picture soundtrack
- Slowdive / Fenne Lily - On hold
- Slowdive / First Breath After Coma - Nu
- Slowdive / Foo Fighters - But here we are
- Slowdive / Fotos - Porzellan
- Slowdive / Frankie Rose - Herein wild
- Slowdive / Frankie Rose - Interstellar
- Slowdive / Frankie Rose - Love as projection
- Slowdive / Friendly Fires - Friendly Fires
- Slowdive / Full Of Hell & Nothing - When no birds sang
- Slowdive / Giardini Di Mirò - Good luck
- Slowdive / Glas - Kisses like feathers
- Slowdive / Glasvegas - Euphoric heartbreak
- Slowdive / Glasvegas - Glasvegas
- Slowdive / Glasvegas - Godspeed
- Slowdive / Glasvegas - Later...when the TV turns to static
- Slowdive / Goat Girl - Below the waste
- Slowdive / Godspeed You! Black Emperor - 'Allelujah! Don't bend! Ascend!
- Slowdive / Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Asunder, sweet and other distress
- Slowdive / Godspeed You! Black Emperor - G_d's pee at state's end!
- Slowdive / Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian towers
- Slowdive / Godspeed You! Black Emperor - No title as of 13 February 2024 28,340 dead
- Slowdive / Gong Wah - A second
- Slowdive / Gothic Tropic - Fast or feast
- Slowdive / Gravenhurst - Fires in distant buildings
- Slowdive / Gravenhurst - The western lands
- Slowdive / Grooms - Comb the feelings through your hair
- Slowdive / Grooms - Infinity caller
- Slowdive / Grouper - Grid of points
- Slowdive / Grouper - Ruins
- Slowdive / Grouper - Shade
- Slowdive / HVOB - Silk
- Slowdive / Hachiku - I'll probably be asleep
- Slowdive / Hamerkop - Remote
- Slowdive / Harp - Albion
- Slowdive / Hatchie - Giving the world away
- Slowdive / Hatchie - Keepsake
- Slowdive / Haunted By The Remote - Tropic of pisces
- Slowdive / Have A Nice Life - Sea of worry
- Slowdive / Heaven's Club - Here there and nowhere
- Slowdive / Helen - The original faces
- Slowdive / Hella Comet - Locust valley
- Slowdive / High Places - 03/07-09/07
- Slowdive / Home Video - The automatic process
- Slowdive / Honeyblood - Honeyblood
- Slowdive / Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions - Until the hunter
- Slowdive / Hotline TNT - Cartwheel
- Slowdive / I Am In Love - Raw heart
- Slowdive / I Break Horses - Chiaroscuro
- Slowdive / I Break Horses - Hearts
- Slowdive / I Break Horses - Warnings
- Slowdive / I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream - I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
- Slowdive / I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - Fear is on our side
- Slowdive / Implodes - Recurring dream
- Slowdive / Iron Hero - Safe as houses
- Slowdive / It Hugs Back - Inside your guitar
- Slowdive / J Churcher - Borderland state
- Slowdive / Jaguwar - Gold
- Slowdive / Jaguwar - Ringthing
- Slowdive / Jakob - Sines
- Slowdive / Japanese Breakfast - Psychopomp
- Slowdive / Japanese Breakfast - Soft sounds from another planet
- Slowdive / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation - Horse dance
- Slowdive / Julie - My anti-aircraft friend
- Slowdive / July Talk - Pray for it
- Slowdive / Just Mustard - Heart under
- Slowdive / Kala Brisella - Ghost
- Slowdive / Kala Brisella - Lost in labour
- Slowdive / Kedr Livanskiy - Ariadna
- Slowdive / Kedr Livanskiy - Your need
- Slowdive / Kidbug - Kidbug
- Slowdive / La Luz - Floating features
- Slowdive / La Luz - It's alive
- Slowdive / La Luz - Weirdo shrine
- Slowdive / Launder - Happening
- Slowdive / Laura Carbone - Sirens
- Slowdive / Lea Porcelain - Choirs to Heaven
- Slowdive / Lea Porcelain - Hymns to the night
- Slowdive / Lily & Madeleine - Keep it together
- Slowdive / Lina Tullgren - Won
- Slowdive / Lo Moon - I wish you way more than luck
- Slowdive / Lo Moon - Lo Moon
- Slowdive / Loop - Sonancy
- Slowdive / Low - The great destroyer
- Slowdive / Lower Dens - Escape from evil
- Slowdive / Lowlakes - Iceberg nerves
- Slowdive / Lupine Howl - The bar at the end of the world
- Slowdive / M83 - Before the dawn heals us
- Slowdive / M83 - Hurry up, we're dreaming
- Slowdive / M83 - Saturdays = youth
- Slowdive / Mabe Fratti - Sentir que no sabes
- Slowdive / Mabe Fratti - Será que ahora podremos entendernos
- Slowdive / Man On Man - Man On Man
- Slowdive / Mannequin Pussy - I got heaven
- Slowdive / Maps - Colours. Reflect. Time. Loss.
