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Tracks 8 Treffer
Referenzen 750 Treffer
- Kinks / The Living End - White noise
- The Kinks / Der Nino Aus Wien - Endlich Wienerlieder
- Chikinki / !!! - As if
- Chikinki / !!! - Let it be blue
- Chikinki / !!! - Myth takes
- Chikinki / !!! - Shake the shudder
- Chikinki / !!! - Strange weather, isn't it?
- Chikinki / !!! - Thr!!!er
- Chikinki / !!! - Wallop
- Chikinki / A.Human - Third hand prophecy
- weitere Ergebnisse anzeigen
- Chikinki / Autokratz - Animal
- Chikinki / Bilbao - Shake well
- Chikinki / Bilbao - Soaked
- Chikinki / Bloc Party - Silent alarm remixed
- Chikinki / Bonaparte - Becks letzter Sommer (Songs & Soundtrack)
- Chikinki / Bonaparte - Bonaparte
- Chikinki / Bonaparte - Sorry, we're open
- Chikinki / Bonaparte - The return of Stravinsky Wellington
- Chikinki / Campsite - Names, dates & places
- Chikinki / Captain Capa - Foxes
- Chikinki / Captain Capa - This is forever
- Chikinki / Cazals - What of our future
- Chikinki / Clock Opera - Venn
- Chikinki / Delorean - Into the plateau
- Chikinki / Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Don't say we didn't warn you
- Chikinki / Does It Offend You, Yeah? - You have no idea what you're getting yourself into...
- Chikinki / Dúné - Enter Metropolis
- Chikinki / Everything Everything - Mountainhead
- Chikinki / Everything Everything - Raw data feel
- Chikinki / Filou - Feste Farben
- Chikinki / Filthy Dukes - Nonsense in the dark
- Chikinki / Forward, Russia! - Life processes
- Chikinki / Fuck Art, Let's Dance! - Atlas
- Chikinki / Goose - Bring it on
- Chikinki / Goose - Synrise
- Chikinki / Graham Coxon - A+E
- Chikinki / Hatcham Social - About girls
- Chikinki / Hatcham Social - Cutting up the present leaks out the future
- Chikinki / I Heart Sharks - Summer
- Chikinki / IAMX - The alternative
- Chikinki / Infadels - The future of the gravity boy
- Chikinki / Infadels - We are not The Infadels
- Chikinki / Kakkmaddafakka - Hest
- Chikinki / Kakkmaddafakka - Hus
- Chikinki / Kakkmaddafakka - KMF
- Chikinki / Kakkmaddafakka - Six months is a long time
- Chikinki / Kasabian - Empire
- Chikinki / Kasabian - Happenings
- Chikinki / Kasabian - The alchemist's euphoria
- Chikinki / Kate Mosh - Breakfast epiphanies
- Chikinki / Klaxons - Myths of the near future
- Chikinki / Klaxons - Surfing the void
- Chikinki / Late Of The Pier - Fantasy black channel
- Chikinki / Miss Kittin - Batbox
- Chikinki / Mobile - Tomorrow starts today
- Chikinki / Mother And The Addicts - Science fiction illustrated
- Chikinki / Mother And The Addicts - Take the lovers home tonight
- Chikinki / Neon Trees - Habits
- Chikinki / One Night Only - One Night Only
- Chikinki / Papooz - Green juice
- Chikinki / Phoenix - Alpha Zulu
- Chikinki / Phoenix - Ti amo
- Chikinki / Reverend & The Makers - A French kiss in the chaos
- Chikinki / Reverend & The Makers - The state of things
- Chikinki / Satellite Stories - Cut out the lights
- Chikinki / Satellite Stories - Vagabonds
- Chikinki / Shitdisco - Kingdom of fear
- Chikinki / Shy Child - Noise won't stop
- Chikinki / So So Modern - Friends and fires + 000 EPs
- Chikinki / Soulwax - Radio Soulwax - Part of the weekend never dies
- Chikinki / The Chap - The show must go
- Chikinki / The Faint - Fasciinatiion
- Chikinki / The Ghost - War kids
- Chikinki / The Kooks - Hello, what's your name?
