Interpreten 29 Treffer
Titel 32 Treffer
Tracks 311 Treffer
- Dis generation / A Tribe Called Quest - We got it from here... Thank you 4 your service
- Unangenehm (feat. Wutgruppe 0) / Adam Angst - Twist
- Keine Gefangenen / Afrob - Push
- Genetic design for dying / Aiden - Nightmare anatomy
- Mein eigenes Café (feat. Hartz Angels) / Akne Kid Joe - Die Jungs von AKJ
- Next generation / Alphaville - Forever! Best of 40 years
- General joy / Tori Amos - The beekeeper
- Genesis / Anjimile - The king
- Gott Generator / Die Arbeit - Material
- Dungeness / Athlete - Vehicles & animals
- weitere Ergebnisse anzeigen
- Generation / Audio Bullys - Generation
- Good generation / Aufgang - Aufgang
- Degenerated / Backyard Babies - Backyard Babies
- Genesis / Baest - Necro sapiens
- The general specific / Band Of Horses - Cease to begin
- Crippling self doubt and a general lack of self-confidence / Courtney Barnett - Tell me how you really feel
- Disco (feat. Tommy Genesis) / Nessa Barrett - Aftercare
- Generational synthetic / Beach Fossils - Clash the truth
- Mein eigenes Leben entführte mich / Bernd Begemann & Die Befreiung - Eine kurze Liste mit Forderungen
- Gene Autry / Beulah - The coast is never clear
- General Patton (feat. Big Rube) / Big Boi - Sir Lucious Left Foot: The son of Chico Dusty
- Now generation / The Black Eyed Peas - The E.N.D. (The energy never dies)
- Generation / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Take them on, on your own
- Generational divide / Blink-182 - Nine
- Gene by gene / Blur - Think tank
- The wrong generation / Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub - Earthly powers
- Eugene / Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub - The red
- Generation tranquilized / Bombshell Rocks - Generation tranqulized
- Regenerate / Booka Shade - More!
- Third generation pink slip / The Book Of Knots - Traineater
- Group autogenetics I / The Books - The way out
- Group autogenetics II / The Books - The way out
- Genesis / Boris - No
- General dome / Buke And Gase - General dome
- General / Buraka Som Sistema - Black diamond
- Missing beats (of a generation) / The Charlatans - You cross my path
- Burst generator / The Chemical Brothers - We are the night
- Scum gene (Trash vibrato) / Child Bite - Vision crimes / Monomania
- Geneva / Chokebore - It's a miracle
- Maggot generation / Chung - The demented mentors of spazzwave
- La generique / Cinema Bizarre - ToyZ
- La generique fin / Cinema Bizarre - ToyZ
- Genesis / Benjamin Clementine - And I have been
- Generic skincare / Coilguns - Odd love
- 62 (My generation's falling apart) / Cold Years - Paradise
- Oh Genevieve / Lloyd Cole - Broken record
- Genesis / Collapse Under The Empire - Recurring
- General attitude / Collective Soul - Youth
- Don't you feel it? (Eugene Wallace) / Phil Collins - Plays well with others
- CD3: No son of mine (Genesis) / Phil Collins - Plays well with others
- Black light generator / Crippled Black Phoenix - White light generator
- Generation fork / Critical Mess - Man made machine made man
- Carta bianca (Sven Regener) / Crucchi Gang - Crucchi Gang
- Generation Maximum / Culk - Generation Maximum
- Not my generation / Cultdreams - Things that hurt
- The genesis / Meechy Darko - Gothic luxury
- Harmonic generator / The Datsuns - The Datsuns
- Kids (feat. Genetikk) / DCVDNS - Der erste tighte Wei$$e
- Looc tsi Natas (feat. Genetikk) / DCVDNS - Der erste tighte Wei$$e
- Genesis (feat. Jill Scott) / De La Soul - And the anonymous Nobody
- Meme generator / Dan Deacon - Gliss riffer
- Generations / Dead Star Talk - Solid state chemicals
- Beat generation / The Dead 60s - Time to take sides
- Degeneration Street / The Dears - Degeneration Street
- Genesis / Deftones - Ohms
- Generators / Deine Lakaien - White lies
- Generators / Deine Lakaien - In concert 2002
- Generators / Deine Lakaien - XXX. The 30 years retrospective
- Generators (Acoustic) (Berlin, Lukaskirche 2001) / Deine Lakaien - XXX. The 30 years retrospective
- The give up gene / dEUS - Following sea
- For Eugene / Kevin Devine - Bulldozer
- Generic song about you / Disheveled Cuss - Disheveled Cuss
- Regeneration / The Divine Comedy - Regeneration
- Generation sex / The Divine Comedy - Charmed life – The best of
- Skinny genes / Eliza Doolittle - Eliza Doolittle
- General hum / Doomsquad - Let yourself be seen
- I'm Gene / The Drips - The Drips
- Genesis / Dua Lipa - Dua Lipa
- Genevieve / Chris Eckman - The land we knew the best
- Generator / Elastica - The menace
- Genea / Elliott - Song in the air
- Zerschlagenes Herz / Emirsian - Lezoon
- Pigeneration / Enon - Grass geysers...carbon clouds
- Sad generation, happy people (feat. Flyana Boss) / Noga Erez - The vandalist
- Billie's genes / Everybody Was In The French Resistance ... Now! - Fixin' the charts Volume one
- Generation YouPorn / Faber - I fucking love my life
- Generation YouPorn / Faber - Orpheum
- Jede Generation / Die Fantastischen Vier - Viel
- Genexus / Fear Factory - Genexus
- Regenerate / Fear Factory - Genexus
- Generation freakshow / Feeder - Generation freakshow
- Der Himmel weint (mit Sven Regener) / Fehlfarben - 26½
- Jein (mit Sven Regener) / Fettes Brot - Gebäck in the days – Live in Hamburg
- Jein (mit Sven Regener) / Fettes Brot - Gebäck in the days – Live in Hamburg
- Why generation / Fidlar - Too
- Lost generation / The Flaming Sideburns - Keys to the highway
- Generator / Foo Fighters - There is nothing left to lose
- Generator 1st floor / Freelance Whales - Weathervanes
- Generator 2nd floor / Freelance Whales - Weathervanes
- CD1: Every generation got its own disease / Fury In The Slaughterhouse - Acoustic Grand Cru classé
- Every generation got its own disease / Fury In The Slaughterhouse - Don't look back
- Every generation got its own disease / Fury In The Slaughterhouse - Farewell & goodbye tour 2008
- Every generation got its own disease / Fury In The Slaughterhouse - Farewell & goodbye tour 2008
- Genet's journey / Gabi Garbutt & The Illuminations - Cockerel
- Our generation / Garlic - The murky world of seats
- Fukk Genetikk / Genetikk - Fukk Genetikk
- Robes (feat. Earl Sweatshirt & Domo Genesis) / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Piñata
- Pinata (feat. Suleiman, Meechy Darko, Marc Miller, Casey Veggies, Domo Genesis, G-Wiz) / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Piñata
- Eigenes Berlin / Gloria - Gloria
- The general says hell yeah / Gluecifer - Tender is the savage
- Generation good-bye / Gods Of Blitz - Stolen horse
- Generation day / Godsmack - 1000hp
- Utopia (Genetically enriched) / Goldfrapp - The singles
- Generation RX / Good Charlotte - Generation RX
- My generation / Green Day - Awesome as f**k
- Genesis / Grimes - Visions
- Wave generators / David Grubbs - A guess at the riddle
- Generational fear / Guinevere - To all the lost souls
- Hyper-intelligent genetically enriched cyborg / Helena Hauff - Qualm
- Generosity / Hauschka - Philanthropy
- Biogenesis (Undo creation) / Heaven Shall Burn - Deaf to our prayers
- Palingenesis / Hello Pity - Naked
- Das Zugezogene / Herr Nilsson - Einfacher sein
- Generator / The Holloways - So this is Great Britain?
- Saddest generation / Ider - Emotional education
- Generational / The Invisible - Rispah
- Oxygene 14 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 3
- Oxygene 15 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 3
- Oxygene 16 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 3
- Oxygene 17 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 3
- Oxygene 18 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 3
- Oxygene 19 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 3
- Oxygene 20 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 3
- CD1: Oxygene 1 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Planet Jarre - 50 years of music
- Oxygene 19 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Planet Jarre - 50 years of music
- Oxygene 20 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Planet Jarre - 50 years of music
- Oxygene 4 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Planet Jarre - 50 years of music
- Oxygene 2 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Planet Jarre - 50 years of music
- Oxygene 8 / Jean-Michel Jarre - Planet Jarre - 50 years of music
- Animal genesis / Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxymore
- Generation / Jeshi - Universal credit
- The zealot gene / Jethro Tull - The zealot gene
- Steed (for Jean Genet) / Joan As Police Woman - Damned devotion
- Come along (There's a gene) / Johnossi - Mavericks
- Museum der eigenen Irrtümer / Just For Fun - Im Museum der eigenen Irrtümer
- Genesis / Justice - †
- Genesis / Justice - A cross the universe
- Genesis x Phantom / Justice - Woman worldwide
- Generator / Justice - Hyperdrama
- Generation Andi / Karate Andi - Pilsatør Platin
- Dungeness / Kele - The waves pt. 1
- Generation ex / Kent - Tillbaka till samtiden
- A generation devoid of inspiration / Kinesis - Handshakes for bullets
- Bittersweet genesis for him AND her / Kishi Bashi - Lighght
- Radioactive (Gene Simmons) / Kiss - Kiss 40
- Generalprobe, kleiner Saal / Klotzs - Sucht
- Madame Geneva's / Mark Knopfler - Kill to get crimson
- Generation / Kokon - Generation
- Mit eigenen Augen / Nils Koppruch - Den Teufel tun
- Mon general / Kreisky - Blitz
- White light generation / Ladytron - Witching hour
- Deine eigene Art / Bernadette La Hengst - Integrier mich, Baby
- Peppers (feat. Tommy Genesis) / Lana Del Rey - Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
- Generous bones / Mélissa Laveaux - Dying is a wild night
- Our generation (The hope of the world) / John Legend & The Roots - Wake up!
