Various Artists - Standing at the gates: The songs of Nada Surf's 'Let go'
31.01.2018 - 20:17- Newsbeitrag
Standing at the Gates: The Songs of Nada Surf's Let Go
VÖ: 02.03.2018
Kat.-Nr.: MDV07
CD: 881626515020
Digital: 881626515068
LP: 881626515013
Label/Vertrieb: Mardev Records/Broken Silence
Anlässlich der Feierlichkeiten zum 15. Jubiläum ihres einflussreichen Albums Let Go, veröffentlichen NADA SURF Standing At The Gates: The Songs of Nada Surf's Let Go, ein Charity Album an dem eine bunt gemischte Zahl an Künstlern beteiligt ist und die Songs vom Album covert. Um die Ankündigung einzuläuten teilt die Band einen ersten Song, und zwar “Happy Kid”, in der Version von Ron Gallo, welche hier zum Stream bereitsteht:
An dem Album wirken außerdem mit Aimee Mann, ROGUE WAVE, MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA, Charly Bliss um nur einige zu nennen. Die komplette Trackliste findet Ihr weiter unten. Standing At The Gates erscheint am 2. Februar digital, der offizielle CD Release ist für den 2. März angesetzt. NADA SURF unterstützt mit dem Album die ACLU und The Pablove Foundation.
Standing At The Gates: The Songs of Nada Surf's Let Go
1. Blizzard of '77 (MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA)
2. Happy Kid (Ron Gallo)
3. Inside of Love (THE TEXAS GENTLEMEN)
4. Fruit Fly (Ed Harcourt)
5. Blonde on Blonde (ROGUE WAVE)
6. Hi-Speed Soul (THE LONG WINTERS)
7. Killian's Red (Holly Miranda)
8. The Way You Wear Your Head (Charly Bliss)
9. Neither Heaven Nor Space (William Tyler)
10. La Pour Ca (Adia Victoria)
11. Treading Water (EYELIDS)
12. Paper Boats (Aimee Mann)
13. No Quick Fix (Victoria Bergsman)
Eine Jubiläumstour soll ebenfalls stattfinden und zwar schon im April. Unter dem Motto: 'An Evening with Nada Surf, Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of Let Go.' Die Band wird das gesamte Album spielen, eine kurze Pause einlegen und dann für ein weiteres Set auf die Bühne zurückkehren. Die Daten siehe unten. Einen Support wird es nicht geben.
'An Evening with Nada Surf, Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of Let Go.'
Präsentiert von: Visions, Piranha, &
06.04.2018 CH- Zürich, Dynamo
07.04.2018 AT- Wien, Wuk
09.04.2018 München, Muffathalle
10.04.2018 Köln, Bürgerhaus Stollwerck
11.04.2018 Berlin, Huxley’s Neue Welt
12.04.2018 Hamburg, Grünspan
Ursprünglich veröffentlicht in 2013 waren die Tracklisten von Let Go in USA und UK/EU unterschiedlich. Für diesen Zweck steht die US Trackliste Pate, die Compilation enthält aber auch "No Quick Fix" (aufgenommen von Victoria Bergsman von TAKEN BY TREES/THE CONCRETES), ein Song der nur auf der ursprünglichen UK/EU Version vertreten war. "Neither Heaven Nor Space" tauchte dort gar nicht erst auf.
Let Go wurde von der Musikpresse gefeiert (nur Pitchfork wollte sich hier nicht anschließen und vergab eine 3.8/10) und ist nach der unangenehmen Trennung von ihrem ursprünglichen Label Elektra Records wohl hauptverantwortlich für den verdienten Karriereschub der Band.
"getting dropped after our second record was kind of a blessing. we all of sudden had all this time to be back in our normal lives. there was just enough going with the band to justify not figuring out what the next step in life should be, what other career i should try and figure out. i didn't make myself go to grad school or anything. i worked at the local record store, went to shows, messed around with home recording, buying and selling a couple of used 4-tracks and then 8-tracks, trying different set-ups. i lived in a rent-controlled apartment in williamsburg that was directly above a fruit and vegetable shop. the building i lived in was falling apart. the wind blew right through the walls. i had ice inside my windows in winter. i could make a little noise without bothering anyone. i bought a toy drum kit.
i went straight from college to working as a paralegal, then doing graveyard shift temping at an investment bank, then working at a magazine called guitar world, right up until our first day of preproduction for high/low. the first few years in the band were busy enough that my times at home always felt in-between. now i was in a kind of easy-going low-pressure post-college slightly directionless haze that i hadn't had up until then. in terms of writing songs and making music, it was kind of like making a first album all over again. we didn't have the sense that anyone was watching, we were back in a vacuum. that was very freeing.
i'm totally knocked out by the new versions of these songs, by so many of my favorite artists. i never would have suggested making this album, but i'm sure glad it happened!" - Matthew Caws
"I first heard Nada Surf on a mix CD a friend made me in high school that was pretty life-changing. It was 20+ songs from bands I had never heard of before. It opened the door to "underground" or "indie" music for me, and also the door to actually good songs being written by weirdos in the present day, which I didn't know existed from listening to mostly south jersey pop-punk and hardcore music. I'm pretty sure it was the song "Paper Boats" from Let Go. I really sucked at making music back then so it's cool to have this resurface many years later and be able to be apart of the compilation." - Ron Gallo
"Not many people know this but the night I met my wife was at a Nada Surf gig in London at the Borderline; they are one of those bands that remain very dear to us, not just because Let Go was a record that we played to death but also because we were label mates, toured together and even released a split 7 inch (now I'm feeling pretty old)...when I was asked to record a version of "Fruit Fly" it made me laugh because I actually can't stand fruitflies, but it's such a beautiful song so the decision was obviously yes. Of course I had to take it down a key, because Matthew has such an amazing and pure voice that can effortlessly reach the high heavens & upper rafters! A honour and a privilege gentlemen. Perhaps I'll be nicer to fruitlfies from now on." - Ed Harcourt
Meinungen zu Let Go:
"12 literate songs of consumptive love lives in imbalance, full of big melodies and enough wonder at the world to turn frowns upside down every time." - MOJO
"Virtually every song on Let Go hits its mark in one way or another, dispensing consistently remarkable moments that range from the sweet minor-key swoon of "Blizzard Of '77" and "Neither Heaven Nor Space" to the sleek, bouncy new wave of "Hi-Speed Soul."
Examining relationships, fruit-fly swarms, and Cheap Trick lyrics with equally keen understanding, all while dispensing a disarming array of subtly endearing hooks,Nada Surf completes the evolution into a smart pop marvel before most listeners knew it had begun." - AV Club
"A dozen near-perfect pop songs, each one teeming with joyful desperation." - Entertainment Weekly (A-)
**** - Rolling Stone
15.03.2018 - 19:35
wollte mir das album anfänglich gar nicht antun, let go ist zu perfekt. jetzt hab ich es mir doch geladen und bin völlig überrascht.
15.03.2018 - 19:37
Hi-Speed Soul wäre ein super Cover für Noel & seine Birds. Ist mir bisher gar nie eingefallen, aber nach dem Cover definitiv... Das liegt sogar fast auf der Hand...
15.03.2018 - 19:39
und das Killian‘s Red so gut klingen kann ausserhalb Nada Surf hätt ich auch nicht gedacht
15.03.2018 - 19:39
das=dass sorry...
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