- Chikinki / The Rapture - In the grace of your love
- Chikinki / The Rapture - Pieces of the people we love
- Chikinki / The Sunshine Underground - Nobody's coming to save you
- Chikinki / The Sunshine Underground - Raise the alarm
- Chikinki / The Teenagers - Reality check
- Chikinki / The Whip - X marks destination
- Chikinki / The Wombats - A guide to love, loss and desperation
- Chikinki / Two Door Cinema Club - Beacon
- Chikinki / Two Door Cinema Club - False alarm
- Chikinki / Two Door Cinema Club - Gameshow
- Chikinki / Two Door Cinema Club - Keep on smiling
- Chikinki / Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist history
- Chikinki / Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
- Chikinki / Veto - 16 colors
- Chikinki / Veto - Crushing digits
- Chikinki / We Are Scientists - Barbara
- Chikinki / We Are Scientists - Brain thrust mastery
- Chikinki / We Are Scientists - Crap attack
- Chikinki / We Are Scientists - Huffy
- Chikinki / We Are Scientists - Lobes
- Chikinki / We Are Scientists - Megaplex
- Chikinki / We Are Scientists - TV en français
- Chikinki / You Say Party! We Say Die! - Lose all time
- Chinkinki / Hot Hot Heat - Future breeds
- Chinkinki / Hot Hot Heat - Hot Hot Heat
- KiNK / Claude VonStroke - Urban animal
- Kink / Andi Fins - Don't call me, I'll call you soon
- Kink / Erdmöbel - Geschenk
- Kink / Erdmöbel - Guten Morgen, Ragazzi
- Kink / Erdmöbel - Hinweise zum Gebrauch
- Kink / Erdmöbel - Krokus
- Kink / Erdmöbel - Kung fu fighting
- Kink / Erdmöbel - No. 1 Hits
- Kink / Fotos - Kids
- Kinky / Mexican Institute Of Sound - Soy sauce
- Kinky Friedman / Tenacious D - Tenacious D
- Kinky Friedman / Tenacious D - The pick of destiny
- Opus Kink / Big Special - Postindustrial hometown blues
- Opus Kink / Egyptian Blue - A living commodity
- The Kinks / 1990s - Cookies
- The Kinks / 86TVs - 86TVs
- The Kinks / A.C. Newman - Get guilty
- The Kinks / A.C. Newman - Shut down the streets
- The Kinks / A.C. Newman - The slow wonder
- The Kinks / AC/DC - Black ice
- The Kinks / AC/DC - Live at River Plate
- The Kinks / AC/DC - Power up
- The Kinks / AC/DC - Rock or bust
- The Kinks / Aaron Schroeder - Southern heart in western skin
- The Kinks / Albert Hammond, Jr. - Yours to keep
- The Kinks / Albert Hammond, Jr. - ¿Cómo te llama?
- The Kinks / Allah-Las - Calico review
- The Kinks / Allah-Las - Worship the sun
- The Kinks / Allah-Las - Zuma 85
- The Kinks / Arctic Monkeys - AM
- The Kinks / Arctic Monkeys - Favourite worst nightmare
- The Kinks / Arctic Monkeys - Humbug
- The Kinks / Arctic Monkeys - Live at Royal Albert Hall
- The Kinks / Arctic Monkeys - Suck it and see
- The Kinks / Arctic Monkeys - The car
- The Kinks / Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
- The Kinks / Arctic Monkeys - Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not
- The Kinks / At The Hollow - What I hold most dear
- The Kinks / Auletta - Pöbelei & Poesie
- The Kinks / Autoramas - 14 laps
- The Kinks / Awkward I - Kyd
- The Kinks / Babyshambles - Down in Albion
- The Kinks / Babyshambles - Oh what a lovely tour
- The Kinks / Babyshambles - Sequel to the prequel
- The Kinks / Babyshambles - Shotter's nation
- The Kinks / Bad Nerves - Still nervous
- The Kinks / Barrence Whitfield & The Savages - Under the savage sky
- The Kinks / Beach Slang - A loud bash of teenage feelings
- The Kinks / Beach Slang - The deadbeat bang of Heartbreak City
- The Kinks / Beady Eye - BE
- The Kinks / Beady Eye - Different gear, still speeding
- The Kinks / Becquerels - In a state of blitz
- The Kinks / Beechwood - Inside the flesh hotel
- The Kinks / Beechwood - Songs from the land of nod
- The Kinks / Belle & Sebastian - A bit of previous
- The Kinks / Belle & Sebastian - Late developers
- The Kinks / Beware Of Darkness - Are you real?
- The Kinks / Big Star - In space
- The Kinks / Birds Of Avalon - Bazaar bazaar
- The Kinks / Bishop Allen - Grrr...