- Generation handclap / Library Voices - Summer of lust
- Generation handclap (Kitchen Party Remix) / Library Voices - Summer of lust
- Ein Fremder in der eigenen Stadt / Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Jeder auf Erden ist wunderschön
- My generation / Limp Bizkit - Greatest hitz
- My generation / Limp Bizkit - Chocolate starfish and the hot dog flavored water
- Pent up genes / Listener - Being empty: being filled
- Generation / Liturgy - Aesthethica
- The bones of generations / Logh - The raging sun
- This is how you spell "Ha ha ha, we destroyed the hopes and dreams of a generation of faux-romantics" / Los Campesinos! - Hold on now, youngster...
- Genevieve / LostAlone - Say no to the world
- Dogon genesis / Lumerians - The high frontier
- Blank generation / Machine Head - Supercharger
- Generation im Arsch / Madsen - Wo es beginnt
- Our generation / Marcy Playground - Shapeshifter
- Reprogram the gene / Marillion - An hour before it's dark
- Generate! Generate! / Johnny Marr - The messenger
- Dominant genes / Maxim - Hell's kitchen
- Random celebrity insult generator (SBN session) / McLusky - McLuskyism
- My generation / Melvins - The bride screamed murder
- Irgendwie unangenehm / Mikroboy - Eine Frage der Zeit
- Knightrider Generation / Mikrokosmos23 - Memorandum
- Generosity / Mirah - (a)spera
- Another generation / Roger Miret & The Disasters - My riot
- Genesis / Mobilée - Walking on a twine
- Degenerates / Moby - Last night
- Generational dust / John Moreland - Birds in the ceiling
- Restore—calling Generation X / Alanis Morissette - The storm before the calm
- Next generation / Bob Mould - Blue hearts
- Genesis 3:23 / The Mountain Goats - The life of the world to come
- Genesis 30:3 / The Mountain Goats - The life of the world to come
- No hope generation / Mura Masa - R.Y.C
- Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture) / Muse - The resistance
- Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination) / Muse - The resistance
- Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption) / Muse - The resistance
- Generation swine / Mötley Crüe - Red, white & Crüe
- I can't listen to Gene Clark anymore / Marissa Nadler - For my crimes
- Beschlagene Gedanken / Narziss - Echo
- My generation (feat. Joss Stone & Lil Wayne) / Nas & Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley - Distant relatives
- Degenerate / New Found Glory - Resurrection
- I won't be your generator / No Age - An object
- Generation Z / NOFX - First ditch effort
- General springer / Mary Ocher - War songs
- Enemy gene / Of Montreal - False priest
- Insert generic name / Okay Kaya - Watch this liquid pour itself
- Genetic engineering / OMD - Souvenir: The singles collection 1979 - 2019
- General electric / The Ophelias - Almost
- Selfish gene / Panda Bear - Panda Bear meets the grim reaper
- Eugene / Arlo Parks - Collapsed in sunbeams
- General P. counterintelligence: target=37:47:36n, 122:33:17w / General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners - Joint special operations task force
- Lazy generation / Pauls Jets - Jazzfest
- Fight this generation / Pavement - Quarantine the past
- Generation Memory / Pendikel - Pendikeland
- Genesis / Pendulum - Immersion
- X generation / Pennywise - All or nothing
- Valley general / Perfume Genius - No shape
- The passage of the black gene / Elvis Perkins - I aubade
- Genevieve / Pianos Become The Teeth - Drift
- Ramblin' mind (David Eugene Edwards) / The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project - We are only riders
- Just like Mexican love (David Eugene Edwards & Crippled Black Phoenix) / The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project - We are only riders
- Genesis (feat. Brasstracks) / Polyphia - Remember that you will die
- Grim generation / Portugal. The Man - Chris Black changed my life
- Eugene / Press Club - Endless motion
- Generation Porno / Prinz Pi - Rebell ohne Grund
- Generation Porno / Prinz Pi - Hallo Musik
- Degeneration game / Pulled Apart By Horses - Tough love
- Silent genesis / Pure Reason Revolution - Eupnea
- I like to dance (feat. Krondon & General Steele) / Quakers - Quakers
- Let there be gene / Queen + Paul Rodgers - Return of the champions
- Degeneration / Rangleklods - Straitjacket
- Last generation / The Rasmus - Hide from the sun
- Genesis / Ren - Sick boi
- Generation Rock / Revolverheld - Revolverheld
- Jesus, Satan, Gene Beeman, his car & Pizza Hut / Scott Reynolds & The Steaming Beast - Adventure boy
- Genesis of poetry / Max Richter - Three worlds: Music from Woolf works
- The general / The Rifles - Great escape
- Nowhere generation / Rise Against - Nowhere generation
- New generation slave / Riverside - Shrine of new generation slaves
- Genes I'm always wearing / Amanda Rogers - Wild
- Der schöne General / Romano - Jenseits von Köpenick
- Verborgener Schatz / Tilman Rossmy Quartett - In einem fremden Land
- Generation fade / Xavier Rudd - Food in the belly
- Geneva / Russian Circles - Geneva
- Generation L(ost) / L.A. Salami - The city of bootmakers
- Grace general / John K. Samson - Provincial
- Generative model / Enrico Sangiuliano - Biomorph
- My generation / Kristof Schreuf - Bourgeois with guitar
- New generation / Scorpions - Unbreakable
- Gene & Eddie / The Brian Setzer Orchestra - Don't mess with a big band
- Eugene & Maurice / Ariel Sharratt & Mathias Kom (The Burning Hell) - Don't believe the hyperreal
- The general electric / Shihad - The general electric
- Generation Y (we got it) / Shy Child - Noise won't stop
- Maskerade (feat. Genetikk, Marsimoto) / Sido - 30-11-80
- Generation / Simple Plan - Simple Plan
- Random haiku generator / Sin Fang, Sóley & Örvar Smárason - Team dreams
- Eugene / Sludgefeast - Virtua-rock
- Generations lost / Solander - Passing Mt. Satu
- Generation loss / Spanish Love Songs - Brave faces everyone
- Silly eye-color generalizations / Regina Spektor - Live in London
- Silly eye-color generalizations / Regina Spektor - Live in London
- Brand new genes / Steakknife - Plugged into the amp of God
- Halbvergangener Tag / Die Sterne - Die Sterne
- Eugene / Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell
- Regeneration / Stone Temple Pilots - Shangri-la dee da
- Timebomb generation / Strike Anywhere - Change is a sound
- New generation / Suede - Singles
- New generation / Suede - The best of
- Meine Generation / Surrogat - Hell in hell
- Pedal to the metal (feat. Gene Serene) / T.Raumschmiere - I tank you
- Genesis of precious thoughts / Tangerine Dream - Quantum gate
- Generation maybe (feat. Megaloh) / Teesy - Glücksrezepte
- The looping generation / John Tejada - Dead start program
- The beigeness / Kate Tempest - Everybody down
- Of reality - palingenesis / TesseracT - Altered state
- Regenesis / Textures - Drawing circles
- The new strangeness / Tocotronic - K.O.O.K. (Englische Version)
- Genesis / Devin Townsend - Empath
- Who's my Eugene / Tropical Fuck Storm - Braindrops
- Gene Ciampi / Twin Sister - In Heaven
- Window (feat. Domo Genesis, Frank Ocean, Hodgy Beats & Mike G) / Tyler, The Creator - Goblin
- Rusty (feat. Domo Genesis, Earl Sweatshirt & Jason Dill) / Tyler, The Creator - Wolf
- Manifesto (feat. Domo Genesis) / Tyler, The Creator - Call me if you get lost
- Batteri generator / Under Byen - Det er mig der holder træerne sammen
- Gene pool / Underworld - Strawberry hotel
- Say goodbye to general figment of the USS Imagination / United Nations - United Nations
- Generation throwaway / The Used - Imaginary enemy
- Degeneration / Vallenfyre - Fear those who fear him
- General Taylor (Richard Thompson with Jack Shit) / Various Artists - Son of Rogues gallery - Pirate ballads, sea songs & chanteys
- Genesis (Spencer.) / Various Artists - Bills & aches & blues (40 years of 4AD)
- Pleasant street (Geneva) / Various Artists - Sing a song for you - Tribute to Tim Buckley
- Bjergene / Vil - Mens vi falder stille
- Generational loss / Violens - Amoral
- Genesis / VNV Nation - Futureperfect
- Generic city / Yan Wagner - This never happened
- Generation fucked / Wakrat - Wakrat
- Generator larping / Wand - Ganglion reef
- Regeneration no. 1 / M. Ward - Transistor radio
- Generation why / Weyes Blood - Front row seat to Earth
- Degeneration / When Saints Go Machine - Infinity pool
- Gene pool style / Whirlwind Heat - Types of wood
- Generation / Whores & Thieves - Anti echo chamber
- My generation / The Who - The Who hits 50!
