Nick Cave in Car Cräsh

Drivers Seat

14.12.2010 - 22:59

Nick Cave: Great at making dark, disturbed rock music, bad at driving. The BBC reports that Cave crashed his Jaguar into a speed camera and roadside barrier last night in Hove, England. Cave, who lives in the area, was driving his twin 10-year-old sons at the time. Nobody was hurt and no other cars were involved, according to the BBC.

The BBC reports that according to Sussex police, no arrests were made, though "inquiries are continuing." But Cave may have pissed off some powerful people: "The camera belongs to the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership, not the police, and the railings belong to the local highway authority."

Also, Nick Cave drives a Jaguar! Ballin'!

Posted by Tom Breihan on December 8, 2010 at 1:15 p.m.


16.12.2010 - 23:19

hehe in einen Blitzkasten gekracht... wie konnte das passieren

Keine Ah_nung

17.12.2010 - 01:24

muss wohlso sein,.

car cräsh

17.12.2010 - 01:54

whooooo, babe i'm on fire!!

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