- The Kinks / Black Box Revelation - Silver threats
- The Kinks / Black Lips - Arabia Mountain
- The Kinks / Black Lips - Good bad not evil
- The Kinks / Black Lips - Underneath the rainbow
- The Kinks / Blur - All the people... Blur: Live in Hyde Park 02/07/2009
- The Kinks / Blur - Live at Wembley Stadium
- The Kinks / Blur - The ballad of Darren
- The Kinks / Blur - The best of (Special edition)
- The Kinks / Blur - The magic whip
- The Kinks / Bob Dylan - Fallen angels
- The Kinks / Bob Dylan - Rough and rowdy ways
- The Kinks / Bob Dylan - Shadows in the night
- The Kinks / Bob Dylan - Triplicate
- The Kinks / Bob Geldof - How to compose popular songs that will sell
- The Kinks / Bosco Rogers - Post exotic
- The Kinks / Brakes - Touchdown
- The Kinks / Brendan Benson - Lapalco
- The Kinks / Brian Wilson - Gettin' in over my head
- The Kinks / Brian Wilson - No pier pressure
- The Kinks / Brothers Of End - The end
- The Kinks / Bryan Ferry - Avonmore
- The Kinks / Burning Brides - Fall of the plastic empire
- The Kinks / Burning Brides - Leave no ashes
- The Kinks / Caesars - Paper tigers
- The Kinks / Caesars - Strawberry weed
- The Kinks / Cage The Elephant - Social cues
- The Kinks / Cage The Elephant - Tell me I'm pretty
- The Kinks / Cage The Elephant - Unpeeled
- The Kinks / Caleb Landry Jones - The mother stone
- The Kinks / Carbon/Silicon - The last post
- The Kinks / Carl Barât And The Jackals - Let it reign
- The Kinks / Cato Salsa Experience - A good tip for a good time
- The Kinks / Clearlake - Amber
- The Kinks / Condo Fucks - Fuckbook
- The Kinks / Correcto - Correcto
- The Kinks / Crowded House - Dreamers are waiting
- The Kinks / Crowded House - Gravity stairs
- The Kinks / Crowded House - Intriguer
- The Kinks / Crowded House - Time on Earth
- The Kinks / Cut In The Hill Gang - Cut down
- The Kinks / DMA's - For now
- The Kinks / Dad Rocks! - Year of the flesh
- The Kinks / Damien Jurado - Brothers and sisters of the eternal son
- The Kinks / Damien Jurado - Maraqopa
- The Kinks / Damien Jurado - Saint Bartlett
- The Kinks / Damien Jurado - The horizon just laughed
- The Kinks / Damien Jurado - Visions of us on the land
- The Kinks / Dan Auerbach - Waiting on a song
- The Kinks / Daniel Davies - Ghost of the heart
- The Kinks / David Bowie - Conversation piece
- The Kinks / Dead Star Talk - Solid state chemicals
- The Kinks / Death - III
- The Kinks / Delta Spirit - Delta Spirit
- The Kinks / Delta Spirit - History from below
- The Kinks / Delta Spirit - Ode to sunshine
- The Kinks / Der Nino Aus Wien - Der Nino Aus Wien
- The Kinks / Der Nino Aus Wien - Ocker Mond
- The Kinks / Der Nino Aus Wien - Wach
- The Kinks / Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Alle Ampeln auf Gelb!
- The Kinks / Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Alleine auf Partys - 18 gewöhnliche
- The Kinks / Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Fuck dance, let's art!
- The Kinks / Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Gschichterln aus dem Park Café
- The Kinks / Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - It's OK to love DLDGG
- The Kinks / Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Jeder auf Erden ist wunderschön
- The Kinks / Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Rüttel mal am Käfig, die Affen sollen was machen
- The Kinks / Die Toten Hosen - Learning English lesson 3: MERSEY BEAT! The sound of Liverpool
- The Kinks / Dirty Pretty Things - Romance at short notice
- The Kinks / Dirty Pretty Things - Waterloo to anywhere
- The Kinks / Dr. Dog - B-Room
- The Kinks / Dr. Dog - Be the void
- The Kinks / Dr. Dog - Fate
- The Kinks / Dr. Dog - Shame, shame
- The Kinks / Dr. Dog - We all belong
- The Kinks / Drowners - Drowners
- The Kinks / Drowners - On desire
- The Kinks / Dumdums - It goes without saying
- The Kinks / Duncan Lloyd - Seeing double
- The Kinks / Eagles Of Death Metal - Death by sexy
- The Kinks / Eagles Of Death Metal - EODM presents Boots Electric - Performing the best songs we never wrote
- The Kinks / Eagles Of Death Metal - I love you all the time: Live at the Olympia in Paris
- The Kinks / Eagles Of Death Metal - Peace love death metal
- The Kinks / Eagles Of Death Metal - Zipper down
- The Kinks / Eagulls - Eagulls
- The Kinks / Eagulls - Ullages
- The Kinks / Eastern Lane - The article
- The Kinks / Edwyn Collins - Doctor Syntax
- The Kinks / Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky - The very best of Electric Light Orchestra
- The Kinks / Erland And The Carnival - Closing time
- The Kinks / Erland And The Carnival - Erland And The Carnival
- The Kinks / Erland And The Carnival - Nightingale
- The Kinks / Eugene McGuinness - Eugene McGuinness
- The Kinks / Euros Childs - The miracle inn
- The Kinks / Exmagician - Scan the blue
- The Kinks / FFS - FFS
- The Kinks / Family 5 - Ein richtiges Leben in Flaschen
- The Kinks / Family 5 - Was zählt
- The Kinks / Family 5 - Wege zum Ruhm
- The Kinks / Feet - What's inside is more than just ham
- The Kinks / Fidlar - Almost free
- The Kinks / Fidlar - Too
- The Kinks / Figurines - When the deer wore blue
- The Kinks / Filthy Boy - Smile that won't go down
- The Kinks / Five! Fast!! Hits!!! - Brothers from different mothers
- The Kinks / Fletcher C. Johnson - Lesson in tenderness
- The Kinks / Foxboro Hot Tubs - Stop drop and roll!!!