- Random name generator / Wilco - Star wars
- Generation spent / Charlie Winston - Hobo
- E generation / Zebrahead - Playmate of the year
- Wasted generation / Zebrahead - Walk the plank
- Generation P / Zucker - Generation P
Referenzen 1033 Treffer
- Genesis / Big Big Train - English electric part two
- Genesis / Big Big Train - Folklore
- Genesis / Big Big Train - Welcome to the planet
- Mondo Generator / Nick Oliveri's Uncontrollable - Leave me alone
- Baptist Generals / Royal City - Little heart's ease
- Black Hole Generator / Alfahanne - Blod eld alfa
- Black Hole Generator / Alfahanne - Det nya svarta
- Carla Geneve / Cash Savage And The Last Drinks - So this is love
- D Generation / Jesse Malin & The St. Marks Social - Love it to life
- David Eugene Edwards / Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter - Saved!
- weitere Ergebnisse anzeigen
- David Eugene Edwards / Willard Grant Conspiracy - Untethered
- Degenerate Art Ensemble / The Dead Science - Villainaire
- Degeneration / Booka Shade - More!
- Die 3. Generation / Oli. P - Hey Freiheit – Das Album
- Domo Genesis / 81355 - This time I'll be of use
- Domo Genesis / Badbadnotgood & Ghostface Killah - Sour soul
- Domo Genesis / Clipping. - Splendor & misery
- Domo Genesis / Clipping. - There existed an addiction to blood
- Domo Genesis / Clipping. - Visions of bodies being burned
- Domo Genesis / Danny Brown - Atrocity exhibition
- Domo Genesis / Danny Brown - Quaranta
- Domo Genesis / Danny Brown - uknowhatimsayin¿
- Domo Genesis / Denzel Curry - Melt my eyez see your future
- Domo Genesis / Earl Sweatshirt - I don't like shit, I don't go outside
- Domo Genesis / Earl Sweatshirt - Sick!
- Domo Genesis / Earl Sweatshirt - Some rap songs
- Domo Genesis / Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist - Voir dire
- Domo Genesis / Earl Sweatshirt & The Alchemist - Voir dire
- Domo Genesis / Frank Ocean - Blonde
- Domo Genesis / Frank Ocean - Channel Orange
- Domo Genesis / Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Piñata
- Domo Genesis / Hemlock Ernst & Kenny Segal - Back at the house
- Domo Genesis / Hodgy - Fireplace: Thenottheotherside
- Domo Genesis / Knife Knights - 1 time mirage
- Domo Genesis / Macklemore - Gemini
- Domo Genesis / Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - This unruly mess I've made
- Domo Genesis / Noname - Room 25
- Domo Genesis / Noname - Telefone
- Domo Genesis / NxWorries - Why Lawd?
- Domo Genesis / Porter Ray - Watercolor
- Domo Genesis / Schoolboy Q - Blank face LP
- Domo Genesis / Schoolboy Q - Crash talk
- Domo Genesis / Schoolboy Q - Oxymoron
- Domo Genesis / Tyler, The Creator - Call me if you get lost
- Domo Genesis / Tyler, The Creator - Cherry bomb
- Domo Genesis / Tyler, The Creator - Chromakopia
- Domo Genesis / Tyler, The Creator - Flower boy
- Domo Genesis / Tyler, The Creator - Goblin
- Domo Genesis / Tyler, The Creator - Igor
- Domo Genesis / Tyler, The Creator - Wolf
- Eugene Chadbourne / Brother JT - The svelteness of boogietude
- Eugene Chadbourne / Camper Van Beethoven - Popular songs of great enduring strength and beauty
- Eugene Chadbourne / Cracker - Berkeley to Bakersfield
- Eugene Chadbourne / David Lowery - The palace guards
- Eugene Chadbourne / Fotos - Auf zur Illumination!
- Eugene Chadbourne / International Music - Die besten Jahre
- Eugene McGuiness / Jack Peñate - After you
- Eugene McGuinness / Cat's Eyes - The Duke of Burgundy
- Eugene McGuinness / Jake Bugg - Hearts that strain
- Eugene McGuinness / Jake Bugg - Jake Bugg
- Eugene McGuinness / Jake Bugg - On my one
- Eugene McGuinness / Jake Bugg - Shangri la
- Eugene McGuinness / Lawrence Arabia - Chant darling
- Eugene McGuinness / Slow Club - Yeah, so
- Gen And The Degenerates / Gossip - Real power
- Gen And The Degenerates / Lambrini Girls - Who let the dogs out
- Gene / Aveo - Battery
- Gene / Blur - All the people... Blur: Live in Hyde Park 02/07/2009
- Gene / Blur - The best of (Special edition)
- Gene / British Sea Power - Do you like rock music?
- Gene / Chilly Gonzales & Jarvis Cocker - Room 29
- Gene / Cousteau - Sirena
- Gene / Dead Star Talk - Solid state chemicals
- Gene / Decoration - Don't disappoint me now
- Gene / Delilahs - Greetings from Gardentown
- Gene / Desperate Journalist - Grow up
- Gene / Duncan Lloyd - Seeing double
- Gene / Elefant - Sunlight makes me paranoid
- Gene / Embrace - If you've never been
- Gene / Five O'Clock Heroes - Bend to the breaks
- Gene / Flashguns - Passions of a different kind
- Gene / Fotos - Porzellan
- Gene / Gay Dad - Transmission
- Gene / Gaz Coombes - Matador
- Gene / Gaz Coombes - World's strongest man
- Gene / Gruff Rhys - Candylion
- Gene / Gwenmars - Driving a million
- Gene / Happy Mondays - Uncle dysfunktional
- Gene / IV Thieves - If we can't escape my pretty ...
- Gene / JJ72 - I to sky
- Gene / JJ72 - JJ72
- Gene / James - All the colours of you
- Gene / James - Girl at the end of the world
- Gene / James - Hey Ma
- Gene / James - La petite mort
- Gene / James - Pleased to meet you
- Gene / Jarvis Cocker - Jarvis
- Gene / Maximo Park - A certain trigger
- Gene / Maximo Park - Missing songs
- Gene / Maximo Park - Our Earthly pleasures
- Gene / Maximo Park - Quicken the heart
- Gene / Morrissey - California son
- Gene / Morrissey - Greatest hits
- Gene / Morrissey - I am not a dog on a chain
- Gene / Morrissey - Live at Earls Court
- Gene / Morrissey - Low in high school
- Gene / Morrissey - Ringleader of the tormentors
- Gene / Morrissey - World peace is none of your business
- Gene / Morrissey - Years of refusal
- Gene / Morrissey - You are the quarry
- Gene / My Life Story - World citizen
- Gene / Mystery Jets - Making dens
- Gene / Mystery Jets - Serotonin
- Gene / Mystery Jets - Twenty one
- Gene / Nightmare Of You - Nightmare Of You
- Gene / Oasis - Dig out your soul
- Gene / Oasis - Don't believe the truth
- Gene / Oasis - Heathen chemistry
- Gene / Oasis - Knebworth 1996
- Gene / Oasis - Stop the clocks
- Gene / Oasis - Time flies... 1994-2009 (Deluxe edition)
- Gene / Ocean Colour Scene - A hyperactive workout for the flying squad
- Gene / Ocean Colour Scene - Mechanical wonder
- Gene / Ocean Colour Scene - One from the modern
- Gene / Ocean Colour Scene - Painting
- Gene / Ocean Colour Scene - Saturday
- Gene / Ocean Colour Scene - Songs for the front row - The best of
- Gene / Paul Smith & Peter Brewis - Frozen by sight
- Gene / Seafruit - I feel a bit normal today
- Gene / Shed Seven - Instant pleasures
- Gene / Smith Westerns - Dye it blonde
- Gene / Spearmint - Paris in a bottle
- Gene / Suede - Autofiction
- Gene / Suede - Bloodsports
- Gene / Suede - Head music
- Gene / Suede - Night thoughts
- Gene / Suede - Singles
- Gene / Suede - The best of
- Gene / Suede - The blue hour
- Gene / Sugarplum Fairy - Young and armed
- Gene / Teenage Fanclub - Howdy!
