Touché Amoré - 10 years / 1.000 shows – Live at the Regent Theater
14.09.2018 - 21:05- Newsbeitrag
Live Album "10 YEARS / 1000 SHOWS LIVE AT THE REGENT THEATER“ am 02.11.18 auf Epitaph
Aufgenommen am 16. Februar in Los Angeles
"Flowers And You“ - Live Video
Gemixt von Kurt Ballou
Am 16.02. spielten TOUCHE AMORÈ zum 10 jährigen Band-Jubiläum ihre 1000ste Live Show im „Regent Theater“ in ihrer Heimatstadt Los Angeles. Die Live-Aufnahme dieser ausverkaufte Show, wird nun am 02.11. unter dem Titel "10 Years / 1000 Shows at The Regent Theater“ auf Epitaph veröffentlicht.
Einen ersten Einruck bekommt man anhand des Live-Videos von "Flowers and You":
Weitere Informationen / die Tracklist:
10 Years / 1000 Shows at The Regent Theater features 27 live recorded tracks that were mixed by Kurt Ballou at GodCity Studio in Salem, MA.
In late 2016 Touché Amoré released their fourth studio album, Stage Four. The album Stage Four graced many “Best of 2016” lists including A.V. Club’s “20 Best Albums of 2016” list, Stereogum’s “50 Best Albums Of 2016” list, one of the year’s best L.A. albums by L.A. Weekly, and one of the 20 best emo/punk albums of 2016 by Brooklyn Vegan. In addition, Apple Music ranked the Stage Four single “Palm Dreams” among the Best Rock Tracks and Best Hard Rock Songs of 2016.
Touche Amore 10 Years / 1000 Shows Live At The Regent Theater Track List
1. ~
2. New Halloween
3. Rapture
4. And Now It’s Happening In Mine
5. Uppers / Downers
6. Adieux
7. Steps
8. Just Exist
9. Pathfinder
10. Flowers And You
11. Negotiating The Charade
12. The Great Repetition
13. Art Official
14. Displacement
15. Cadence
16. Harbor
17. Palm Dreams
18. Home Away From Here
19. Amends
20. Banter
21. Benediction
22. Is Survived By
23. Condolences
24. Banter
25. Circa 95
26. Low Beams
27. I’ll Get My Just Deserve
28. I’ll Deserve Just That
29. Honest Sleep
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