Super Furry Animals - Love kraft

Paul Paul

19.05.2005 - 18:46

Nur mal so am Rande:

"Super Furry Animals Spill New Album Details

Rob Kleckner reports:
Gruff Rhys is very nice. So nice in fact that not only is "Gruff" pronounced "Griff," but he took time to talk to Pitchfork about the new Super Furry Animals album-- all the way from Wales. That new album, Love Kraft, will be released by XL in the UK on August 15, and in the U.S. on August 9.

This album, more so than their previous six efforts, contains more songs written and sung by other members of the band. But it will still sound like a Super Furry Animals record. Rhys said, "More or less everyone sings their own songs, though we still help each other out. The sound is coherent. There's a mood that reflects our characters and the actual sound of the band throughout."

When asked if the plan going into the record was to share the songwriting love, Rhys explained, "Everybody's been pitching in more and more over the years anyway, and Cian [Ciaran] has always written a lot-- especially the instrumentals. It's nice having it wide open."

Unlike Rhys' 2005 solo album, Yr Atal Genhedlaeth, the new Super Furry Animals LP is not sung in Welsh. "But there's one in Portuguese," Rhys says. "There's a song called 'Oi Frango', which is basically an instrumental, but it does have a few Portuguese words that are repeated."

The tracklist, in English:

01 Zoom!
02 Atomik Lust
03 The Horn
04 Ohio Heat
05 Walk You Home
06 Laser Beam
07 Frequency
08 Oi Frango
09 Psyclone!
10 Back on a Roll
11 Cloudberries
12 Cabin Fever

Meanwhile, the band are set to do a short tour of the UK through the remainder of May. They will then play some of the UK summer festivals. A larger tour of Europe, Japan, and the U.S. is planned for later this fall. Asked if the tour will have a string section, Rhys said: "No, I suppose we're lucky to be living in the age of the sampler. We can just hit the road and recreate everything digitally, so it'll probably just be the five of us."

(Quelle: Pitchfork)


20.05.2005 - 12:33

bin gespannt, die letzte Platte war klasse! :)


20.05.2005 - 17:27

die davor war noch besser!

Roddy Woomble

23.05.2005 - 23:34

Oh Mann, das ist noch eine lange Wartezeit bis zum August. Bin schon sehr gespannt!

Aha, und "Gruff" wird tatsächlich "Griff" ausgesprochen. Als sich der SFA-Sänger mal in einem Interview vorgestellt hat, hab' ich noch gedacht: "Scheiße, der ist zu bekifft, um seinen eigenen Namen richtig aufzusagen!".


24.05.2005 - 08:17

@onkl: find ich nich! :P Die war zwar auch gut, aber "Phantom Power" hat mich richtig umgehaun!


08.07.2005 - 13:57

Mit 'Love Kraft' (VÖ: 5. September) legen die SUPER FURRY ANIMALS ihr in
der Zwischenzeit achtes Studioalbum vor. Für Rough Trade Records ist es die
erste Veröffentlichung der Waliser. Für 'Love Kraft' ließ sich die fleißige
Band ausnahmsweise 2 Jahre Zeit und es könnte sich in der Tat auszahlen,
denn die fünf haben sich selbst übertroffen und ihr neuestes Werk könnte als
das ultimative Album der Band bezeichnet werden. Ein Album über die Liebe in
all ihren Facetten. Zum ersten Mal haben sich fast alle Mitglieder
abwechselnd dem Songschreiben und dem Lead Gesang gewidmet. Im Hintergrund
hört man teils das Zirpen der Zikaden oder andere bewusst eingebaute
Hintergrundgeräusche. Super Furrys at their best!

Paul Paul

08.07.2005 - 14:05

Das nimmt aber wer den Mund ganz schön voll. Hoffen wir mal, dass es stimmt.

Paul Paul

15.08.2005 - 12:36

Warum wird die Platte noch nicht abgefeiert? Das beste, was ich je von ihnen gehört habe! Mindestens 8/10.


