Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly - Neue Songs


01.06.2017 - 20:10- Newsbeitrag

Außerdem freuen wir uns auf die Rückkehr von Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly - die erste Veröffentlichung seit vier Jahren erfolgt am 2. Juni auf Xtra Mile Recordings, inspiriert von den aktuellen politischen und gesellschaftliche Ereignissen.
Zu hören gibt es die beiden neuen Tracks "Optimist" und "National Health" ab morgen hier

Nach der Veröffentlichung des Albums "Baby Boomers 2" unter dem Namen Recreations, kehrt Sam Duckworth zu seinem Projekt Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly zurück

“Don’t let the people make you think, that just because you’re young, you’re useless.” I wrote those words back in 2006 when I was young, now I’m a little older, I still believe them. A funny thing is happening, a new generation of thinkers and crucially, doers, is coming through. Ones, who weren’t old enough to vote in 2015, alongside them is a wide range of people compelled to vote for the first time. Regardless of the result of this election, there will be an unprecedented turn out of first time voters.

Being a political artist has been a strange journey. One that saw my optimism plummet, due to a wide range of factors. The question “where are the political bands” right now, is redundant. They are everywhere. For ten years I wrestled with this very thing. Tagged as a political artist, I noticed the optimism morph into cynicism. Whilst musically I was improving, lyrically I was sounding down. Truth be told. I was down too.

It’s urban fact that once you hit your 30s, you stop caring about what people think of you and once again I am a cliche. Turns out I’m always going to be “naive.” There is a belief in the air that positive change is possible, sadly as a result of international negative change, but there is at least hope. Where there is hope there is action, where there is action there is change.

Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly is an anti fascist, hopeful project. I have always been anti facist, but recently I’ve began to hope again. It’s good to be back.”

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