Interpreten 3 Treffer
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Tracks 1 Treffer
- Just (feat. Phantom Planet) / Mark Ronson - Version
Referenzen 191 Treffer
- Phantom Planet / A.C. Newman - Get guilty
- Phantom Planet / A.C. Newman - Shut down the streets
- Phantom Planet / A.C. Newman - The slow wonder
- Phantom Planet / Action Action - An army of shapes between wars
- Phantom Planet / Albert Hammond, Jr. - Yours to keep
- Phantom Planet / Albert Hammond, Jr. - ¿Cómo te llama?
- Phantom Planet / All Time Low - Future hearts
- Phantom Planet / Beulah - Yoko
- Phantom Planet / Big Star - In space
- Phantom Planet / Bishop Allen - Grrr...
- weitere Ergebnisse anzeigen
- Phantom Planet / Bleachers - Bleachers
- Phantom Planet / Bleachers - Gone now
- Phantom Planet / Bleachers - Strange desire
- Phantom Planet / Bleachers - Take the sadness out of Saturday night
- Phantom Planet / Blush Always - An ode to ?
- Phantom Planet / Buffalo Tom - Three easy pieces
- Phantom Planet / Cajun Dance Party - The colourful life
- Phantom Planet / Carolina Liar - Coming to terms
- Phantom Planet / Cassette - Welcome back to Earth
- Phantom Planet / Conic - Searching for a parallel
- Phantom Planet / Crackout - Oh no!
- Phantom Planet / DYGL - A daze in a haze
- Phantom Planet / De Stijl - Details
- Phantom Planet / Edson - Every day, every second
- Phantom Planet / Eight Legs - Searching for the simple life
- Phantom Planet / Euroboys - Soft focus
- Phantom Planet / Everclear - Slow motion daydream
- Phantom Planet / Feeder - The singles
- Phantom Planet / Figurines - Figurines
- Phantom Planet / Figurines - When the deer wore blue
- Phantom Planet / Fountains Of Wayne - Sky full of holes
- Phantom Planet / Fountains Of Wayne - Traffic and weather
- Phantom Planet / Fountains Of Wayne - Welcome interstate managers
- Phantom Planet / Fred Abbott - Serious poke
- Phantom Planet / Get Him Eat Him - Arms down
- Phantom Planet / Gisli - How about that?
- Phantom Planet / Gomez - Whatever's on your mind
- Phantom Planet / Head Automatica - Popaganda
- Phantom Planet / Hot Hot Heat - Elevator
- Phantom Planet / Hot Hot Heat - Happiness Ltd.
- Phantom Planet / Hot Hot Heat - Make up the breakdown
- Phantom Planet / Ibrahim Lässing - Hoverboard
- Phantom Planet / Ibrahim Lässing - Kaugummiautomat
- Phantom Planet / Jackson United - Western ballads
- Phantom Planet / Kane Strang - Two hearts and no brain
- Phantom Planet / Ken Stringfellow - Soft commands
- Phantom Planet / Kilians - Kill the Kilians
- Phantom Planet / Kilians - Lines you should not cross
- Phantom Planet / Kilians - They are calling your name
- Phantom Planet / Koufax - Hard times are in fashion
- Phantom Planet / Koufax - Social life
- Phantom Planet / Liquido - Float
- Phantom Planet / Lit - Lit
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Critical thinking
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Forever delayed
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Futurology
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Journal for plague lovers
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Lifeblood
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - National treasures - The complete singles
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Postcards from a young man
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Resistance is futile
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Rewind the film
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - Send away the tigers
- Phantom Planet / Manic Street Preachers - The ultra vivid lament
- Phantom Planet / Marah - Float away with the friday night gods
- Phantom Planet / Marah - If you didn't laugh, you'd cry
- Phantom Planet / Mew - Visuals
- Phantom Planet / Mumm-Ra - These things move in threes
- Phantom Planet / Myracle Brah - Plate spinner
- Phantom Planet / Mêlée - Devils & angels
- Phantom Planet / Nervous Nellie - Ego and the Id
- Phantom Planet / Nervous Nellie - Why dawn is called mourning
- Phantom Planet / Nic Armstrong - The greatest white liar
- Phantom Planet / Nicky Wire - I killed the zeitgeist
- Phantom Planet / Ok Go - Of the blue colour of the sky
- Phantom Planet / Ok Go - Oh no
- Phantom Planet / Ok Go - Ok Go
- Phantom Planet / Orson - Bright idea
- Phantom Planet / Orson - Culture vultures
- Phantom Planet / Our Lady Peace - Healthy in paranoid times
- Phantom Planet / Ozma - Spending time on the borderline
- Phantom Planet / Panic At The Disco - ...Live in Chicago
- Phantom Planet / Panic At The Disco - Pretty. Odd.