- Gene / Teenage Fanclub & Jad Fair - Words of wisdom and hope
- Gene / The Alarm - In the poppy fields
- Gene / The Big Pink - A brief history of love
- Gene / The Big Pink - Future this
- Gene / The Charlatans - Who we touch
- Gene / The Crash - Comfort deluxe
- Gene / The Dears - Degeneration Street
- Gene / The Dears - Gang of losers
- Gene / The Dears - Times infinity volume one
- Gene / The Frank And Walters - Songs for the walking wounded
- Gene / The Heartbreaks - Funtimes
- Gene / The House Of Love - Days run away
- Gene / The House Of Love - She paints words in red
- Gene / The Indelicates - American demo
- Gene / The Maccabees - Wall of arms
- Gene / The Rakes - Ten new messages
- Gene / The Rifles - No love lost
- Gene / The Sleepy Jackson - Personality (One was a spider. One was a bird)
- Gene / The Trouble With Templeton - Rookie
- Gene / The Veils - The runaway found
- Gene / The Wonder Stuff - Suspended by stars
- Gene / Trademark - Future analogue
- Gene / Vinny Peculiar - The fall and rise of Vinny Peculiar
- Gene / Weeping Willows - Endless night
- Gene Austin / Rod Stewart With Jools Holland - Swing fever
- Gene Austin / Ulrich Tukur & Die Rhythmus Boys - Es leuchten die Sterne
- Gene Chandler / Plan B - The defamation of Strickland Banks
- Gene Clark / Bob Dylan - Another self portrait (1969-1971): The bootleg series Vol. 10
- Gene Clark / Bob Dylan - Christmas in the heart
- Gene Clark / Bob Dylan - Dylan
- Gene Clark / Bob Dylan - The cutting edge 1965-1966: The bootleg series, Vol. 12
- Gene Clark / Bob Dylan & The Band - The basement tapes raw: The bootleg series Vol. 11
- Gene Clark / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Beware
- Gene Clark / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy & The Cairo Gang - The wonder show of the world
- Gene Clark / Cindy Lee - Diamond jubilee
- Gene Clark / Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Déjà vu live
- Gene Clark / Daniel Romano - Modern pressure
- Gene Clark / Johnny Blue Skies - Passage du desir
- Gene Clark / MJ Lenderman - Manning fireworks
- Gene Clark / Maplewood - Maplewood
- Gene Clark / Maplewood - Yeti boombox
- Gene Clark / Neil Young - A letter home
- Gene Clark / Neil Young - Before and after
- Gene Clark / Neil Young - Chrome dreams
- Gene Clark / Neil Young - Homegrown
- Gene Clark / Neil Young - Storytone
- Gene Clark / Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Barn
- Gene Clark / Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Toast
- Gene Clark / Neil Young & Crazy Horse - World record
- Gene Clark / Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raise the roof
- Gene Clark / Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising sand
- Gene Clark / Sufjan Stevens - Javelin
- Gene Clark / Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine - A beginner's mind
- Gene Clark / Terry Allen And The Panhandle Mystery Band - Just like Moby Dick
- Gene Clark / The Lemon Twigs - A dream is all we know
- Gene Clark / The New Basement Tapes - Lost on the river
- Gene Clark / Wilco - What's your 20: Essential tracks 1994-2014
- Gene Evaro Jr / Ry X - Blood moon
- Gene Kelly / Rod Stewart With Jools Holland - Swing fever
- Gene Kelly / Rufus Wainwright - Rufus does Judy at Carnegie Hall
- Gene Krupa / Klaus Doldinger - Doldinger
- Gene Loves Jezebel / Adam Ant - Adam Ant is the blueblack hussar in marrying the gunner's daughter
- Gene Loves Jezebel / Autobahn - Dissemble
- Gene Loves Jezebel / Autobahn - Ecstasy of ruin
- Gene Loves Jezebel / Autobahn - The moral crossing
- Gene Loves Jezebel / Modern English - 1 2 3 4
- Gene Loves Jezebel / The Mission - The brightest light
- Gene Noble / Sting - The bridge
- Gene Pitney / Marc Almond - Stardom road
- Gene Pitney / Mike Patton & Jean-Claude Vannier - Corpse flower
- Gene Pitney / My Life Story - World citizen
- Gene Pitney / Tom Jones - Long lost suitcase
- Gene Pitney / Tom Jones - Praise & blame
- Gene Pitney / Tom Jones - Spirit in the room
- Gene Pitney / Tom Jones - Surrounded by time
- Gene Serene / T.Raumschmiere - I tank you
- Gene Simmons / Brian Setzer - Rockabilly riot! Volume one - A tribute to Sun Records
- Gene Simmons / Imelda May - Mayhem
- Gene Vincent / Brian Setzer - Rockabilly riot! Volume one - A tribute to Sun Records
- Gene Vincent / Chuck Berry - Chuck
- Gene Vincent / Imelda May - Mayhem
- Gene Vincent / Jack Peñate - Matinée
- Gene Vincent / Stray Cats - 40
- Gene Wilder / Bill Murray & Jan Vogler - New worlds
- Genepool / Axids - Kids with an axe
- Genepool / Cancer Bats - Bears, mayors, scraps & bones
- Genepool / Cancer Bats - Birthing the giant
- Genepool / Der Rest - Therapie für alle!
- Genepool / Erik Cohen - III
- Genepool / Erik Cohen - Northern soul
- Genepool / Erik Cohen - Nostalgie für die Zukunft
- Genepool / Erik Cohen - True blue
- Genepool / Erik Cohen - Weißes Rauschen
- Genepool / Fliehende Stürme - Neun Leben
- Genepool / Fliehende Stürme - Warten auf Raketen
- Genepool / Gas Wasser Indiepop - 15 Zoll Maul
- Genepool / IAMX - Volatile times
- Genepool / Illegale Farben - Grau
- Genepool / Illegale Farben - Illegale Farben
- Genepool / Illegale Farben - Monte Fiasko
- Genepool / Illegale Farben - Unbedeutend ungenau
- Genepool / Kramsky - Zuviel Licht
- Genepool / Musa Dagh - Musa Dagh
- Genepool / Musa Dagh - No future
- Genepool / Pendikel - Don't cry, Mondgesicht
- Genepool / S.P.Q.R.T. - Record
- Genepool / Sludgefeast - Virtua-rock
- Genepool / Smoke Blow - Dark angel
- Genepool / Smoke Blow - Demolition room II
- Genepool / Smoke Blow - The record
- Genepool / Therapy? - One cure fits all
- Genepool / Throat - Smile less
- Genepool / Vic DuMonte's Persona Non Grata - Persona non grata
- Genepool / You Guitarprayer - Art won't tear us apart again
- General Fiasco / Bilbao - Shake well
- General Fiasco / Bilbao - Soaked
- General Fiasco / Life In Film - Here it comes
- General Fiasco / One Night Only - One Night Only
- General Fiasco / The 1975 - The 1975
- General Fiasco / Two Door Cinema Club - Beacon
- General Fiasco / Two Door Cinema Club - False alarm
- General Fiasco / Two Door Cinema Club - Gameshow
- General Fiasco / Two Door Cinema Club - Keep on smiling
- General Fiasco / Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist history
- General Magic / Junior Boys - Begone dull care
- General Magic / Junior Boys - So this is goodbye
- General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners / Faith No More - Sol Invictus
- General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners / Mike Patton - Mondo Cane
- General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners / Mike Patton - The place beyond the pines
- General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners / Mike Patton & Jean-Claude Vannier - Corpse flower
- General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners / Nevermen - Nevermen
- General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners / Peeping Tom - Peeping Tom
- General Patton Vs. The X-Ecutioners / Puscifer - V is for vagina
- General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners / Alexander Hacke - Sanctuary
- General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners / Enik - I sold my moon boots to a girl from Greece
- General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners / Men Without Pants - Naturally
- General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners / Neon Blonde - Chandeliers in the savannah
- General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners / Team Sleep - Team Sleep
- General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners / Von Südenfed - Tromatic reflexxions
- General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners / † † † (Crosses) - † † †
- General Public / Adam Ant - Adam Ant is the blueblack hussar in marrying the gunner's daughter
- General Public / Yard Act - Where's my Utopia?
- General Surgery / Carcass - Surgical steel
- General Surgery / Carcass - Torn arteries
- General Surgery / Carcass - Torn arteries
- General Surgery / Cripple Bastards - Nero in metastasi
- General Surgery / One Day In Fukushima - Ozymandias
- Generation Of Vipers / City Of Ships - Ultraluminal
- Generation Of Vipers / Fleshworld - The essence has changed but the details remain
- Generation Of Vipers / Ilydaen - Maze
- Generation X / Adam Ant - Adam Ant is the blueblack hussar in marrying the gunner's daughter
- Generation X / Billy Idol - Devil's playground
- Generation X / Billy Idol - Kings & queens of the underground
- Generation X / Carbon/Silicon - The last post
- Generation X / Death - N.E.W.