- The Kinks / Foxygen - Hang
- The Kinks / Foxygen - Seeing other people
- The Kinks / Franz Ferdinand - You could have it so much better
- The Kinks / Golden Smog - Another fine day
- The Kinks / Gomez - A new tide
- The Kinks / Gomez - Five men in a hut - A's, B's & rarities: 1998-2004
- The Kinks / Graham Coxon - A+E
- The Kinks / Graham Coxon - Happiness in magazines
- The Kinks / Graham Coxon - Love travels at illegal speeds
- The Kinks / Graham Day & The Gaolers - Triple distilled
- The Kinks / Grande Roses - Built on schemes
- The Kinks / Grian Chatten - Chaos for the fly
- The Kinks / Gruff Rhys - Candylion
- The Kinks / H. Hawkline - Milk for flowers
- The Kinks / Happyness - Floatr
- The Kinks / Happyness - Write in
- The Kinks / Harry Styles - Harry Styles
- The Kinks / Health & Beauty - No scare
- The Kinks / Holly Golightly - Truly she is none other
- The Kinks / Hooton Tennis Club - Big box of chocolates
- The Kinks / Hot Gossip - You look faster when you are young
- The Kinks / Hush Puppies - Silence is golden
- The Kinks / Hush Puppies - The bipolar drift
- The Kinks / Iggy Pop - Post pop depression
- The Kinks / Iggy Pop - Post pop depression: Live at the Royal Albert Hall
- The Kinks / Inhaler - Cuts & bruises
- The Kinks / International Music - Endless Rüttenscheid
- The Kinks / Islands - A sleep & a forgetting
- The Kinks / Islands - And that's why dolphins lost their legs
- The Kinks / Islands - Arm's way
- The Kinks / Islands - Islomania
- The Kinks / Islands - Should I remain here at sea?
- The Kinks / Islands - Ski mask
- The Kinks / Islands - Taste
- The Kinks / Jake Bugg - A modern day distraction
- The Kinks / James Cook - Arts and sciences
- The Kinks / James Dean Bradfield - Even in exile
- The Kinks / James Dean Bradfield - The Great Western
- The Kinks / James Skelly & The Intenders - Love undercover
- The Kinks / Jamie T - Carry on the grudge
- The Kinks / Jamie T - Kings & queens
- The Kinks / Jamie T - Trick
- The Kinks / Jennifer Gentle - The midnight room
- The Kinks / Jet - Get born
- The Kinks / Jet - Shaka rock
- The Kinks / Jet - Shine on
- The Kinks / Jim Noir - Tower of love
- The Kinks / Joel Jerome & Cosmic Bears - Cosmic bear jamboree
- The Kinks / John Lennon - Working class hero - The definitive Lennon
- The Kinks / Johnny Marr - The messenger
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - Duck
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - Education, education, education & war
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - Employment
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - Employment
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - Off with their heads
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - Souvenir: The singles 2004-2012
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - Stay together
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - The future is medieval
- The Kinks / Kaiser Chiefs - Yours truly, angry mob
- The Kinks / Keaton Henson - Kindly now
- The Kinks / Keith Richards - Crosseyed heart
- The Kinks / Kelley Stoltz - Below the branches
- The Kinks / Kelley Stoltz - Circular sounds
- The Kinks / Kilians - Lines you should not cross
- The Kinks / Kilians - They are calling your name
- The Kinks / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Fishing for fishies
- The Kinks / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Flight b741
- The Kinks / Kings Of Leon - Aha shake heartbreak
- The Kinks / Kings Of Leon - Because of the times
- The Kinks / Kings Of Leon - Come around sundown
- The Kinks / Kings Of Leon - Mechanical bull
- The Kinks / Kings Of Leon - Walls
- The Kinks / Kings Of Leon - When you see yourself
- The Kinks / Kings Of Leon - Youth and young manhood
- The Kinks / Kingsize - Love, lust and other disasters
- The Kinks / Kula Shaker - Natural magick
- The Kinks / Kyle Craft - Dolls of Highland
- The Kinks / Kyle Craft - Full circle nightmare
- The Kinks / Lail Arad - Someone new
- The Kinks / Last Days Of April - Even the good days are bad
- The Kinks / Last Days Of April - Sea of clouds
- The Kinks / Lawrence Arabia - Chant darling
- The Kinks / Lawrence Arabia - The sparrow
- The Kinks / Leoniden - Again
- The Kinks / Leoniden - Complex happenings reduced to a simple design
- The Kinks / Leoniden - Leoniden
- The Kinks / Liam Gallagher - As you were
- The Kinks / Liam Gallagher - C'mon you know
- The Kinks / Liam Gallagher - Down by the river Thames (Live)
- The Kinks / Liam Gallagher - Knebworth 22
- The Kinks / Liam Gallagher - MTV Unplugged (Live at Hull City Hall)
- The Kinks / Liam Gallagher - Why me? Why not.