- Phantom Planet / Peace - Happy people
- Phantom Planet / Plain White T's - American nights
- Phantom Planet / Plain White T's - Parallel universe
- Phantom Planet / Plain White T's - Plain White T's
- Phantom Planet / Plain White T's - The wonders of the younger
- Phantom Planet / Preston School Of Industry - Monsoon
- Phantom Planet / Revolver - Let go
- Phantom Planet / Rivers Cuomo - Alone II: The home recordings of Rivers Cuomo
- Phantom Planet / Rivers Cuomo - Alone: The home recordings of Rivers Cuomo
- Phantom Planet / Roger Joseph Manning Jr. - The land of pure imagination
- Phantom Planet / Rooney - Calling the world
- Phantom Planet / Rooney - Eureka
- Phantom Planet / Rooney - Rooney
- Phantom Planet / Rooney - Washed away
- Phantom Planet / Rozwell Kid - Precious art
- Phantom Planet / Sam Roberts Band - Lo-fantasy
- Phantom Planet / Scouting For Girls - Scouting For Girls
- Phantom Planet / Shout Out Louds - Howl howl gaff gaff
- Phantom Planet / Shout Out Louds - Our ill wills
- Phantom Planet / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Broom
- Phantom Planet / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Fly by wire
- Phantom Planet / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Let it sway
- Phantom Planet / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Pershing
- Phantom Planet / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - The high country
- Phantom Planet / Space Kelly - 3 Ecken 1 Elfer
- Phantom Planet / Speedy Ortiz - Major Arcana
- Phantom Planet / Streetwaves - The pleasure to end all pleasures
- Phantom Planet / Supergrass - Life on other planets
- Phantom Planet / Sushimob - The controls and their function
- Phantom Planet / Ted Leo And The Pharmacists - Shake the sheets
- Phantom Planet / Teenage Fanclub - Man-made
- Phantom Planet / The 45s - The 45s
- Phantom Planet / The All-American Rejects - Kids in the street
- Phantom Planet / The All-American Rejects - Move along
- Phantom Planet / The All-American Rejects - The All-American Rejects
- Phantom Planet / The All-American Rejects - When the world comes down
- Phantom Planet / The Apples In Stereo - New magnetic wonder
- Phantom Planet / The Apples In Stereo - Travellers in space and time
- Phantom Planet / The Bigger Lovers - How I learned to stop worrying
- Phantom Planet / The Blondes - Summer strut
- Phantom Planet / The Cribs - For all my sisters
- Phantom Planet / The Cribs - Men's needs, women's needs, whatever
- Phantom Planet / The Cribs - The new fellas
- Phantom Planet / The Dodos - Carrier
- Phantom Planet / The Dodos - Grizzly Peak
- Phantom Planet / The Dodos - Individ
- Phantom Planet / The Dodos - No color
- Phantom Planet / The Dodos - Time to die
- Phantom Planet / The Figurines - Skeleton
- Phantom Planet / The Hoosiers - The trick to life
- Phantom Planet / The Horror The Horror - The Horror The Horror
- Phantom Planet / The Horror The Horror - Wired boy child
- Phantom Planet / The Kooks - Inside in / Inside out
- Phantom Planet / The Kooks - Junk of the heart
- Phantom Planet / The Kooks - Konk
- Phantom Planet / The Like - Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Phantom Planet / The Mother Hips - Green hills of Earth
- Phantom Planet / The Orange Peels - Circling the sun
- Phantom Planet / The Posies - Every kind of light
- Phantom Planet / The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Love everybody
- Phantom Planet / The Revs - The Revs
- Phantom Planet / The Screenshots - 2 Millionen Umsatz mit einer einfachen Idee
- Phantom Planet / The Screenshots - Wunderwerk Mensch
- Phantom Planet / The Shins - Chutes too narrow
- Phantom Planet / The Special Goodness - Land, air, sea
- Phantom Planet / The Spinto Band - Moonwink
- Phantom Planet / The Stereotypes - The Stereotypes
- Phantom Planet / The Strokes - First impressions of Earth
- Phantom Planet / The Thrills - Let's bottle bohemia
- Phantom Planet / The Thrills - So much for the city
- Phantom Planet / The Thrills - Teenager
- Phantom Planet / The View - Bread and circuses
- Phantom Planet / The View - Cheeky for a reason
- Phantom Planet / The View - Ropewalk
- Phantom Planet / The View - Seven year setlist
- Phantom Planet / The Vines - Highly evolved
- Phantom Planet / The Virgins - The Virgins
- Phantom Planet / The Wallflowers - Red letter days
- Phantom Planet / The Wannadies - Before & after
- Phantom Planet / Third Eye Blind - Dopamine
- Phantom Planet / Third Eye Blind - Screamer
- Phantom Planet / To My Surprise - To My Surprise
- Phantom Planet / Tokyo Police Club - Champ
- Phantom Planet / Tokyo Police Club - Elephant shell
- Phantom Planet / Tokyo Police Club - Forcefield
- Phantom Planet / Toploader - Magic hotel
- Phantom Planet / Tribes - Baby
- Phantom Planet / Twin Atlantic - Great divide
- Phantom Planet / Velojet - This quiet town
- Phantom Planet / Venice - Welcome to the rest of your life
- Phantom Planet / Virginia Jetzt! - Wer hat Angst vor Virginia Jetzt!
- Phantom Planet / Walking Concert - Run to be born
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Everything will be alright in the end
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Hurley
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Ok human
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Pacific daydream
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Raditude
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Van Weezer
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Weezer (Black album)
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Weezer (Red album)
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Weezer (Teal album)
- Phantom Planet / Weezer - Weezer (White album)
- Phantom Planet / Wheat - Everyday I said a prayer for Kathy and made a one inch square
- Phantom Planet / Wheat - Per second, per second, per second... every second.
- Phantom Planet / Why? - Eskimo snow
- Phantom Planet / William Patrick Corgan - Cotillions
- Phantom Planet / William Patrick Corgan - Ogilala
- Phantom Planet / Zwan - Mary star of the sea
Autor 0 Treffer
Forum 5 Treffer
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- Phantom Planet (45 Beiträge / Letzter 04.04.2008 - 17:57 Uhr)