Sea Power - Everything was forever


09.08.2021 - 23:57- Newsbeitrag

The band formerly known as
British Sea Power announce a new album and a new band name.

Please welcome the new album
Everything Was Forever – and a band now operating as simply Sea Power…

Hear first single "Two Fingers"

Sea Power · Two Fingers

Everything Was Forever due for release on 11 Feb 2022

This ensemble today announce what will be their first new album in five years – Everything Was Forever, set for release on 11 February 2022. To go with this new album, the band are truncating their name to Sea Power. More information below.

Everything Was Forever is heralded by the new single "Two Fingers", one of many highlights from the album. "Two Fingers" is a potential anthem for these troubled times. The words take in mortality, defiance, HP Lovecraft and V signs. The song’s chorus centres on the gesticulation that can signal both contempt (f*** you) and resolution (V for victory). Here’s a rock song that seems to send a righteous F U to sundry self-serving figureheads of this era - but which also rides forth with hope and oppositional vigour.

The single was given its premiere today by Shaun Keaveny on BBC 6 Music, who said it has "every conceivable ingredient of a classic Sea Power track… soaring, bucolic, optimistic, defiant, gorgeous." It will be his "Liked & Shared" feature track all week long.

“The song is part inspired by our late dad,” says co-frontman Yan. “He was always giving a two-fingered salute to people on the telly – a kind of old-fashioned drinking term, toasting people or events: ‘I’ll drink two fingers to that’, to some news item or to memories of a childhood friend. In the song it’s a toast to everyone, remembering those in our lives and those sadly no longer here and to making the world a better place. The song is 'F*** me, f*** you, f*** everything.' But it’s also 'Love me, love you, love everything' – exultation in the darkness. If you say ‘f*** you’ in the right way, it really can be cathartic, a new start.”

Hear "Two Fingers" on DSPs here and share on SoundCloud here.

More about the name change to Sea Power and new single "Two Fingers"

The band occupy a fascinating position in 2021. Mercury-nominated. BAFTA-winning – for the soundtrack to the million-selling, multi-award-winning computer game Disco Elysium. Composing music for Football’s UEFA Champions League, They’ve been praised by heavyweight artists including David Bowie and Lou Reed. Their lyrics have become part of a permanent installation at London’s National Maritime Museum, alongside Shakespeare and Coleridge. When the band hosted their Krankenhaus festival in 2019, in a 12th-century castle in their native Lake District, the setting and bill were equally wondrous: Hannah Peel, Squid, Scafell Pike, Poet Laureate Simon Armitage, Snapped Ankles, eagle owls, Bo Ningen, Rozi Plain, steam-train excursions, snooker-star DJ Steve Davis and New Order’s Stephen Morris and Gillian Gilbert. Another factor for 2021 is the band’s new trading name…

The band have been thinking about changing their name for years now. It’s become clear that it’s possible to misapprehend the name British Sea Power as indicating nationalism of an insular, jingoistic nature. Twenty years on from their inception, Sea Power now sail forth, free of any national flag of convenience. The new band name is a modest gesture of separation from the wave of crass nationalism that has traversed our world recently. After all, this group have always been internationalist in outlook, as made clear in several songs, most notably Waving Flags, a hymn to pan-European congress. The name Sea Power is also a shorthand by which the band’s audience have long known the group.

Alongside the name change, the band would like to make it clear they deeply love the British Isles. They feel lucky to have been born and raised across these lands – in Cumbria, Yorkshire, London and Shropshire. The band members now live in Sussex, Cumbria and the Inner Hebrides.

Sea Power retain clear potency in 2021. Certainly, there are facets that make the Two Fingers single timely.

“It’s maybe interesting,” says Yan, “that the song mentions nightmare monsters from the world of HP Lovecraft. This song has been around a little while, partly because of the big interruption of Covid. Between the song being written and the album being finished, the TV series Lovecraft Country was broadcast – which took the supernatural Lovecraft and ran it alongside 1950s America and Lovecraft’s racism. He was a terrible racist, a white supremacist, which is why his world is there in the song, like anti-matter – something full of horror and mankind at its worst. But, alongside the negative forces in the song, there’s also a strong hopeful intent, a desire to start anew. Beyond that, the track has influences that are just inspiring – David Lynch, Cold War Steve, the Sex Pistols, Joe Meek’s Telstar, the beauty of isolated landscapes.”