- The Kinks / Liam Gallagher & John Squire - Liam Gallagher & John Squire
- The Kinks / Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie - Lindsey Buckingham & Christine McVie
- The Kinks / Little Barrie - Stand your ground
- The Kinks / Little Barrie - We are Little Barrie
- The Kinks / Little Man Tate - Nothing worth having comes easy
- The Kinks / Locas In Love - Lemming
- The Kinks / Locas In Love - Winter
- The Kinks / Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - Chambers
- The Kinks / Lou Reed - Words & music, May 1965
- The Kinks / Lucky Soul - The great unwanted
- The Kinks / Madness - The Dangermen sessions - Volume one
- The Kinks / Major Stars - Roots of confusion seeds of joy
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - Bring 'em in
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - Give me fire
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - Good times
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - Greatest hits volume 1
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - Hurricane bar
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - Infruset
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - MTV unplugged - above and beyond
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - Never seen the light of day
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - Ode to Ochrasy
- The Kinks / Mando Diao - The malevolence of Mando Diao
- The Kinks / Manic Street Preachers - Forever delayed
- The Kinks / Manic Street Preachers - Journal for plague lovers
- The Kinks / Manic Street Preachers - Know your enemy
- The Kinks / Manic Street Preachers - Send away the tigers
- The Kinks / Marianne Faithfull - Give my love to London
- The Kinks / Markus Apitius - Los Angeles
- The Kinks / Maston - Shadows
- The Kinks / Matthew E. White - K Bay
- The Kinks / Maximo Park - A certain trigger
- The Kinks / Maximo Park - Missing songs
- The Kinks / Maximo Park - Nature always wins
- The Kinks / Maximo Park - Our Earthly pleasures
- The Kinks / Maximo Park - Quicken the heart
- The Kinks / Maximo Park - Stream of life
- The Kinks / Maximo Park - The national health
- The Kinks / Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band - Dear Scott
- The Kinks / Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band - Loophole
- The Kinks / Michael Kiwanuka - Small changes
- The Kinks / Midlake - For the sake of Bethel Woods
- The Kinks / Mikal Cronin - MCII
- The Kinks / Mikal Cronin - MCIII
- The Kinks / Mikal Cronin - Seeker
- The Kinks / Mike Krol - Power chords
- The Kinks / Mike Krol - Turkey
- The Kinks / Milburn - Well well well
- The Kinks / Miles Kane - Colour of the trap
- The Kinks / Miles Kane - Coup de grace
- The Kinks / Miles Kane - Don't forget who you are
- The Kinks / Mini Mansions - Guy walks into a bar ...
- The Kinks / Mini Mansions - The great pretenders
- The Kinks / Monkeeman - Burn to shine
- The Kinks / Motorpsycho - Child of the future
- The Kinks / Mozes And The Firstborn - Dadcore
- The Kinks / Mozes And The Firstborn - Mozes And The Firstborn
- The Kinks / Mystery Jets - Making dens
- The Kinks / Mystery Jets - Radlands
- The Kinks / Mystery Jets - Twenty one
- The Kinks / Nai Harvest - Hairball
- The Kinks / Neimo - Moderne incidental
- The Kinks / Nic Armstrong - The greatest white liar
- The Kinks / Nice Boy Music - Twist
- The Kinks / Noah And The Whale - Heart of nowhere
- The Kinks / Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Back the way we came: Vol. 1 (2011-2021)
- The Kinks / Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Chasing yesterday
- The Kinks / Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Council skies
- The Kinks / Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
- The Kinks / Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Who built the moon?
- The Kinks / OCS - Live in San Francisco
- The Kinks / Oasis - Dig out your soul
- The Kinks / Oasis - Don't believe the truth
- The Kinks / Oasis - Familiar to millions
- The Kinks / Oasis - Heathen chemistry
- The Kinks / Oasis - Knebworth 1996
- The Kinks / Oasis - Standing on the shoulder of giants
- The Kinks / Oasis - Stop the clocks
- The Kinks / Oasis - Time flies... 1994-2009 (Deluxe edition)
- The Kinks / Ocean Colour Scene - A hyperactive workout for the flying squad
- The Kinks / Ocean Colour Scene - Mechanical wonder
- The Kinks / Ocean Colour Scene - North Atlantic drift
- The Kinks / Ocean Colour Scene - One from the modern
- The Kinks / Ocean Colour Scene - Painting
- The Kinks / Ocean Colour Scene - Saturday
- The Kinks / Ocean Colour Scene - Songs for the front row - The best of
- The Kinks / Of Montreal - Aureate gloom
- The Kinks / Of Montreal - Innocence reaches
- The Kinks / Of Montreal - The sunlandic twins
- The Kinks / Of Montreal - Ur fun
- The Kinks / Of Montreal - White is relic / Irrealis mood
- The Kinks / Oh Sees - Orc
- The Kinks / One Night Only - Started a fire
- The Kinks / Ought - More than any other day
- The Kinks / Painted Air - Come on 69
- The Kinks / Palma Violets - Danger in the club
- The Kinks / Pardon Ms. Arden - Pardon Ms. Arden
- The Kinks / Pardon Ms. Arden - Restless legs
- The Kinks / Parkay Quarts - Content nausea
- The Kinks / Parquet Courts - Human performance
- The Kinks / Parquet Courts - Sunbathing animal
- The Kinks / Parquet Courts - Wide awake!
- The Kinks / Paul McCartney - Egypt station
- The Kinks / Paul McCartney - McCartney III
- The Kinks / Paul McCartney - McCartney III imagined
- The Kinks / Paul McCartney - Memory almost full
- The Kinks / Paul McCartney - New
- The Kinks / Paul Weller - 66
- The Kinks / Paul Weller - Catch-flame!