- Generation X / Die! Die! Die! - S W I M
- Generation X / Drenge - Undertow
- Generation X / Empty Trash - Confession
- Generation X / Sex Pistols - The original recordings
- Generation X / TV Smith - Misinformation overload
- Generation X / The Clash - Live at Shea Stadium
- Generation X / The Men - Open your heart
- Generation X / The Stranglers - Giants
- Generationals / Cayucas - Blue summer
- Generationals / Electric Guest - Plural
- Generationals / Everyone Says Hi - Everyone Says Hi
- Generationals / Geowulf - My resignation
- Generationals / Hooray For Earth - Racy
- Generationals / Real Estate - Daniel
- Generationals / Rostam - Changephobia
- Generationals / The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Bring us together
- Generators / Erik Cohen - Nostalgie für die Zukunft
- Genesis / ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - Tao of the dead
- Genesis / 10000 Women Man - Drunk love
- Genesis / 35007 - Liquid
- Genesis / 35007 - Phase V
- Genesis / Aberfeldy - Do whatever turns you on
- Genesis / Alan Parsons - A valid path
- Genesis / Alan Parsons - The secret
- Genesis / Amplifier - Insider
- Genesis / Anekdoten - Gravity
- Genesis / Angels & Airwaves - I-Empire
- Genesis / Angels & Airwaves - Love: Album parts one & two
- Genesis / Angels & Airwaves - The dream walker
- Genesis / Anyone - Anyone
- Genesis / Archive - Noise
- Genesis / Archive - The false foundation
- Genesis / Archive - You all look the same to me
- Genesis / Arena - Double vision
- Genesis / Baio - Man of the world
- Genesis / Blaue Blume - Syzygy
- Genesis / Can - Anthology
- Genesis / Capillary Action - So embarrassing
- Genesis / Collapse Under The Empire - Everything we will leave beyond us
- Genesis / Collapse Under The Empire - Fragments of a prayer
- Genesis / Collapse Under The Empire - Recurring
- Genesis / Collapse Under The Empire - Sacrifice & isolation
- Genesis / Collapse Under The Empire - Shoulders & giants
- Genesis / Collapse Under The Empire - The fallen ones
- Genesis / Colonel Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie Brains - The big eyeball in the sky
- Genesis / Conrad Keely - Original machines
- Genesis / D.D Dumbo - Utopia defeated
- Genesis / David Gilmour - Live at Pompeii
- Genesis / David Gilmour - Luck and strange
- Genesis / David Gilmour - On an island
- Genesis / David Gilmour - Rattle that lock
- Genesis / Delirious? - World service
- Genesis / Dog Fashion Disco - Anarchists of good taste
- Genesis / Dream The Electric Sleep - Beneath the dark wide sky
- Genesis / Elton John - Diamonds
- Genesis / Elton John - The lockdown sessions
- Genesis / Elton John - Wonderful crazy night
- Genesis / Ephrat - No one's words
- Genesis / Fictionplane - Left side of the brain
- Genesis / Fish - Weltschmerz
- Genesis / Flaming Row - Mirage - A portrayal of figures
- Genesis / Flying Colors - Flying Colors
- Genesis / Flying Colors - Second nature
- Genesis / Frost - Experiments in mass appeal
- Genesis / Frost - Milliontown
- Genesis / Gary Barlow - Since I saw you last
- Genesis / Gaspard Augé - Escapades
- Genesis / Gazpacho - Fireworker
- Genesis / Gotye - Making mirrors
- Genesis / Haken - Affinity
- Genesis / Haken - Fauna
- Genesis / Haken - The mountain
- Genesis / Huey Lewis & The News - Weather
- Genesis / IQ - Dark matter
- Genesis / Ian Anderson - Homo erraticus
- Genesis / Ian Anderson - Rupi's dance
- Genesis / Ian Anderson - Thick as a brick 2
- Genesis / Jaga Jazzist - Pyramid
- Genesis / Jethro Tull - RökFlöte
- Genesis / Jethro Tull - The zealot gene
- Genesis / John Lees' Barclay James Harvest - North
- Genesis / Kansas - The absence of presence
- Genesis / Kate Bush - Aerial
- Genesis / Kino - Picture
- Genesis / Kip Winger - Songs from the ocean floor
- Genesis / Leprous - Aphelion
- Genesis / Leprous - Malina
- Genesis / Leprous - Melodies of atonement
- Genesis / Leprous - Pitfalls
- Genesis / Liquid Tension Experiment - Liquid Tension Experiment 3
- Genesis / Lo Moon - I wish you way more than luck
- Genesis / Locrian - End terrain
- Genesis / Magic Pie - King for a day
- Genesis / Manfred Mann - 2006
- Genesis / Marillion - An hour before it's dark
- Genesis / Marillion - F E A R
- Genesis / Marillion - Happiness is the road
- Genesis / Marillion - Less is more
- Genesis / Marillion - Marbles
- Genesis / Marillion - Somewhere else
- Genesis / Marillion - Sounds that can't be made
- Genesis / Maserati - Enter the mirror
- Genesis / Mercury Rev - The secret migration
- Genesis / Mew - + –
- Genesis / Mew - And the glass handed kites
- Genesis / Mew - No more stories
- Genesis / Midge Ure - Fragile
- Genesis / Mike & The Mechanics - The road
- Genesis / Mike Oldfield - Return to Ommadawn
- Genesis / Motorpsycho - Behind the sun
- Genesis / Motorpsycho - Here be monsters
- Genesis / Motorpsycho - Still life with eggplant
- Genesis / Motorpsycho - Supersonic scientists (A young person's guide to Motorpsycho)
- Genesis / Motorpsycho - The all is one
- Genesis / Motorpsycho - The crucible
- Genesis / Motorpsycho - The tower
- Genesis / Mouth - Rhizome
- Genesis / Mute Math - Mute Math
- Genesis / Mystery - Redemption
- Genesis / Neal Morse - ?
- Genesis / OSI - Blood
- Genesis / OSI - Fire make thunder
- Genesis / OSI - Free
- Genesis / Pattern-Seeking Animals - Only passing through
- Genesis / Paul Weller - A kind revolution
- Genesis / Pelagos - Revolve
- Genesis / Pendragon - Passion
- Genesis / Peter Gabriel - And I'll scratch yours
- Genesis / Peter Gabriel - Up
- Genesis / Peter Gabriel - i/o
- Genesis / Pfarmers - Gunnera
- Genesis / Pfarmers - Our puram
- Genesis / Phil Collins - Going back
- Genesis / Phil Collins - Love songs - A compilation - Old and new
- Genesis / Phil Collins - The singles
- Genesis / Pink Floyd - A foot in the door - The best of Pink Floyd
- Genesis / Pink Floyd - The dark side of the moon (50th anniversary deluxe box set)
- Genesis / Pink Floyd - The endless river
- Genesis / Queen - Bohemian rhapsody (Original soundtrack)
- Genesis / Queen - Forever
- Genesis / RX Bandits - Mandala
- Genesis / Ray Wilson - Change
- Genesis / Ray Wilson And Stiltskin - She
- Genesis / Ritual - The Hemulic Voluntary Band
- Genesis / Ritual - Think like a mountain
- Genesis / Santana - Shape shifter
- Genesis / Shearwater - The golden archipelago
- Genesis / Simple Minds - Graffiti soul
- Genesis / Sisters - Wait don't wait
- Genesis / So Many Dynamos - The loud wars
- Genesis / Space Elevator - II
- Genesis / Spock's Beard - Brief nocturnes and dreamless sleep
- Genesis / Spock's Beard - Feel euphoria
- Genesis / Spock's Beard - Noise floor
- Genesis / Spock's Beard - Octane
- Genesis / Spock's Beard - Spock's Beard
- Genesis / Spock's Beard - The first twenty years
- Genesis / Spock's Beard - The oblivion particle
- Genesis / Steve Hackett - At the edge of light
- Genesis / Steve Hackett - Genesis revisited II
- Genesis / Steve Hackett - Wolflight
- Genesis / Steven Wilson - 4 1/2
- Genesis / Steven Wilson - Cover version
- Genesis / Steven Wilson - Drive home
- Genesis / Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase.
- Genesis / Steven Wilson - The raven that refused to sing (And other stories)
- Genesis / Steven Wilson - To the bone
- Genesis / Sting - 57th & 9th
- Genesis / Sting - Duets
- Genesis / Sting - My songs
- Genesis / Sting - Sacred love
- Genesis / Sting - The best of 25 years
- Genesis / Sting - The bridge
- Genesis / Storm Corrosion - Storm Corrosion
- Genesis / Supertramp - Retrospectable - The Supertramp anthology
- Genesis / Sylvan - One to zero
- Genesis / Sylvan - Posthumous silence
- Genesis / Sylvan - Presets
- Genesis / Tele - Jedes Tier
- Genesis / Tele - Wir brauchen nichts
- Genesis / The Cancer Conspiracy - The audio medium
- Genesis / The Double - Loose in the air
- Genesis / The Flaming Lips - At war with the mystics
- Genesis / The Flower Kings - Adam & Eve
- Genesis / The Flower Kings - Banks of Eden
- Genesis / The Flower Kings - Desolation rose
- Genesis / The Flower Kings - Paradox hotel
- Genesis / The Freeks - The Freeks
- Genesis / The Horrors - Luminous
- Genesis / The Horrors - V
- Genesis / The Mars Volta - Noctourniquet
- Genesis / The Mars Volta - Octahedron
- Genesis / The Neal Morse Band - The great adventure
- Genesis / The Pineapple Thief - Tightly unwound
- Genesis / The Sea Within - The Sea Within
- Genesis / The Tangent - Auto reconnaissance
- Genesis / The Tangent - Le sacre du travail
- Genesis / The Tangent - The slow rust of forgotten machinery
- Genesis / The Unwinding Hours - Afterlives
- Genesis / The Unwinding Hours - The Unwinding Hours
- Genesis / Tiny Fingers - Megafauna
- Genesis / Tiny Fingers - The fall
- Genesis / Toto - XIV
- Genesis / Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Night castle
- Genesis / Transatlantic - Kaleidoscope
- Genesis / Transatlantic - More never is enough
- Genesis / Transatlantic - The absolute universe: Forevermore
- Genesis / Transatlantic - The whirlwind
- Genesis / Wellwater Conspiracy - Wellwater Conspiracy
- Genesis / Wild Beasts - Limbo, panto
- Genesis / Wild Beasts - Smother
- Genesis / Wild Beasts - Two dancers
- Genesis / William Shatner - Ponder the mystery
- Genesis / Yeasayer - All hour cymbals
- Genesis / Yes - Fly from here
- Genesis / Yes - Heaven & Earth
- Genesis / Yes - Mirror to the sky
- Genesis / Yes - The quest
- Genesis / Young Man - Vol. 1
- Genesis / Zombi - Shape shift
- Genesis Owusu / Gorillaz - Cracker island
- Genesis Owusu / Ibibio Sound Machine - Electricity
- Genesis Owusu / Jeshi - Airbag woke me up
- Genesis Owusu / Kirin J Callinan - If I could sing
- Genesis Owusu / Nnamdï - Please have a seat
- Genesis Owusu / St. Vincent - Daddy's home
- Genesis Owusu / Tyler, The Creator - Chromakopia
- Genesis Owusu / Young Fathers - Heavy heavy
- Genesis P-Orridge / Hackedepicciotto - The current
- Genetikk / 257ers - Boomshakalakka
- Genetikk / 257ers - Mikrokosmos
- Genetikk / 3Plusss - Gottkomplex
- Genetikk / Ahzumjot - Nix mehr egal
- Genetikk / Ali As - Insomnia
- Genetikk / Alligatoah - Musik ist keine Lösung
- Genetikk / Alligatoah - Schlaftabletten, Rotwein V
- Genetikk / Apache 207 - Platte
- Genetikk / Apache 207 - Treppenhaus
- Genetikk / Audio88 & Yassin - Halleluja
- Genetikk / Audio88 & Yassin - Todesliste
- Genetikk / BTNG - Gewachsen auf Beton
- Genetikk / Capital Bra - CB6
- Genetikk / Chakuza - Noah
- Genetikk / Cr7z - An7ma
- Genetikk / Cro - MTV unplugged (Premium edition)
- Genetikk / Cro - Melodie
- Genetikk / Cro - Raop
- Genetikk / Cro - Trip
- Genetikk / Cro - Tru.
