Baroness live


28.03.2017 - 17:52- Newsbeitrag

BARONESS bestätigen Clubshows im Juni
BARONESS halten seit der Gründung 2003 an ihrer Do-It-Yourself-Punk-Ethik fest, buchen ihre Touren selbst und batiken ihre T-Shirts. Vielleicht ist das der Grund dafür, dass ihre Alben – „Red Album“, „Blue Record“, „Yellow & Green“ und zuletzt „Purple“ – diese farbenfrohen Titel tragen. Mit den ersten beiden Platten hat sich die Combo um John Baizley (Gesang, Gitarre) ihren Platz in der Metal-Welt erobert: Beide wurden gleich von etlichen Magazinen rund um den Globus zu den Alben des Jahres erkoren. Das dritte melodischere Doppelalbum sorgte für den Durchbruch und die ersten Chartplatzierungen im oberen Bereich und erweiterte die Fanschar über die Metalheads hinaus. Nach einem schweren Tourunfall zerbrach die Band beinahe, um dann umso stärker wiederzukommen: Vor anderthalb Jahren folgte das triumphale „Purple“, produziert vom legendären Dave Fridman, und setzte Baizley und sein neues Lineup mit Pete Adams (Gitarre, Gesang), Nick Jost (Bass, Keyboards) und Sebastian Thomson (Drums) endgültig an die Spitze. BARONESS haben längst den Metal und all die Genregrenzen, die von Kleingeistern gerne vorgewiesen werden, überwunden und machen Rock für die Zukunft. So richtig ließen sie sich ohnehin niemals festlegen, saugten sie doch aus allem von Postpunk bis Psychedelic, von Hardcore bis Indie was sie brauchten, um die Gitarrengewalt, die in ihrem Rock wirkt, zu bändigen. Im Sommer kommen die Jungs aus Savannah nicht nur zu den Zwillingsfestivals Hurricane und Southside. BARONESS werden darüber hinaus im Juni noch drei exklusive Clubshows spielen.

Präsentiert werden die Clubshows von VISIONS, Rock Hard, guitar, SLAM und

Purple Summer 2017-Tour
15.06.2017 Berlin - Columbia Theater
20.06.2017 Saarbrücken - Garage
28.06.2017 Dresden - Beatpol

Tickets für die Clubshows gibt es ab Mittwoch, den 29. März, 10 Uhr für 22 Euro zzgl. Gebühren an allen bekannten CTS–VVK-Stellen sowie unter der Hotline 01806 – 853653 (0,20 €/Anruf aus dem Festnetz, Mobilfunk max. 0,60 €/Anruf), auf und

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09.06.2017 - 22:27- Newsbeitrag

Liebe Medienpartner,

bei Baroness gab es kürzlich einen Mitgliederwechsel an der Gitarre. Pete Adams trennt sich auf freundschaftlicher Ebene von der Band um sich seinem Leben außerhalb der Musikwelt zu widmen. An Adam's Stelle tritt nun Gina Gleason. Ein offizielles Statement der Band findet sich unten.

Außerdem sind Baroness aktuell auf Europatournee und stehen für Interviews zur Verfügung, meldet Euch dafür gerne bei Björn Meyer ( Das Konzert in Berlin wird übrigens aufgrund von "Umständen außerhalb ihrer Kontrolle" vom 15. im Columbia Theater auf den 22. Juni im SO36 verlegt.

Liebe Grüße,
Odyssey Music Network


June 1, 2017, Philadelphia – Baroness’ longtime guitar player, Pete Adams, has amicably left Baroness, electing to spend less time on the road and focus on a burgeoning non-music business and his home life.

“I would like to say thanks to all of the Baroness fans far and wide and all of the support through the ups and downs along the way,” says Pete. “I feel beyond fortunate to have had the chance to travel great distances with Baroness and to meet so many of you. I honestly never thought I would be able to do what I have done with Baroness. Playing alongside my oldest friends, playing music that isn’t simply readily accepted by the masses, and sharing the stage with some of the best musicians and bands from around the globe. That said, it’s time for me to focus my energy closer to home and not on the road. However, this isn’t the end of my musical career by any means as I plan to continue working with Valkyrie. Again, thank you to all along the way, and most importantly thank you greatly to the current, past and future members of Baroness.”