- The Kinks / Paul Weller - Fat pop (Volume 1)
- The Kinks / Paul Weller - More modern classics
- The Kinks / Paul Weller - Saturns pattern
- The Kinks / Peace - Happy people
- The Kinks / Peter Doherty - Grace/Wastelands
- The Kinks / Peter Doherty - Hamburg demonstrations
- The Kinks / Peter Doherty & Frédéric Lo - The fantasy life of poetry & crime
- The Kinks / Peter Doherty & The Puta Madres - Peter Doherty & The Puta Madres
- The Kinks / Piney Gir - Mr. Hyde's wild ride
- The Kinks / Pop Levi - The return to form black magick party
- The Kinks / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - Shyga! The sunlight mound
- The Kinks / QTY - QTY
- The Kinks / Quasi - Breaking the balls of history
- The Kinks / Quasi - Mole city
- The Kinks / Quiet Slang - Everything matters but no one is listening
- The Kinks / Quilt - Plaza
- The Kinks / Rat Boy - Suburbia calling
- The Kinks / Ray Davies - Other people's lives
- The Kinks / Ray Davies - See my friends
- The Kinks / Ray Davies - Working man's café
- The Kinks / Razorlight - Razorwhat? The best of Razorlight
- The Kinks / Razorlight - Up all night
- The Kinks / Revolver - Let go
- The Kinks / Rival Sons - Great western valkyrie
- The Kinks / Rival Sons - Head down
- The Kinks / Rival Sons - Hollow bones
- The Kinks / Ron Sexsmith - Carousel one
- The Kinks / Ron Sexsmith - Exit strategy of the soul
- The Kinks / Ron Sexsmith - Forever endeavour
- The Kinks / Ron Sexsmith - Long player late bloomer
- The Kinks / Ron Sexsmith - Rarities
- The Kinks / Ron Sexsmith - Time being
- The Kinks / Rooney - Washed away
- The Kinks / Saint Leonard's Horses - Good luck everybody
- The Kinks / Saturday Looks Good To Me - Fill up the room
- The Kinks / Saturday Looks Good To Me - One kiss ends it all
- The Kinks / Scams - Add and subtract
- The Kinks / Scott Reynolds & The Steaming Beast - Adventure boy
- The Kinks / Shed Seven - Instant pleasures
- The Kinks / Sic Alps - Sic Alps
- The Kinks / Snuff - Disposable income
- The Kinks / Soft Hearted Scientists - Uncanny tales from the everyday undergrowth
- The Kinks / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Broom
- The Kinks / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Fly by wire
- The Kinks / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Let it sway
- The Kinks / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Pershing
- The Kinks / Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - The high country
- The Kinks / Sonny Smith - Rod for your love
- The Kinks / Spoon - Ga ga ga ga ga
- The Kinks / Spoon - Gimme fiction
- The Kinks / Spoon - Kill the moonlight
- The Kinks / Sports Team - Gulp!
- The Kinks / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks - Real emotional trash
- The Kinks / Stereophonics - Keep calm and carry on
- The Kinks / Stereophonics - Keep the village alive
- The Kinks / Stereophonics - Kind
- The Kinks / Stereophonics - Scream above the sounds
- The Kinks / Stompin' Souls - And it's looking a lot like nothing at all
- The Kinks / Subterfuge - I do birds
- The Kinks / Subterfuge - The legendary Eifel tapes
- The Kinks / Sugarplum Fairy - Young and armed
- The Kinks / Sunflower Bean - Human ceremony
- The Kinks / Superpunk - A young person's guide to Superpunk
- The Kinks / Superpunk - Die Seele des Menschen unter Superpunk
- The Kinks / Surfer Blood - 1000 palms
- The Kinks / Surfer Blood - Snowdonia
- The Kinks / Sweatmaster - Sharp cut
- The Kinks / Tahiti 80 - Puzzle
- The Kinks / Tahiti 80 - Wallpaper for the soul
- The Kinks / Taymir - Phosphene
- The Kinks / Teenage Fanclub - Man-made
- The Kinks / Telegram - Operator
- The Kinks / The 45s - The 45s
- The Kinks / The Apples In Stereo - New magnetic wonder
- The Kinks / The Arcs - Yours, dreamily,
- The Kinks / The Basics - Ingredients
- The Kinks / The Beatles - Let it be... naked
- The Kinks / The Beatles - Love
- The Kinks / The Beatles - On air - Live at the BBC Volume 2
- The Kinks / The Beatles - Revolver (Super deluxe)
- The Kinks / The Bees - Octopus
- The Kinks / The Bevis Frond - Example 22
- The Kinks / The Bishops - For now
- The Kinks / The Bishops - The Bishops
- The Kinks / The Bitter Twins - Global panic
- The Kinks / The Black Keys - Dropout boogie
- The Kinks / The Black Keys - Let's rock
- The Kinks / The Black Keys - Ohio Players
- The Kinks / The Black Keys - Turn blue
- The Kinks / The Blondes - Summer strut
- The Kinks / The Blood Arm - Lie lover lie
- The Kinks / The Blue Van - The art of rolling
- The Kinks / The Blueskins - Word of mouth
- The Kinks / The Bony King Of Nowhere - Eleonore
- The Kinks / The Cairo Gang - Untouchable
- The Kinks / The Chronics - Make you move
- The Kinks / The Clientele - I am not there anymore
- The Kinks / The Coral - Coral Island
