P.O.D. - Circles
12.09.2018 - 19:43- Newsbeitrag
Reveal official video for 'Rockin' With The Best'
Taken from the new album ‘Circles’
Released: November 16th, 2018
Mascot Records/Mascot Label Group
On November 16th, 2018, Mascot Records/Mascot Label Group will release 'Circles,' P.O.D.'s debut for the label. In the last few years, P.O.D. have performed at the Download Festival, Hellfest, Rock on the Range, River City Rockfest, Carolina Rebellion, and Aftershock Festival, as well as shared stages with In This Moment, Prophets of Rage, Shinedown, and Five Finger Death Punch.
Ahead of this they are thrilled to reveal their brand new video for 'Rockin' With The Best'. Talking about the song frontman Sonny Sandoval says, "Rockin' With The Best is direct, raw and in your face, unapologetic sound that has been pioneered by P.O.D. The only question is whether or not you know how to get down with it?"
On Circles, P.O.D. collaborated with an L.A.-based production duo called the Heavy, who ensured the album is contemporary-sounding without losing any of the band's core sonic signifiers. The rap-driven "Rockin' With The Best" has an old-school P.O.D. sound that nods to the Beastie Boys, while "Always Southern California" is a reggae-inflected rocker and the groove-heavy "Soundboy Killa" is a hip-hop/metal hybrid. The dynamic title track even boasts moody electronic flourishes, glassy piano, and laid-back rapping verses.
"On Circles, we didn't limit ourselves and say, 'Hey, we need to please the metal crowd, or the hardcore crowd, or the punk crowd,'" saysSandoval. "We just wanted to play and write songs that we hope are relevant and catchy to a new audience—while, at the same time, still being true to ourselves."
The idea of searching for a bright side has been a constant theme for P.O.D. over the years, both on newer songs such as "Lost in Forever" and "Beautiful," and on early hits "Alive," "Youth of the Nation" and "Boom." Through it all, the members of P.O.D.—Sandoval, lead guitarist Marcos Curiel, bassist Traa Daniels and drummer Wuv Bernardo—have leaned on one another for support and creative inspiration.
"We are touring and making music because it still means something to the people that are coming out to see us, and people that are still listening to our music," Sandoval says. "We're humbled, we're grateful, and we're thankful for people that still enjoy what we're doing."
P.O.D. - Circles Tracklist Extra info
Releasedate: 16-Nov-2018
1. Rockin’ With The Best
2. Always Southern California
3. Circles
4. Panic Attack
5. On The Radio
6. Fly Away
7. Listening For The Silence
8. Dreaming
9. Domino
10. Soundboy Killa
11. Home http://www.payableondeath.com/ www.mascotlabelgroup.com
28.09.2018 - 18:57- Newsbeitrag
P.O.D. genießen seit über 25 Jahren eine Popularität, um die sie viele andere Bands beneiden. Sowohl mit jüngeren Songs wie „Lost In Forever“ oder „Beautiful“ als auch mit älteren Hits wie „Alive“, „Youth Of The Nation“ oder „Boom“ zählt die Gruppe nach wie vor zu den Grundpfeilern des Rock Radios.
Ein wichtiger Teil ihres Erfolgsrezepts war es, sich nie in eine Schublade stecken zu lassen. „Wenn man unsere Songs vergleicht, merkt man, dass wir uns nie auf einen einzigen Musikstil fokussiert haben.“, sagt Frontmann Sonny Sandoval.
Das gilt natürlich auch für das neue Album „Circles“, das am 16.11.2018 veröffentlicht wird.
Vorab veröffentlichen P.O.D. jetzt den Titeltrack zum kommenden Album „Circles“, hier zu hören:
29.09.2018 - 00:31
Ein wichtiger Teil ihres Erfolgsrezepts war es, sich nie in eine Schublade stecken zu lassen
Haha, POD ist übelster 90er Jahre New Metal. Mehr Schublade geht im Grunde gar nicht.
Rudi Aschlmeier, Vampirjäger
29.09.2018 - 11:08
Ein Christian-Nu-Metal-Revival? Ist es dafür nicht zu früh/spät?
29.09.2018 - 11:09
Wir haben das Lager gewechselt, unsere Seelen an Baphomet verkauft und starten jetzt einen Neustart, yeah!
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