Band founder, singer and guitar player John Baizley commenting on Pete’s departure: “I need to take a moment, on behalf of myself and Baroness, to recognize and sincerely thank one of my oldest friends and bandmates, Pete Adams, as he moves on from Baroness to pursue a new phase in his life. I feel fortunate beyond words to have shared the stage with you for nearly 25 years, since we were barely teenagers. It would be impossible to articulate the value and impact of the personal history, friendship and musical bond we have enjoyed throughout our lives and within this band. Through Baroness, we’ve seen that friendship grow further and often in unexpected ways; we’ve taken part in so many adventures together that it’s difficult to keep track of them all. It’s never easy to part ways but it is important to highlight a couple of things: First, we offer unconditional support and respect for Pete’s decision and we’re excited to see where his path leads. Second, Baroness will forge ahead with an undiminished passion and as much creativity as ever. The narrative of this band has often felt as though it falls into distinct chapters, and while we’re excited to move into the next, we are equally sad to see Pete go. When Pete and I were kids, as he’s often said in interviews, we shared a dream of growing up and playing music together and seeing the far corners of the globe. And we did. Thank you Pete, for being a friend when I needed support, a brother when I needed family, and a bandmate when you and I had a hunger to see the world.”

Baroness have added guitar player Gina Gleason, a Philadelphia native who Baizley, Nick Jost and Sebastian Thomson are excited to have on board:

“With Pete Adams’ official last show just over a month behind us, and a European tour on the not-so-distant-horizon, we are proud to welcome our new guitarist, Gina Gleason, into Baroness, and we hope our fans will share in our excitement and provide her a warm welcome into the Baroness family. She has worked tirelessly in recent weeks/months, not only learning the specifics of our material, but slowly beginning to carefully stake out her own personal territory within our sound. Throughout the lifespan of this band we've had the genuine pleasure of working with incredibly gifted artists/musicians, who recognize in Baroness the need each member has to contribute something of their own musical personality, rather than imitate one that’s been established, not simply to respect the individual contributions of past members, but to develop a genuine connection to our songs, old and new alike. Gina’s ability both to learn our music and to find her own voice within our songs has been inspiring to observe, and it helps once again to renew our belief in this band’s music, which we’ve come to rely on as a true wellspring of creativity and musical discovery.”

Baizley, adds: “I really thought I would have become a jaded musician at this point, with nothing left to discover and no will to try, but each subsequent year proves me wrong. We play a hometown show with Gina tomorrow, followed by a European tour and my only regret is that we won’t have time to go everywhere on Earth we’d like to before the urge to get back to writing our new record overtakes us. We’re bringing a bunch of songs on tour that haven't been played in many years; we’re anxious to dust off some of these earliest Baroness songs. Thanks to all of you who have offered your support over these years. We’ll be seeing you soon.”


June 9 Derby, UK - Download Festival
June 10 Nimes, France - This Is Not A Love Song
June 12 Strasbourg, France - La Laiterie
June 14 Eindhoven, Netherlands - Effenaar
June 17 Dessel, Belgium - Graspop Metal Meeting
June 18 Clisson, France - Hellfest
June 19 Esch Sur Alzette, Luxembourg - Rockhal
June 20 Saarbrucken, Germany - Garage Saarbrucken
June 22 Berlin, Germany - SO36 (postponed from June 15th)
June 23 Copenhagen, Denmark - Copenhell
June 24 Scheessel, Germany - Hurricane Festival
June 25 Neuhausen Ob Eck, Germany - Southside Festival
June 27 Graz, Austria - PPC
June 28 Dresden, Germany - Beatpol
June 30 Norrkoping, Sweden - Bravalla Festival
July 2 Helsinki, Finland - Tuska Open Air Metal Festival

Baroness released the Grammy-nominated album, Purple, in late 2015. The 10-song album has been universally praised with Pitchfork saying it features “some of the biggest, strongest songs Baroness has ever written,” Entertainment Weekly calling the album “their finest release yet,” Rolling Stone Australia dubbing it “the most dynamic, robust guitar album this year,” and Mojo echoing those sentiments, saying “Baroness have delivered their masterpiece: an album grounding their cosmic heaviosity with earthbound, compelling drama.” Purple and the songs from the album also landed on a number of year-end best of lists with “Shock Me” coming in at #10 on Entertainment Weekly’s Top 40 Songs of 2015, Pitchfork awarding it #6 on their Best Metal Albums of 2015 round-up and Rolling Stone placing the release at #7 on their 20 Best Metal Albums of 2015. - - -


05.08.2019 - 20:12- Newsbeitrag


annoncieren Headliner Shows in Europa


Photocredit: Baroness

Baroness kündigen einige Headliner Shows in Europa an, die sie zwischen den Konzerten mit VOLBEAT spielen. Die amerikanische Band spielt u.a. zum ersten Mal in Griechenland.