- The Kinks / The Coral - Distance inbetween
- The Kinks / The Coral - Move through the dawn
- The Kinks / The Coral - The Coral
- The Kinks / The Coral - The curse of love
- The Kinks / The Cribs - Ignore the ignorant
- The Kinks / The Cribs - In the belly of the brazen bull
- The Kinks / The Cribs - The Cribs
- The Kinks / The Cribs - The new fellas
- The Kinks / The Crookes - Chasing after ghosts
- The Kinks / The Crookes - Hold fast
- The Kinks / The Crookes - Lucky ones
- The Kinks / The Datsuns - Death rattle boogie
- The Kinks / The Dead Weather - Horehound
- The Kinks / The Dead Weather - Sea of cowards
- The Kinks / The Electric Soft Parade - Idiots
- The Kinks / The Enemy - We'll live and die in these towns
- The Kinks / The Features - Exhibit A
- The Kinks / The Films - Oh, Scorpio
- The Kinks / The Flaming Sideburns - Keys to the highway
- The Kinks / The Fratellis - Costello music
- The Kinks / The Fratellis - Eyes wide, tongue tied
- The Kinks / The Fratellis - We need medicine
- The Kinks / The Futureheads - The chaos
- The Kinks / The Futureheads - This is not the world
- The Kinks / The Greenhornes - Sewed soles
- The Kinks / The Havenots - Never say goodnight
- The Kinks / The Hiss - Panic movement
- The Kinks / The Hives - Lex Hives
- The Kinks / The Hives - The black and white album
- The Kinks / The Hives - The death of Randy Fitzsimmons
- The Kinks / The Horror The Horror - Wired boy child
- The Kinks / The Hot Rats - Turn ons
- The Kinks / The House Of Love - Days run away
- The Kinks / The House Of Love - She paints words in red
- The Kinks / The Jaded Hearts Club - You've always been here
- The Kinks / The Jam - About the young idea – The very best of The Jam
- The Kinks / The Jayhawks - Mockingbird time
- The Kinks / The Jayhawks - Paging Mr. Proust
- The Kinks / The Jayhawks - XOXO
- The Kinks / The Jeevas - 1, 2, 3, 4
- The Kinks / The Jessica Fletchers - What happened to the?
- The Kinks / The King Khan & BBQ Show - What's for dinner?
- The Kinks / The Kooks - Inside in / Inside out
- The Kinks / The Kooks - Junk of the heart
- The Kinks / The Kooks - Konk
- The Kinks / The Last Shadow Puppets - Everything you've come to expect
- The Kinks / The Last Shadow Puppets - The age of the understatement
- The Kinks / The Lathums - From nothing to a little bit more
- The Kinks / The Lathums - How beautiful life can be
- The Kinks / The Leisure Society - Alone aboard the ark
- The Kinks / The Leisure Society - Into the murky water
- The Kinks / The Leisure Society - The sleeper
- The Kinks / The Lemon Twigs - A dream is all we know
- The Kinks / The Lemon Twigs - Do Hollywood
- The Kinks / The Lemon Twigs - Everything harmony
- The Kinks / The Lemon Twigs - Go to school
- The Kinks / The Lemon Twigs - Songs for the general public
- The Kinks / The Libertines - All quiet on the Eastern Esplanade
- The Kinks / The Libertines - Anthems for doomed youth
- The Kinks / The Libertines - The Libertines
- The Kinks / The Libertines - The best of - Time for heroes
- The Kinks / The Libertines - Up the bracket
- The Kinks / The Living End - Wunderbar
- The Kinks / The Luka State - Fall in fall out
- The Kinks / The Maccabees - Marks to prove it
- The Kinks / The Magic Gang - The Magic Gang
- The Kinks / The Magic Numbers - Alias
- The Kinks / The Maharajas - Unrelated statements
- The Kinks / The Masons vs. Smallstone - Rare live loud plus Tracks from Smallstone
- The Kinks / The Men - Drift
- The Kinks / The Men - New moon
- The Kinks / The Men - Tomorrow's hits
- The Kinks / The Minus Five - Down with Wilco (A tragedy in three halfs)
- The Kinks / The Monkees - Good times!
- The Kinks / The Monochords - Volume 1
- The Kinks / The Moonbabies - At the ballroom
- The Kinks / The Mother Hips - Green hills of Earth
- The Kinks / The New Pornographers - Challengers
- The Kinks / The New Pornographers - Continue as a guest
- The Kinks / The New Pornographers - Electric version
- The Kinks / The Ocelots - Started to wonder
- The Kinks / The Orwells - Disgraceland
- The Kinks / The Orwells - Terrible human beings
- The Kinks / The Pattern - Real feelness
- The Kinks / The Pigeon Detectives - We met at sea
- The Kinks / The Pretenders - Alone
- The Kinks / The Pretenders - The best of / Break up the concrete
- The Kinks / The Raconteurs - Consolers of the lonely
- The Kinks / The Rakes - Capture / Release
- The Kinks / The Rascals - Rascalize
- The Kinks / The Rifles - Big life
- The Kinks / The Rifles - Big life
- The Kinks / The Rifles - Freedom run
- The Kinks / The Rifles - Great escape
- The Kinks / The Rifles - No love lost
- The Kinks / The Rifles - None the wiser
- The Kinks / The Rolling Stones - A bigger bang
- The Kinks / The Rolling Stones - Blue & lonesome
- The Kinks / The Rolling Stones - Grrr!