- Slowdive / Maps - Vicissitude
- Slowdive / Maps - We can create
- Slowdive / Marta Collica - Inverno
- Slowdive / Mazzy Star - Seasons of your day
- Slowdive / Memory Tapes - Seek magic
- Slowdive / Memory Tapes - Seek magic
- Slowdive / Micatone - The crack
- Slowdive / Mice Parade - Candela
- Slowdive / Mice Parade - What it means to be left-handed
- Slowdive / Midday Veil - This wilderness
- Slowdive / Midwife - No depression in heaven
- Slowdive / Minor Victories - Minor Victories
- Slowdive / Mogwai - 2018
- Slowdive / Mogwai - As the love continues
- Slowdive / Mogwai - Atomic: A soundtrack by Mogwai
- Slowdive / Mogwai - Central belters
- Slowdive / Mogwai - Every country's sun
- Slowdive / Mogwai - Hardcore will never die, but you will
- Slowdive / Mogwai - Kin: Original motion picture soundtrack
- Slowdive / Mogwai - Rave tapes
- Slowdive / Mogwai - The bad fire
- Slowdive / Mogwai - ZeroZeroZero: A Mogwai soundtrack
- Slowdive / Mojave 3 - Puzzles like you
- Slowdive / Mono - Oath
- Slowdive / Mono - The last dawn
- Slowdive / Monochrome - Unità
- Slowdive / Morgan Delt - Phase zero
- Slowdive / Mothlite - The flax of reverie
- Slowdive / Mount Kimbie - The sunset violent
- Slowdive / Mugison - Mugimama, is this monkey music?
- Slowdive / My Bloody Valentine - EP's 1988 - 1991
- Slowdive / My Bloody Valentine - M B V
- Slowdive / My Sad Captains - Best of times
- Slowdive / Nabihah Iqbal - Dreamer
- Slowdive / Nabihah Iqbal - Weighing of the heart
- Slowdive / Nedry - Condors
- Slowdive / Neil Halstead - Sleeping on roads
- Slowdive / Neurosis - Given to the rising
- Slowdive / Neurosis - The eye of every storm
- Slowdive / Newdad - Madra
- Slowdive / Niagara - Otto
- Slowdive / Niños Del Cerro - Suave pendiente
- Slowdive / No Joy - More faithful
- Slowdive / No Joy - Motherhood
- Slowdive / No Joy - Wait to pleasure
- Slowdive / Nothing - The great dismal
- Slowdive / Nothing - Tired of tomorrow
- Slowdive / Oathbreaker - Rheia
- Slowdive / Oh Hiroshima - Myriad
- Slowdive / One Sentence. Supervisor - Acedia
- Slowdive / One Sentence. Supervisor - Temporär Musik 1-13
- Slowdive / PJ Harvey - Let England shake
- Slowdive / PJ Harvey - The hope six demolition project
- Slowdive / Pabst - Chlorine
- Slowdive / Pabst - Deuce ex machina
- Slowdive / Pale Honey - Pale Honey
- Slowdive / Panchiko - Failed at math(s)
- Slowdive / Pandoras Box - Monomeet
- Slowdive / Parannoul - After the magic
- Slowdive / Parannoul - Sky hundred
- Slowdive / Parannoul - To see the next part of the dream
- Slowdive / Peter Kernel - The size of the night
- Slowdive / Peter Kernel - Thrill addict
- Slowdive / Piano Magic - Disaffected
- Slowdive / Piano Magic - Writers without homes
- Slowdive / Pinkshinyultrablast - Everything else matters
- Slowdive / Pinkshinyultrablast - Grandfeathered
- Slowdive / Pinkshinyultrablast - Miserable miracles
- Slowdive / Pluramon - The monstrous surplus
- Slowdive / Porcelain Raft - Permanent signal
- Slowdive / Porcelain Raft - Strange weekend
- Slowdive / Pretty City - Cancel the future
- Slowdive / Pure Bathing Culture - Moon tides
- Slowdive / Pure Bathing Culture - Night pass
- Slowdive / Pure Bathing Culture - Pray for rain
- Slowdive / Rachel Goswell - Waves are universal
- Slowdive / Ride - This is not a safe place
- Slowdive / Ride - Weather diaries
- Slowdive / Ringo Deathstarr - Pure mood
- Slowdive / Rome Is Not A Town - Tender arms power heels
- Slowdive / Rothko - A continual search for origins
- Slowdive / Samana - Ascension
- Slowdive / Savages - Adore life
- Slowdive / Savages - Silence yourself
- Slowdive / Scarlett Johansson - Anywhere I lay my head
- Slowdive / School Of Seven Bells - Disconnect from desire
- Slowdive / School Of Seven Bells - Ghostory
- Slowdive / School Of Seven Bells - SVIIB
- Slowdive / Sea Power - Everything was forever
- Slowdive / Seasurfer - Under the milkyway ... who cares
- Slowdive / Secret Machines - Secret Machines
- Slowdive / Seefeel - Seefeel
- Slowdive / Semifinalists - 2
- Slowdive / September Malevolence - Our withers unwrung
- Slowdive / Serena-Maneesh - Serena-Maneesh
- Slowdive / Shield Patterns - Contour lines
- Slowdive / Shun - Songs from the centrifuge
- Slowdive / Sigur Rós - ( )
- Slowdive / Sigur Rós - Hvarf/Heim
- Slowdive / Sigur Rós - Takk...