As the lyrics go: “Two fingers for the dead / Two fingers for the living / Two fingers for the world that we all live in”. Two fingers as dismissal. Two fingers as defiance. Because, reverse those f***-you fingers and they become a gesture of hope and redemption. Here is rock music made by people who know what it is to originate on one side of the tracks but also to have been given a chance. BSP’s two singers, brothers Yan and Hamilton, are emphatically products of Britain’s post-war welfare state and social housing. Their childhoods were a time of full grants – education free of financial equations. A time of free school dinners, a world where brave young footballers didn’t need to lobby for adequate nutrition for children. With Two Fingers, BSP damn the bad and say a prayer for the good.

Can rock music lift the mood, can rock music make things better? Maybe it can. Let’s travel in hope. And if you aren’t up for that, then, well, two fingers to you, too.

Pre-order Everything Was Forever here.

Sea Power - Everything Was Forever album artwork | Download hi-res here

Everything Was Forever track listing:

1. Scaring At The Sky
2. Transmitter
3. Two Fingers
4. Fire Escape In The Sea
5. Doppelgänger
6. Fear Eats The Soul
7. Folly
8. Green Goddess
9. Lakeland Echo
10. We Only Want To Make You Happy

Sea Power are:

Jan Scott Wilkinson – vocals / guitars
Neil Hamilton Wilkinson – vocals / guitars
Martin Noble – guitars
Matthew Wood – drums
Abi Fry – viola
Phil Sumner – keyboards / cornet


10.08.2021 - 20:31

Sympathische Band, die eigentlich nie groß enttäuscht hat. Namensänderung geht in Ordnung. Schön auch der Albumtitel, der einen meiner Lieblingssongs von ihnen zitiert ("Heavy Water").


15.09.2021 - 14:51- Newsbeitrag

Sea Power share video for “Two Fingers”

UK headline tour dates on sale now

New album Everything Was Forever due for release on 11 Feb 2022

Sea Power are today sharing the video for their latest single “Two Fingers”. Announced last month - and now A-listed on BBC 6 Music - “Two Fingers” is the lead single from forthcoming album Everything Was Forever, set for release on 11 February 2022.

Pre-order the album Everything Was Forever here.

Upon release, co-frontman Jan Scott Wilkinson said: “The song is part inspired by our late dad. He was always giving a two-fingered salute to people on the telly – a kind of old-fashioned drinking term, toasting people or events: ‘I’ll drink two fingers to that’, to some news item or to memories of a childhood friend. In the song it’s a toast to everyone, remembering those in our lives and those sadly no longer here and to making the world a better place. The song is ‘F*** me, f*** you, f*** everything.’ But it’s also ‘Love me, love you, love everything’ – exultation in the darkness. If you say ‘f*** you’ in the right way, it really can be cathartic, a new start.”

Jan Scott Wilkinson also directed and edited the single’s accompanying video, which he describes as an “ambiguous and open-minded exploration of footage from around the world. Both celebratory and fearful. A collage of moving images striving to overcome a narrative free emptiness.”

Watch the video for "Two Fingers” below.

Sea Power have also shared a run of headline UK tour dates. Tickets can be purchased here. Full details below.

April 2022

Tuesday 12 – 1865, Southampton
Wednesday 13 – O2 Institute 2, Birmingham
Thursday 14 – Roundhouse, London
Tuesday 19 – O2 Academy, Bristol
Thursday 21 – Leadmill, Sheffield
Friday 22 – St Lukes, Glasgow
Saturday 23 – Albert Hall, Manchester


14.10.2021 - 18:31- Newsbeitrag

The newly minted Sea Power are today sharing “Folly”, the latest single to be released from their forthcoming new album Everything Was Forever.

