The Irrepressibles - Superheroes


31.05.2018 - 11:40- Newsbeitrag

My apologies to everyone for the wait. I thought after such a long wait I'd write a note to you all. As with all my albums I’ve tried to create a distinct universe. This involved me taking up new skills, learning stuff, a lot of exploration with sound, and importantly landscaping a time and place as vividly as a could. I write songs, compose, arrange, and then produce - not always in that order - so as you can imagine it is a big, often lonely, process ha. Plus with the side projects of collaborations and shows with Royksopp and ionnalee recently, and the learning of new skills, it has taken me more time to get to this place of completion.

So, anyway.. this album no. 3... tis' a little different…

It is full of real emotion yes - the deepest of loves I’ve been blessed with and much reflection - I know you are used to this side of me. BUT this album might make you dance! even laugh! (it does me) and perhaps other things - the other real emotions of life - as we take you on a journey with us.

So bare with the ride that’s coming. This is a broad album and cohesive story. It has its own universe and things to say. And it’s one of the most true to me and honest of my albums. It also features some very talented musicians and guest vocalists whom you’ll get to know in time, some of which you do already. And, you know, I have never not challenged with any album he! he! being a playful man-child and at bit of a rebel!

We are also very VERY excited about touring it, in time.

So the news is we are about to start the release of singles from the album.

So lets get started…

‘submission’ is the first single released from The Irrepressibles highly anticipated 3rd record. The track discusses how when we fall in love we have to submit to it and how when it ends it destroys us much like the French saying ’la petite mort’ or ‘the little death’. The Irrepressibles combine the two meanings of this saying and reflect on an intensely visceral desire and deeply felt love between two men. The track features the voice of US-born gay indie alt-country artist Jon Campbell in duet with Jamie Irrepressible.

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