- Slowdive / Sigur Rós - Ágætis byrjun
- Slowdive / Six Gallery - Breakthroughs in modern art
- Slowdive / Six.By Seven - Love and peace and sympathy
- Slowdive / Skemer - Benevolence
- Slowdive / Slow Steve - Adventures
- Slowdive / Slowness - How to keep from falling off a mountain
- Slowdive / Smith Westerns - Dye it blonde
- Slowdive / Soccer Mommy - Sometimes, forever
- Slowdive / Som - The shape of everything
- Slowdive / Sophia Blenda - Die neue Heiterkeit
- Slowdive / Soviet Soviet - Endless
- Slowdive / Spotlight Kid - Departure
- Slowdive / Sprints - Letter to self
- Slowdive / Spruce - Once upon a time
- Slowdive / Stars - Set yourself on fire
- Slowdive / Still Corners - Dream talk
- Slowdive / Sulk - No illusions
- Slowdive / Super700 - Under the no sky
- Slowdive / Surf Rock Is Dead - Existential playboy
- Slowdive / Sweet Trip - A tiny house, in secret speeches, polar equals
- Slowdive / Swervedriver - Future ruins
- Slowdive / Sybris - Into the trees
- Slowdive / Tartufi - These factory days
- Slowdive / Teen - In limbo
- Slowdive / Teen - In limbo
- Slowdive / Teenage Wrist - Earth is a black hole
- Slowdive / Teenage Wrist - Still love
- Slowdive / Telefon Tel Aviv - Immolate yourself
- Slowdive / Temple Of Angels - Endless pursuit
- Slowdive / Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe - Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe
- Slowdive / Thala - Adolescence
- Slowdive / The Away Days - Dreamed at dawn
- Slowdive / The Blue Angel Lounge - Narcotica
- Slowdive / The Darcys - Warring
- Slowdive / The Early Years - The Early Years
- Slowdive / The Field - Looping state of mind
- Slowdive / The Field - Yesterday and today
- Slowdive / The Fourth Wall - Return forever
- Slowdive / The History Of Apple Pie - Out of view
- Slowdive / The History Of Colour TV - Something like eternity
- Slowdive / The Horrors - V
- Slowdive / The Jesus And Mary Chain - Damage and joy
- Slowdive / The Jesus And Mary Chain - Glasgow eyes
- Slowdive / The Jesus And Mary Chain - Live at Barrowlands
- Slowdive / The Jesus And Mary Chain - Sunset 666 (Live at Hollywood Palladium)
- Slowdive / The Longcut - Open hearts
- Slowdive / The Magnetic Fields - Distortion
- Slowdive / The Mysterines - Afraid of tomorrows
- Slowdive / The Naked And Famous - In rolling waves
- Slowdive / The Naked And Famous - Passive me, aggressive you
- Slowdive / The Naked And Famous - Recover
- Slowdive / The Naked And Famous - Simple forms
- Slowdive / The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Belong
- Slowdive / The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Days of abandon
- Slowdive / The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - The echo of pleasure
- Slowdive / The Pattern Theory - The Pattern Theory
- Slowdive / The Radio Dept. - Lesser matters
- Slowdive / The Radio Dept. - Pet grief
- Slowdive / The Raveonettes - Observator
- Slowdive / The Raveonettes - Pe'ahi
- Slowdive / The Raveonettes - Raven in the grave
- Slowdive / The Rumour Said Fire - Dead ends
- Slowdive / The Shaking Sensations - Start stop worrying
- Slowdive / The Soft Cavalry - The Soft Cavalry
- Slowdive / The Telescopes - As light return
- Slowdive / The Telescopes - Hidden fields