“Folly” arrives on the heels of lead single “Two Fingers”, a song that heralded a new era for the band as they said goodbye to the word “British” from their name. It was a move that drew a predictable response from certain quarters of the media - making headlines globally across TV, radio and press – but it was the strength of the band’s first new music in five years that made the loudest noise, as “Two Fingers” immediately jumped onto the BBC 6 Music A-list.

Where “Two Fingers” took in mortality, defiance, HP Lovecraft and V signs, “Folly” sings up a meandering humanity – a sleepwalking world of procrastinators with our eyes on the short-term. Guitarist Noble expands:

“Folly is in the tradition of singalong Sea Power apocalyptic anthems – everyone ambling down the road to a multitude of catastrophes. Party on! You might find yourself standing up on the South Downs, up on the fells or the dales, looking down at the world, a world where we seem to avoid the decisions and changes to stop the rot. It’s all folly, but in this case set to some pretty life-affirming music – good stuff underpinning the donut vibes and maybe making you think it’s not all over, not quite, not yet.”

Hamilton continues: “I was thinking of things like greedy overlords playing fart games on the lawns of their great dominions, the enclosure of common lands, bodies, minds, the fantastical gusto of doom and frivolity that feeds the world, me included. I was feeling all on edge, paranoid like the old vampire in Nosferatu when I got into this song.”

Listen to "Folly" on DSPs here and on YouTube below.

The MACHINA of God

14.10.2021 - 18:58

Namensänderung fand ich eher komisch, weil das British ja nie wirklich ernst gemeint war. Ist aber auch egal. Mag die Band und freu mich drauf.

Würde mir allerdings mehr Infos zum Album hier im Thread wünschen.


16.10.2021 - 13:05

Bin da voll bei dir, Namensänderung find ich etwas merkwürdig, aber eigentlich latte wenn sie weiter gute Musik raushauen.

Folly ist ne richtig klasse Single. Freu mich drauf.


05.01.2022 - 19:10- Newsbeitrag

Sea Power are today sharing “Green Goddess”, the latest single to be released from their forthcoming new album, Everything Was Forever, which is released on 18th Feb 2021.

“Green Goddess” follows earlier singles “Two Fingers” and “Folly” which - outside of their BAFTA-winning soundtrack score for the award-winning and multi-million-selling video game Disco Elysium - represented the first new music from the band in 5 years. Where “Two Fingers” took in mortality, defiance, HP Lovecraft and V signs, and “Folly” pondered a sleepwalking humanity, “Green Goddess” casts its gaze closer to home. Vocalist and guitarist Jan Scott Wilkinson expands:

“Green Goddess was written with [guitarist] Noble. He had the initial idea for the music which I helped arrange and add vocals to. It is a love song about everything green from the Lake District to the New Forest. The places I love to be which are quiet and restorative. It is also a love song for my wife whose favourite colour is green. A rumination on human and non-human muses. There are dark and complicated things going on but sometimes it is good to forget this and go to the places and where you are happy. A hope that the future doesn't have to be at odds with the past.”

Listen to “Green Goddess” on DSPs here and on YouTube below.


09.02.2022 - 19:21- Newsbeitrag

Frisch rezensiert.


The MACHINA of God

09.02.2022 - 20:50

Dank der Rezi freu ich mich jetzt richtig drauf. Die ist schön. Das Album hoffentlich auch. Gute Band.

The MACHINA of God

18.02.2022 - 14:21

Interessant, wie vage und sphärisch das Album geworden ist. Der Vorgänger war ja recht direkt.


22.02.2022 - 16:50

Wieder kein schlechtes Album, wenn auch für mich diesmal eher unauffällig in der Diskografie. "Transmitter" ist für mich dabei der Topsong. Geht ordentlich vorwärts und rumpelt so schön.


02.04.2022 - 11:50

Stimmt, neben "Transmitter " aber nicht "Doppelgänger" vergessen, tolle Hymne auch. Netter Wechsel zwischen den typischen Sea Power-Hymnen und sphärischen Tracks, sage mal alles wie gehabt ohne Überraschungen, aber ordentlich.

The MACHINA of God

08.10.2022 - 12:19

Ich mag diese schwebende Stimmung total.

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