- Genetikk / DCVDNS - Der erste tighte Wei$$e
- Genetikk / Die Orsons - Orsons Island
- Genetikk / Die Orsons - Tourlife4Life
- Genetikk / Die Orsons - What's goes
- Genetikk / Disarstar - Deutscher Oktober
- Genetikk / Felly - Felly
- Genetikk / Ferris MC - Asilant
- Genetikk / Ferris MC - Glück ohne Scherben
- Genetikk / Fettes Brot - 3 is ne Party
- Genetikk / Grim104 - Imperium
- Genetikk / Gzuz - Wolke 7
- Genetikk / Karate Andi - Pilsatør Platin
- Genetikk / Kontra K - Aus dem Schatten ins Licht
- Genetikk / Kontra K - Gute Nacht
- Genetikk / Kontra K - Labyrinth
- Genetikk / Käptn Peng & Die Tentakel Von Delphi - Das nullte Kapitel
- Genetikk / Käptn Peng & Die Tentakel Von Delphi - Expedition ins O
- Genetikk / Lance Butters - Angst
- Genetikk / Lemur - Die Rache der Tiere
- Genetikk / Lemur - Geräusche
- Genetikk / MC Fitti - #Geilon
- Genetikk / MC Fitti - Peace
- Genetikk / Majan - Skits
- Genetikk / Marsimoto - Ring der Nebelungen
- Genetikk / Marsimoto - Verde
- Genetikk / Marteria - 5. Dimension
- Genetikk / Marteria - Live im Ostseestadion
- Genetikk / Megaloh - 21
- Genetikk / MoTrip - Mama
- Genetikk / Nura - Auf der Suche
- Genetikk / Olson - Ballonherz
- Genetikk / Prinz Pi - Im Westen nix Neues
- Genetikk / Prinz Pi - Kompass ohne Norden: Auf Kurs nach Hause
- Genetikk / Prinz Pi - Nichts war umsonst
- Genetikk / Prinz Pi - Wahre Legenden
- Genetikk / Prinz Porno - Mit Abstand
- Genetikk / Prinz Porno - pp = mc2
- Genetikk / Psaiko.Dino - #Hangster
- Genetikk / Rockstah - Cobblepot
- Genetikk / SSIO - 0,9
- Genetikk / SSIO - Messios
- Genetikk / Schwesta Ewa - Aywa
- Genetikk / Shindy - Dreams
- Genetikk / Sido - Paul
- Genetikk / Sierra Kidd - Nirgendwer
- Genetikk / Teesy - Tones
- Genetikk / Trettmann - Insomnia
- Genetikk / Tua - Tua
- Genetikk / Weekend - Am Wochenende Rapper
- Genetikk / Weekend - Für immer Wochenende
- Genetikk / Weekend - Keiner ist gestorben
- Genetikk / Yassin - Ypsilon
- Genetikk / Yassin & Mädness - Isso
- Genetikk / Zugezogen Maskulin - 10 Jahre Abfuck
- Genetikk / Zugezogen Maskulin - Alle gegen alle
- Genetikk / Zugezogen Maskulin - Alles brennt
- Genetiks / 206 - Republik der Heiserkeit
- Genetiks / Abwärts - Europa Safe
- Genetiks / Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen - Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen
- Genetiks / Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen - Album
- Genetiks / Das Blanke Extrem - Alles in schönster Ordnung
- Genetiks / Die Goldenen Zitronen - Who's bad?
- Genetiks / Die Heiterkeit - Monterey
- Genetiks / Die Nerven - Fake
- Genetiks / Die Nerven - Fun
- Genetiks / Die Nerven - Out
- Genetiks / Duesenjaeger - Treibsand
- Genetiks / Fehlfarben - Xenophonie
- Genetiks / Fehlfarben - Über... Menschen
- Genetiks / Genepool - Komplex
- Genetiks / Herpes - Symptome und Beschwerden
- Genetiks / Human Abfall - Form und Zweck
- Genetiks / Kala Brisella - Endlich krank
- Genetiks / Karies - Es geht sich aus
- Genetiks / Karies - Seid umschlungen Millionen
- Genetiks / Keele - Gut und Dir
- Genetiks / Keine Zähne Im Maul Aber La Paloma Pfeifen - Die Biellmann-Pirouette
- Genetiks / Keine Zähne Im Maul Aber La Paloma Pfeifen - Postsexuell
- Genetiks / Koeter - Caribbean nights
- Genetiks / Kokon - Generation
- Genetiks / Liebe Frau Gesangsverein - Nackt
- Genetiks / Misses Next Match - Für Leute die schon alles haben
- Genetiks / Mongofünf - Im Reich der Sterne
- Genetiks / Schweisser - Pororoca
- Genetiks / Surrogat - Hell in hell
- Genetiks / Surrogat - Rock
- Geneva / A-Ha - Analogue
- Geneva / Andreas Johnson - Deadly happy
- Geneva / Babybird - Between my ears there's nothing but music
- Geneva / Bell X1 - Chop chop
- Geneva / Black Milk - Ultrawide
- Geneva / Brett Anderson - Black rainbows
- Geneva / Brett Anderson - Slow attack
- Geneva / Coldplay - Live 2003
- Geneva / Coldplay - Mylo xyloto
- Geneva / Coldplay - Parachutes
- Geneva / Coldplay - Viva la vida or death and all his friends
- Geneva / Delaware - ... and everything reminds me
- Geneva / Delays - Faded seaside glamour
- Geneva / Embrace - Drawn from memory
- Geneva / Embrace - If you've never been
- Geneva / Eskobar - Death in Athens
- Geneva / Eskobar - Eskobar
- Geneva / Eskobar - Magnetic
- Geneva / Eskobar - There's only now
- Geneva / Eskobar - Til we're dead
- Geneva / Flashguns - Passions of a different kind
- Geneva / Fools Garden - Flashback
- Geneva / Fools Garden - Rise and fall
- Geneva / Fools Garden - Who is Jo King?
- Geneva / Glasvegas - Euphoric heartbreak
- Geneva / Glasvegas - Glasvegas
- Geneva / Glasvegas - Godspeed
- Geneva / Glasvegas - Later...when the TV turns to static
- Geneva / Haven - All for a reason
- Geneva / Haven - Between the senses
- Geneva / J Churcher - Borderland state
- Geneva / JJ72 - I to sky
- Geneva / JJ72 - JJ72
- Geneva / James - All the colours of you
- Geneva / James - Girl at the end of the world
- Geneva / James - Hey Ma
- Geneva / James - La petite mort
- Geneva / Jarvis Cocker - Jarvis
- Geneva / Keane - Hopes and fears
- Geneva / Keane - Perfect symmetry
- Geneva / Keane - Strangeland
- Geneva / Local Natives - Sunlit youth
- Geneva / Lorien - Under the waves
- Geneva / Lowgold - Keep music miserable
- Geneva / Lowgold - Welcome to winners
- Geneva / Lupine Howl - The bar at the end of the world
- Geneva / Morning Runner - Wilderness is paradise now
- Geneva / Morrissey - California son
- Geneva / Morrissey - Live at Earls Court
- Geneva / Morrissey - Low in high school
- Geneva / Morrissey - Ringleader of the tormentors
- Geneva / Morrissey - World peace is none of your business
- Geneva / Morrissey - Years of refusal
- Geneva / Morrissey - You are the quarry
- Geneva / Mount Washington - Mount Washington
- Geneva / My Latest Novel - Deaths and entrances
- Geneva / My Life Story - World citizen
- Geneva / Orlando Weeks - A quickening
- Geneva / Richard Ashcroft - Alone with everybody
- Geneva / Richard Ashcroft - Human conditions
- Geneva / Richard Ashcroft - Keys to the world
- Geneva / Saybia - The second you sleep
- Geneva / Shed Seven - Instant pleasures
- Geneva / Suede - Bloodsports
- Geneva / Suede - Head music
- Geneva / Suede - Singles
- Geneva / Suede - The best of
- Geneva / Tears For Fears - Everybody loves a happy ending
- Geneva / Tears For Fears - Songs for a nervous planet
- Geneva / The Boxer Rebellion - Ocean by ocean
- Geneva / The Boxer Rebellion - Promises
- Geneva / The Boxer Rebellion - The cold still
- Geneva / The Boxer Rebellion - Union
- Geneva / The Crash - Comfort deluxe
- Geneva / The Divine Comedy - Absent friends
- Geneva / The Divine Comedy - Victory for the comic muse
- Geneva / The Frank And Walters - Songs for the walking wounded
- Geneva / The Ritualists - Painted people
- Geneva / The Trouble With Templeton - Rookie
- Geneva / The Veils - Nux vomica
- Geneva / The Veils - The runaway found
- Geneva / The Verve - This is music - The singles 92-98
- Geneva / Thirteen Senses - The invitation
- Geneva / Turin Brakes - Invisible storm
- Geneva / Turin Brakes - Wide-eyed nowhere
- Geneva Jacuzzi / Alan Sparhawk - White roses, my God
- Geneva Jacuzzi / Ariel Pink - Ariel archives – Cycle 1
- Geneva Jacuzzi / Ariel Pink - Dedicated to Bobby Jameson
- Geneva Jacuzzi / Ariel Pink - Pom pom
- Geneva Jacuzzi / Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Mature themes
- Geneva Jacuzzi / John Maus - A collection of rarities and previously unreleased material
- Geneva Jacuzzi / John Maus - Screen memories
- Geneva Jacuzzi / John Maus - We must become the pitiless censors of ourselves
- Geneva Jacuzzi / Kedr Livanskiy - Ariadna
- Geneva Jacuzzi / Metronomy - Summer 08
- Geneva Jacuzzi / U.S. Girls - Half free
- Genevieve Artadi / A Certain Ratio - 1982
- Girls' Generation / BTS - Proof
- Girls' Generation / Blackpink - The album
- Grand General / Colin Stetson - Sorrow – A reimagining of Gorecki's 3rd symphony
- Grand General / Comet Control - Comet Control
- Grand General / Fire! Orchestra - Enter
- Grand General / Stian Westerhus & Pale Horses - Maelstrom
- Horst Wegener / Tom Misch - Geography
- Midfield General / Cornershop - Judy sucks a lemon for breakfast
- Midfield General / Fatboy Slim - Halfway between the gutter and the stars
- Midfield General / Fatboy Slim - Palookaville
- Midfield General / Fatboy Slim - Why try harder - The greatest hits
- Midfield General / The Chemical Brothers - For that beautiful feeling
- Midfield General / The S.L.P. - The S.L.P.