- Slowdive / The Telescopes - Of tomorrow
- Slowdive / The Twilight Singers - Dynamite steps
- Slowdive / The Underground Youth - Nostalgia's glass
- Slowdive / The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (45th anniversary deluxe edition)
- Slowdive / The Verve - Forth
- Slowdive / The xx - Coexist
- Slowdive / The xx - I see you
- Slowdive / The xx - The xx
- Slowdive / Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra - Fuck off get free we pour light on everything
- Slowdive / This Will Destroy You - Another language
- Slowdive / Tom Liwa - Dudajim
- Slowdive / Tops - Picture you staring
- Slowdive / Tops - Sugar at the gate
- Slowdive / Torres - Sprinter
- Slowdive / Torres - Three futures
- Slowdive / Trailer Trash Tracys - Ester
- Slowdive / Trentemøller - Dreamweaver
- Slowdive / Trentemøller - Fixion
- Slowdive / Trentemøller - Obverse
- Slowdive / Trust Fund - No one's coming for us
- Slowdive / Trust Fund - Seems unfair
- Slowdive / Tu Fawning - Hearts on hold
- Slowdive / Twin Sister - In Heaven
- Slowdive / Unhappybirthday - Mondchateau
- Slowdive / Unhappybirthday - Schaum
- Slowdive / Unhappybirthday - Stella loops
- Slowdive / Vanished Souls - Vanished Souls
- Slowdive / Verdiana Raw - Whales know the route
- Slowdive / Viji - So Vanilla
- Slowdive / Village Of Savoonga - 14-09-2001
- Slowdive / Vök - Figure
- Slowdive / W-H-I-T-E - III
- Slowdive / We Need Secrets - Melancholy and the archive
- Slowdive / Whirr - Pipe dreams
- Slowdive / Widowspeak - All yours
- Slowdive / Widowspeak - Plum
- Slowdive / Wild Beasts - Smother
- Slowdive / Wintersleep - New inheritors
- Slowdive / Wintersleep - Welcome to the night sky
- Slowdive / Wishy - Triple seven
- Slowdive / Wolf Alice - Blue weekend
- Slowdive / Wolf Alice - My love is cool
- Slowdive / Wolvon - Ease
- Slowdive / Wolvon - Ease
- Slowdive / Woman's Hour - Conversations
- Slowdive / Wussy - Buckeye
- Slowdive / Wy - Okay
- Slowdive / Yamon Yamon - This wilderlessness
- Slowdive / Yamon Yamon - Uisu
- Slowdive / Yeule - Glitch princess
- Slowdive / Yeule - Softscars
- Slowdive / Yo La Tengo - Fade
- Slowdive / Yo La Tengo - Popular songs
- Slowdive / Yo La Tengo - Stuff like that there
- Slowdive / Yo La Tengo - There's a riot going on
- Slowdive / Yo La Tengo - This stupid world
- Slowdive / Your Friend - Gumption
- Slowdive / Youth Lagoon - Heaven is a junkyard
- Slowdive / Youth Lagoon - Rarely do I dream
- Slowdive / Youth Lagoon - Savage hills ballroom
- Slowdive / Yuck - Glow & behold
- Slowdive / Yuck - Yuck
- Slowdive / Yung Lean - Starz
- Slowdive / Zelienople - Hold you up
- Slowdive / Zooanzoo - Another day in the desert
- Slowdive / [Ingenting] - Ingenting duger
- SlowdiveISharon Van Etten / Kitty Solaris - Silent disco
Im Bereich "Autor" gab es 0 Treffer
Im Bereich "Specials" gab es 0 Treffer
Im Bereich "Forum" gab es 4 Treffer
- Slowdive - Everything is alive (164 Beiträge / Letzter: 13.02.2025 - 00:28 Uhr)
- Slowdive (146 Beiträge / Letzter: 14.12.2024 - 00:09 Uhr)
- Slowdive - Slowdive (237 Beiträge / Letzter: 02.08.2023 - 18:42 Uhr)
- Beachy Head (Mitglieder von Slowdive, The Flaming Lips, The Soft Cavalry) (13 Beiträge / Letzter: 20.08.2022 - 12:57 Uhr)