Jim Noir - Tower of love


04.06.2006 - 19:56

Track Listings

1. My Patch
2. I Me You I'm Your
3. Computer Song
4. How To Be So Real
5. Eanie Meany
6. Tower Of Love
7. Key Of C
8. Turbulent Weather
9. Turn Your Frown Into A Smile
10. Quiet Man
11. Eanie Meany
12. Only Way


Jim Noir is something of an enigma. Emerging fully formed from Manchester, he is a one-man psychedelic pop factory, a wunderkind who has created three much sought after EP's without even a live show to his name. He spews forth perfectly crafted songs, capturing both the sublime and ridiculous aspects of the psychedelic boom of the late sixties. His creations are brimming with a peculiarly British sense of eccentricity but are dragged into the 21st century by his one man and a computer recording ethos.

As you take a trip into Jim's day-glow world, it's easy to see what all the fuss is about. Although the album is basically made up of his three EP's with three new tracks added, as the EP's were only issued in limited edition vinyl, this will still be an essential purchase as it sees the first time these tracks are available on multiple formats. And with the arrival of opener ‘My Patch' it's easy to see why his recordings have been so sought after as you take your first steps towards pop nirvana. It's just one of many highlights, but don't be fooled by the quirkiness on the surface, scratch just below and the attention to detail is supreme, as illustrated by the Beach Boys alike harmonies that suddenly swirl into view, all painstakingly sung by the man himself.

Most of the album is the aural equivalent of swallowing a happy pill, a blast of sunshine on a dark winters day. A case in point is the gorgeously unequivocal optimism of ‘Turn Your Frown Into A Smile', rarely since the dream of 1960's disintegrated in a flurry of loathing and paranoia has such unadulterated positivity been unleashed on the world's collective furrowed brow (and without the least hint of sarcasm). There are, however, moments of whimsical introspection to temper the joy. ‘Computer Song' is a lament about the failings of technology with spectral backing vocals that wouldn't sound out of place on the Super Furry Animals album ‘Mwng', ‘How to Be So Real' is gently bucolic, laced with a lazy air of sadness and ‘The Only Way' is heartbreak, soft pop style.

Perhaps, though, it's ‘Eanie Meany' that gives the clearest glimpse of Jim Noir's worldview, when he sings ‘If you don't give my football back/I'm going to get my dad on you' you get a real sense of his child like wonder at the things around him. Perhaps in our increasingly jaded society we all need someone like Jim Noir around to keep innocence alive and remind us that not everything has to be tainted with cynicism.

Der Adidas Werbe Song "Eanie Meany" ist auch drauf :)


04.06.2006 - 21:44

wirklich nett


15.07.2006 - 13:46

w00t, 7/10 :) Geht in Ordnung.


18.07.2006 - 01:44

tolle, unbeschwerliche platte für den sommer. unheimlich charmant, ich seh schon mitten in der nacht sonnenuntergänge.

if you don't give my football back...


18.07.2006 - 11:26

Prima Album! "Eanie Meany" wird gerade aufgrund eines Werbespots ziemlich gepusht. Gut so!!!


18.07.2006 - 11:31

"platte für den sommer"


18.07.2006 - 12:03

okokok, ich bin mir sicher, dass ich die platte auch im winter, im frühling und im herbst geniessen kann, egal ob im auto, zu hause, im park, auf einer ölborinsel, in einer waldhütte vorm kamin oder beim durch die straßen laufen bei regen.
diese unbekümmertheit hat es mir einfach angetan.
und die passt im moment perfekt zum sommer.
erdbeeren mit sahne für die ohren.

Paul Paul

28.07.2006 - 05:19

Perfektes Album zum Relaxen, 7/10 passt. "Quiet Man" müsster aber klar zu den Highlights.

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