- Midfield General / Utah Saints - Two
- Mondo Generator / ASG - Blood drive
- Mondo Generator / At The Drive-In - In·ter a·li·a
- Mondo Generator / Big Scenic Nowhere - Vision beyond horizon
- Mondo Generator / Big Walnuts Yonder - Big Walnuts Yonder
- Mondo Generator / Black Lung - Ancients
- Mondo Generator / Black Lung - Black Lung
- Mondo Generator / Black Lung - See the enemy
- Mondo Generator / Black Moon Circle - Psychedelic spacelord
- Mondo Generator / CRX - New skin
- Mondo Generator / Clutch - Book of bad decisions
- Mondo Generator / Clutch - Strange cousins from the West
- Mondo Generator / Clutch - Sunrise on Slaughter Beach
- Mondo Generator / Corrosion Of Conformity - No cross no crown
- Mondo Generator / Creature With The Atom Brain - Transylvania
- Mondo Generator / Dead Cross - Dead Cross
- Mondo Generator / Dead Cross - II
- Mondo Generator / Dead Heavens - Whatever witch you are
- Mondo Generator / Dead Quiet - Truth and ruin
- Mondo Generator / Death From Above - Outrage! is now
- Mondo Generator / Death From Above 1979 - Romance bloody romance
- Mondo Generator / Death From Above 1979 - The physical world
- Mondo Generator / Death From Above 1979 - You're a woman, I'm a machine
- Mondo Generator / Desert Sessions - Vol. 7 & 8
- Mondo Generator / Desert Sessions - Vol. 9 & 10
- Mondo Generator / Desert Sessions - Vols. 11 & 12
- Mondo Generator / Dÿse - Dÿse
- Mondo Generator / Eagles Of Death Metal - Death by sexy
- Mondo Generator / Eagles Of Death Metal - EODM presents Boots Electric - Performing the best songs we never wrote
- Mondo Generator / Eagles Of Death Metal - I love you all the time: Live at the Olympia in Paris
- Mondo Generator / Eagles Of Death Metal - Peace love death metal
- Mondo Generator / Eagles Of Death Metal - Zipper down
- Mondo Generator / Entombed - Inferno
- Mondo Generator / Entombed - Unreal estate
- Mondo Generator / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Blossom
- Mondo Generator / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Dark rainbow
- Mondo Generator / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Modern ruin
- Mondo Generator / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Sticky
- Mondo Generator / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - The end of suffering
- Mondo Generator / Fu Manchu - Signs of infinite power
- Mondo Generator / Future Of The Left - Curses
- Mondo Generator / Gallows - Grey Britain
- Mondo Generator / Gallows - Orchestra of wolves
- Mondo Generator / Gibby Haynes And His Problem - Gibby Haynes And His Problem
- Mondo Generator / Goon Moon - Licker's last leg
- Mondo Generator / Grant National - Volume II
- Mondo Generator / Houston Swing Engine - Entre hommes
- Mondo Generator / Indian Handcrafts - Civil disobedience for losers
- Mondo Generator / John Garcia - John Garcia
- Mondo Generator / John Garcia - John Garcia and the Band Of Gold
- Mondo Generator / John Garcia - The coyote who spoke in tongues
- Mondo Generator / Ladyfinger (ne) - Heavy hands
- Mondo Generator / Larman Clamor - Alligator heart
- Mondo Generator / Larman Clamor - Beetle crown & steel wand
- Mondo Generator / Lushes - Service industry
- Mondo Generator / Masters Of Reality / Chris Goss - Give us Barabbas
- Mondo Generator / McLusky - The difference between me and you is that I'm not on fire
- Mondo Generator / Melvins - Everybody loves sausages
- Mondo Generator / Melvins - Freak puke
- Mondo Generator / Melvins - Nude with boots
- Mondo Generator / Melvins - The bride screamed murder
- Mondo Generator / Mike & The Melvins - Three men and a baby
- Mondo Generator / Millionaire - Applz ≠ applz
- Mondo Generator / Millionaire - Sciencing
- Mondo Generator / Mínus - Halldór Laxness
- Mondo Generator / Mínus - The great northern whalekill
- Mondo Generator / Navel - Loverboy
- Mondo Generator / Navel - Neo noir
- Mondo Generator / Nick Oliveri's Mondo Generator - Best of
- Mondo Generator / Pulled Apart By Horses - Pulled Apart By Horses
- Mondo Generator / Queens Of The Stone Age - ...Like clockwork
- Mondo Generator / Queens Of The Stone Age - In times new Roman...
- Mondo Generator / Queens Of The Stone Age - Lullabies to paralyze
- Mondo Generator / Queens Of The Stone Age - Over the years and through the woods
- Mondo Generator / Queens Of The Stone Age - Songs for the deaf
- Mondo Generator / Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains
- Mondo Generator / S.P.Q.R.T. - Record
- Mondo Generator / Sasquatch - Maneuvers
- Mondo Generator / Shooting At Unarmed Men - Soon there will be...
- Mondo Generator / Shooting At Unarmed Men - Yes! Tinnitus!
- Mondo Generator / Sludgefeast - Virtua-rock
- Mondo Generator / Sons Of Morpheus - Nemesis
- Mondo Generator / Stereolith - Escape velocity
- Mondo Generator / The Bronx - The Bronx (II)
- Mondo Generator / The Bronx - The Bronx (III)
- Mondo Generator / The Datsuns - Death rattle boogie
- Mondo Generator / The Datsuns - Outta sight/outta mind
- Mondo Generator / The Datsuns - The Datsuns
- Mondo Generator / The Dwarves - Take back the night
- Mondo Generator / The Dwarves - The Dwarves are born again
- Mondo Generator / The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster - Blood & fire
- Mondo Generator / The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster - Hörse of the dög
- Mondo Generator / The Machine - Drie
- Mondo Generator / The Melvins - A senile animal
- Mondo Generator / Truckfighters - Universe
- Mondo Generator / Truckfighters - V
- Mondo Generator / Turbowolf - The free life
- Mondo Generator / Turbowolf - Turbowolf
- Mondo Generator / Turbowolf - Two hands
- Mondo Generator / Urge Overkill - Rock & roll submarine
- Mondo Generator / Viva Death - Illuminate
- Mondo Generator / Wild Throne - Harvest of darkness
- Mondo Generator / Witch - Paralyzed
- New Power Generation / Black Pumas - Chronicles of a diamond
- New Power Generation / Black Pumas - Live From Brooklyn Paramount
- New Power Generation / Childish Gambino - Awaken, my love!