- The Kinks / The Rolling Stones - Honk
- The Kinks / The Rolling Stones - Live licks
- The Kinks / The Rolling Stones - Shine a light
- The Kinks / The Rolling Stones - Welcome to Shepherd's Bush
- The Kinks / The Screamin' Stukas - A lotta rhythm
- The Kinks / The Sheepdogs - The Sheepdogs
- The Kinks / The Smiths - The sound of The Smiths
- The Kinks / The Strypes - Little victories
- The Kinks / The Strypes - Snapshot
- The Kinks / The Strypes - Snapshot
- The Kinks / The Style Council - Long hot summers - The story of The Style Council
- The Kinks / The Tellers - Hands full of ink
- The Kinks / The Temperance Movement - White bear
- The Kinks / The Twang - Love it when I feel like this
- The Kinks / The Undertones - An anthology
- The Kinks / The Vaccines - Come of age
- The Kinks / The Vaccines - What did you expect from The Vaccines?
- The Kinks / The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (45th anniversary deluxe edition)
- The Kinks / The Vices - Before it might be gone
- The Kinks / The View - Bread and circuses
- The Kinks / The View - Cheeky for a reason
- The Kinks / The View - Ropewalk
- The Kinks / The View - Seven year setlist
- The Kinks / The View - Which bitch?
- The Kinks / The Virgins - The Virgins
- The Kinks / The Wake Woods - Get outta my way
- The Kinks / The Waterboys - An appointment with Mr. Yeats
- The Kinks / The Waterboys - Modern blues
- The Kinks / The Wave Pictures - Instant coffee baby
- The Kinks / The Wave Pictures - Look inside your heart
- The Kinks / The Who - Endless wire
- The Kinks / The Who - The Who hits 50!
- The Kinks / The Who - Who
- The Kinks / The Zombies - Different game
- The Kinks / The Zutons - The big decider
- The Kinks / The Zutons - Tired of hanging around
- The Kinks / The Zutons - You can do anything
- The Kinks / Thee Attacks - Dirty sheets
- The Kinks / Thee Oh Sees - A weird exits
- The Kinks / Thee Oh Sees - Mutilator defeated at last
- The Kinks / Tim Burgess - I believe
- The Kinks / Tim Presley's White Fence - I have to feed Larry's hawk
- The Kinks / Tom Petty - Wildflowers & All the rest
- The Kinks / Trademark - Future analogue
- The Kinks / Trashmonkeys - Favourite enemy
- The Kinks / Trashmonkeys - Smile
- The Kinks / Trashmonkeys - The maker
- The Kinks / Travis - 10 Songs
- The Kinks / Travis - Everything at once
- The Kinks / Travis - L.A. Times
- The Kinks / Travis - Ode to J. Smith
- The Kinks / Travis - Where you stand
- The Kinks / Treefight For Sunlight - Treefight For Sunlight
- The Kinks / Trevor Sensor - Andy Warhol's dream
- The Kinks / Tribes - Baby
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Emotional mugger
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - First taste
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Freedom's goblin
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Fudge sandwich
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Harmonizer
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Hello, hi
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Manipulator
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Sleeper
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Three bells
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Ty Segall
- The Kinks / Ty Segall - Whirlybird (Original motion picture soundtrack)
- The Kinks / Ty Segall & White Fence - Hair
- The Kinks / Ty Segall & White Fence - Joy
- The Kinks / Ultimate Painting - Green lanes
- The Kinks / Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
- The Kinks / Various Artists - George fest: A night to celebrate the music of George Harrison
- The Kinks / Viktor & The Blood - Apocalypse right now
- The Kinks / Walking Concert - Run to be born
- The Kinks / Wand - 1000 days
- The Kinks / Wand - Ganglion reef
- The Kinks / Wand - Laughing matter
- The Kinks / Wand - Perfume
- The Kinks / Wand - Plum
- The Kinks / We Are Scientists - Helter seltzer
- The Kinks / Whores & Thieves - Anti echo chamber
- The Kinks / Wilco - Cruel country
- The Kinks / Wilco - Ode to joy
- The Kinks / Wilco - Schmilco
- The Kinks / Wilco - Star wars
- The Kinks / Wild Billy Childish & The Buff Medways - Medway wheelers
- The Kinks / Wild Billy Childish & The Musicians Of The British Empire - Christmas 1979
- The Kinks / Wild Smiles - Always tomorrow
- The Kinks / Young Buffalo - House
- The Kinks / Gomez - Split the difference
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