Hier die neuen Shows:

16.10.19 Zagreb, HR Vintage Industrial Bar

19.10.19 Athen, GR Gargarin 205

22.10.19 Wien , AT Arena Wien

24.10.19 Rotterdam, NL Maasilo

25.10.19 Saarbrücken, DE Garage

26.10.19 Münster, DE Sputnikhalle

28.10.19 Krakau, PL Kwadrat

Tickets gibt es ab Freitag , 9. August ab 10.00 Uhr CET.

Kommende Baroness Tourdaten in der kompletten Übersicht:

August 5 Atlanta, GA Buckhead Theatre

August 6 Tampa, FL The Orpheum

August 7 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Culture Room

August 9 Orlando, FL Plaza Live

August 10 Jacksonville, FL 1904 Music Hall

August 11 Charleston, SC The Music Farm

August 13 Charlotte, NC The Underground

August 14 Asheville, NC The Orange Peel

August 16 Richmond, VA The National

August 17 Baltimore, MD Baltimore Sound Stage

September 23 Newcastle, UK O2 Academy *

September 24 Glasgow, UK O2 Academy *

September 26 London, UK O2 Academy Brixton *

September 28 Bristol, UK O2 Academy *

September 30 Birmingham, UK O2 Academy *

October 1 Manchester, UK O2 Apollo *

October 3 Belfast, UK Ulster Hall *

October 4 Dublin, IE Olympia Theatre *

October 6 Paris, FR L’Olympia *

October 7 Luxembourg, LU Rockhal *

October 9 Madrid, ES La Riviera *

October 10 Lissabon, PT Coliseum *

October 12 Barcelona, ES Razzmatazz *

October 14 Mailand, IT Fabrique *

October 16 Zagreb, HR Vintage Industrial Bar

October 19 Athens, GR Gargarin 205

October 22 Wien, AT Arena Wien

October 24 Rotterdam, NL Maasilo

October 25 Saarbrücken, DE Garage

October 26 Münster, DE Sputnikhalle

October 28 Krakau, PL Kwadrat

October 29 Warschau, PL Torwar Arena *

October 31 Prag, CZ O2 Universum *

November 1 Berlin, DE Mercedes-Benz Arena *

November 3 Stuttgart, DE Schleyerhalle *

November 5 Zürich, CH Hallenstadion *

November 7 Frankfurt, DE Festhalle *

November 8 München, DE Olympiahalle *

November 10 Leipzig, DE Arena Leipzig *

November 11 Hamburg, DE Barclaycard Arena *

November 12 Hamburg, DE Barclaycard Arena *

November 14 Köln, DE Lanxess Arena *

November 15 Köln, DE Lanxess Arena *

November 17 Wien, AT Stadhalle *

November 19 Amsterdam, NL Ziggo Dome *

November 21 Antwerpen, BE Lotto Arena *

November 27 Helsinki, FI Hartwall Arena *

November 29 Stockholm, SE Tele2 Arena *

* mit Volbeat

Eurodance Commando

06.08.2019 - 01:24

Auweia, jetzt supporten die auch noch die käsigen Volbeat. Stimmungsmetal für die Massen.

MopedTobias (Marvin)

06.08.2019 - 01:58

Ein Volbeat-Support ist echt... krass :o Musikalisch ist "Gold & Grey" da immer noch weit genug von weg, aber der Zukunft von Baroness lässt mich das eher skeptisch entgehenblicken.

Eurodance Commando

06.08.2019 - 02:10

Würde mich ja gar nicht so groß stören der Support. Aber in welcher Größenordnung Business dadurch auftreten ist einfach nur behindert. Die gehören nicht in die Stadien. Was für ein beschissener Move.

The MACHINA of God

06.08.2019 - 02:19

Geil, war das ein freudsches Autokorrekt in deinem Beitrag? :D

Eurodance Commando

06.08.2019 - 02:37

Baroness, Business, egal... Kann man im Kontext so stehen lassen.

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