- New Power Generation / D'Angelo And The Vanguard - Black Messiah
- New Power Generation / Esperanza Spalding - Emily's d+evolution
- New Power Generation / Jim James - Eternally even
- New Power Generation / Jim James - Regions of light and sound of God
- New Power Generation / Jim James - Tribute to 2
- New Power Generation / Lenny Kravitz - Black and white America
- New Power Generation / Maxwell - blackSUMMERS'night
- New Power Generation / Nick Hakim - Green twins
- New Power Generation / Prince - 3121
- New Power Generation / Prince - Planet Earth
- Nick Oliveri & The Mondo Generator / Pissed Jeans - Hope for men
- Nick Oliveri & The Mondo Generator / Pissed Jeans - King of jeans
- Nick Oliveri & The Mondo Generator / The Melvins - A senile animal
- Principal Gene Vagina / Soundtrack - Rick and Morty
- Pyogenesis / 5Bugs - Tomorrow I'll play God
- Pyogenesis / Alternative Allstars - 110% rock
- Pyogenesis / Angels & Airwaves - I-Empire
- Pyogenesis / Angels & Airwaves - Lifeforms
- Pyogenesis / Angels & Airwaves - Love: Album parts one & two
- Pyogenesis / Angels & Airwaves - The dream walker
- Pyogenesis / Angels & Airwaves - We don't need to whisper
- Pyogenesis / Blink-182 - California
- Pyogenesis / Blink-182 - Neighborhoods
- Pyogenesis / Blink-182 - Nine
- Pyogenesis / Blink-182 - One more time
- Pyogenesis / Donots - Amplify the good times
- Pyogenesis / Donots - Coma chameleon
- Pyogenesis / Donots - Got the noise
- Pyogenesis / Donots - Pocketrock
- Pyogenesis / Donots - The story so far – Ibbtown chronicles
- Pyogenesis / Emigrate - A million degrees
- Pyogenesis / Emigrate - The persistence of memory
- Pyogenesis / Fools Garden - Flashback
- Pyogenesis / Fools Garden - Rise and fall
- Pyogenesis / Glow - At your own risk
- Pyogenesis / Itchy - All we know
- Pyogenesis / Itchy Poopzkid - Dead serious
- Pyogenesis / Itchy Poopzkid - Heart to believe
- Pyogenesis / Itchy Poopzkid - Lights out London
- Pyogenesis / Itchy Poopzkid - Ports & chords
- Pyogenesis / Itchy Poopzkid - Six
- Pyogenesis / Itchy Poopzkid - Time to ignite
- Pyogenesis / Kevins Campfire - Disaster
- Pyogenesis / Liquido - Alarm! Alarm!
- Pyogenesis / Liquido - At the rocks
- Pyogenesis / Liquido - Float
- Pyogenesis / Liquido - Zoomcraft
- Pyogenesis / MCF - Candy floss & spice
- Pyogenesis / Morrigu - Before light / After dark
- Pyogenesis / My Early Mustang - My Early Mustang
- Pyogenesis / Shlong -
- Pyogenesis / Sum 41 - Heaven :x: Hell
- Pyogenesis / The Stereo - No traffic
- Pyogenesis / Uncle Ho - Show them what you are made of
- Splodgenessabounds / Peter And The Test Tube Babies - That shallot
- Sven Regener / Andreas Dorau - Aus der Bibliothèque
- Sven Regener / Andreas Dorau - Die Liebe und der Ärger der anderen
- Sven Regener / Andreas Dorau - Hauptsache ich!
- Sven Regener / Andreas Dorau - Im Gebüsch
- Sven Regener / Crucchi Gang - Fellini
- Sven Regener / Der Rest - 10 Lieder für Freunde
- Sven Regener / Element Of Crime - Morgens um vier
- Sven Regener / Element Of Crime - Wenn es dunkel und kalt wird in Berlin
- Sven Regener / Lichte - Bewegte Luft
- Sven Regener / Matze Rossi - Ich fange Feuer
- Sven Regener / Maxim Biller - Studio
- Sven Regener / Mutter - Text und Musik
- Sven Regener / Stoppok - Popschutz
- Sven Regener / Tante Polly - Macht hitzefrei
- The Baptist Generals / Alasdair Roberts - Spoils
- The Baptist Generals / Alasdair Roberts - The amber gatherers
- The Baptist Generals / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Beware
- The Baptist Generals / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Summer in the southeast
- The Baptist Generals / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy & The Cairo Gang - The wonder show of the world
- The Baptist Generals / Bonnie 'Prince' Billy With Harem Scarem And Alex Neilson - Is it the sea?
- The Baptist Generals / Langhorne Slim - Langhorne Slim
- The Baptist Generals / Matt Sweeney & Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Superwolf
- The Baptist Generals / Nina Nastasia - On leaving
- The Baptist Generals / Nina Nastasia - Outlaster
- The Baptist Generals / Nina Nastasia & Jim White - You follow me
- The Baptist Generals / The Mountain Goats - Get lonely
- The Baptist Generals / The Mountain Goats - Heretic pride
- The Baptist Generals / The Mountain Goats - The life of the world to come
- The Edwards Generation / For Those I Love - For Those I Love
- The Generators / Burning Streets - Is it in black and white
- The Generators / Genepool - Lauf! Lauf!
- The Generators / Genepool - Spalter
- The Generators / Smoke Blow - The record
- The Generators / The Kings Of Nuthin' - Old habits die hard
- The Generators / Wild Billy Childish & The Buff Medways - Medway wheelers
- The Generators / Wild Billy Childish & The Musicians Of The British Empire - Christmas 1979
- Tobias Regener / Manowar - Gods of war
- Tobias Regener / Tokio Hotel - Humanoid
- Tommy Genesis / Ashnikko - Demidevil
- Tommy Genesis / Ashnikko - Weedkiller
- Tommy Genesis / Catnapp - Break
- Tommy Genesis / Dana Dentata - Pantychrist
- Tommy Genesis / Mavi Phoenix - Biggest asshole in the room
- Tommy Genesis / Mavi Phoenix - Boys toys
- Tommy Genesis / Mavi Phoenix - Marlon
- Tommy Genesis / Pvris - Evergreen
- Tommy Genesis / Pvris - Use me
- Tommy Genesis / Nessa Barrett - Aftercare
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Amplifier - Insider
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Desert Sessions - Vol. 7 & 8
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Desert Sessions - Vol. 9 & 10
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Desert Sessions - Vols. 11 & 12
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Die Wilde Jagd - Die Wilde Jagd
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Die Wilde Jagd - Haut
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Die Wilde Jagd - Uhrwald Orange
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Die Wilde Jagd & Metropole Orkest - Lux tenera – A rite to joy
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Genesis - Live over Europe 2007
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Genesis - R-kive
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Geordie Greep - The new sound
- Van Der Graaf Generator / IQ - Dark matter
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Major Parkinson - Blackbox
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Mystery - Redemption
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Queens Of The Stone Age - Lullabies to paralyze
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Queens Of The Stone Age - Songs for the deaf
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Ritual - The Hemulic Voluntary Band
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Ritual - Think like a mountain
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steve Hackett - At the edge of light
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steve Hackett - Genesis revisited II
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steve Hackett - Wolflight
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steven Wilson - 4 1/2
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steven Wilson - Cover version
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steven Wilson - Drive home
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase.
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steven Wilson - The raven that refused to sing (And other stories)
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Steven Wilson - To the bone
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Superfjord - All will be golden
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Teksti-TV 666 - Aidattu tulevaisuus
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Fall - Imperial wax solvent
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Flower Kings - Adam & Eve
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Flower Kings - Banks of Eden
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Flower Kings - Paradox hotel
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Machine - Drie
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Mass - City of Dis
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Mass - Perfect picture of wisdom and boldness
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Waeve - City lights
- Van Der Graaf Generator / The Waeve - The Waeve
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Tusmørke - Fjernsyn i farver
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Yes - Fly from here
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Yes - Heaven & Earth
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Yes - Mirror to the sky
- Van Der Graaf Generator / Yes - The quest
- Van Der Graaf Generator
/ Die Wilde Jagd - Ophio
- Van der Graaf Generator / 35007 - Phase V
- Van der Graaf Generator / Kansas - The absence of presence
- Van der Graaf Generator / Karate - Make it fit
- Voice Of A Generation / The Negatives - At the end of the rope
- Witchfinder General / Ahab - The boats of the Glen Carrig
- Witchfinder General / Avatarium - Between you, God, the devil and the dead
- Witchfinder General / Avatarium - Death, where is your sting?
- Witchfinder General / Avatarium - Hurricanes and halos
- Witchfinder General / Avatarium - The girl with the raven mask
- Witchfinder General / Blood Ceremony - Blood Ceremony
- Witchfinder General / Blood Ceremony - Lord of misrule
- Witchfinder General / Blood Ceremony - The eldritch dark
- Witchfinder General / Blood Ceremony - The old ways remain
- Witchfinder General / Christian Mistress - Possession
- Witchfinder General / Christian Mistress - To your death
- Witchfinder General / Darkthrone - Arctic thunder
- Witchfinder General / Darkthrone - Astral fortress
- Witchfinder General / Darkthrone - Eternal hails
- Witchfinder General / Darkthrone - It beckons us all
- Witchfinder General / Darkthrone - Old star
- Witchfinder General / Darkthrone - The underground resistance
- Witchfinder General / Death Penalty - Death Penalty
- Witchfinder General / Grand Magus - Triumph and power
- Witchfinder General / Jess And The Ancient Ones - Jess And The Ancient Ones
- Witchfinder General / Motorowl - Atlas
- Witchfinder General / Night Demon - Outsider
- Witchfinder General / Orchid - The mouths of madness
- Witchfinder General / Pallbearer - Foundations of burden
- Witchfinder General / Pallbearer - Heartless
- Witchfinder General / Portrait - At one with none
- Witchfinder General / Portrait - The host
- Witchfinder General / Premonition 13 - 13
- Witchfinder General / Saint Vitus - Saint Vitus
- Witchfinder General / Satan - Cruel magic
- Witchfinder General / Shrinebuilder - Shrinebuilder
- Witchfinder General / Them - Fear City
- Witchfinder General / Wino - Punctuated equilibrium
- Witchfinder General / Witch Mountain - Mobile of angels
- Witchfinder General / Witchcraft - Nucleus
Autor 2 Treffer
Forum 189 Treffer