15.08.2005 - 12:55

yeah, das klingt ja schonmal gut @Paul Paul !!!

bei mir wird sie noch nicht abgefeiert, weil sie erst am 5.9. erscheint und ich sie auch erst dann hören werde... :)

Paul Paul

15.08.2005 - 13:02

Ja, kannste dich auf was freuen! Ich werde mir am 5. die Broken Social Scene kaufen. :-)

Paul Paul

15.08.2005 - 13:04

Nein, leider erst am 4.10. :-(


15.08.2005 - 13:09

was jetz? die SFA oder BSS?

ich find inzwischen übrigens die "Rings Around The World" doch knapp besser als die "Phantom Power".

Trotzdem beide 8/10 bei mir. Mal sehen ob sie das toppen..

Paul Paul

15.08.2005 - 13:10

BSS. Leider! Ich denke, sie toppen. Muss es aber noch ein paar mal hören. Starke 8/10.

Paul Paul

25.08.2005 - 13:29

Pichfork: 8.5


07.09.2005 - 13:24

Gibt es hier jemanden, der die Platte schon hat? Irgendwie erzählen mir alle Händler "ja, sollte am 5.9. kommen, ist aber -warum auch immer- nicht da." Was ist da los???


07.09.2005 - 14:46

nu sach doch ma einer was. :(


08.09.2005 - 21:16

Die scheinen irgendwelche Lieferprobleme zu haben, selbst bei Amazon dauert es 5-7 Tage. Aber die Single ist schon wieder Klasse. Tja die einzige Band die vom Klang es schafft an die (späten) Beach Boys ranzukommen. Kommen die eigentlich mal auf Tour?


12.09.2005 - 00:34

Waaaah, Super Furry Animals nur ne 7. Skaaaaaandal, was erlaube


05.12.2005 - 12:46

Folgende ist einfach zu schön, um nicht gelesen zu werden. :)

Super Furry Animals Show Super Furry Class By Turning Down $2 Million Coke Deal; Jack White Asks To Borrow Some of Their Restraint

You know, I've seen a lot of shit go down during my years in the ad business, a lot of which, I'm proud to say, I had a hand in. You don't get to the top of the heap by playing nice, I can tell you that. I've sold more bullshit and made more money than that pussy Tom Delay could ever dream of. Now, I'll admit, it hasn't always been pretty. But that's the only way to make it in this business. You know, when I was about your age, I was working as a lowly account executive at a radio station in North Dakota selling air time to used car salesmen and pizza joints. Now look at me -- I'm head of marketing for the largest soft drink company in the world. The Coca-Cola brand has soared under my direction and the company has seen record profits thanks to my marketing savvy. I even got that douchebag what's-his-fuck... uh... White, Jake White from that band the White Stripes to do a song for us. Can you believe that guy? What an idiot! I mean, he was banging that Zellweger broad and managed to blow it. I mean, have you seen the tits on that girl? Hoo boy! I'd like to show her my white stripe, if you know what I mean. Anyway, you don't get to where I am by taking "no" for an answer, especially from these artist types; every "artist" has his or her price. But, I got to tell you, this fucking group from Wales has got my panties all in a bunch.

See, this band the Super Furry Animals -- what a fucking dumb name, by the way -- had this song called "Hello Sunshine" from an album called Phantom Power released back in 2003. Well, I came up with this fucking brilliant idea for an ad campaign that would equate the Coke brand with sunshine -- you know, life-giving, happy people hanging out in the sunshine -- all that shit. So I send my people out to find some songs that might go along with the theme, and this kid comes back with this song, "Hello Sunshine." Says he heard it on that Music from The O.C.: Mix 2 soundtrack. I loved it! Well, I'm thinking, "Hey! These assholes will jump at the chance to get the kind of exposure that we're offerin' 'em!" So we sent them a copy of the commercial we cooked up, along with an offer of $600,000 -- a fair sum for a song by a bunch of Welsh nobodies. Well this singer of the band, this motherfucker Gruff Rhys -- another stupid name, by the way -- comes back and says, "Ach, no, no thanks." Apparently, "ach" in Welsh means "Hey, I'm a big fucking idiot who doesn't know a sweetheart deal when he sees it." Then the fucking bass player, this Guto Pryce -- that can't be his real name -- chimes in with, "It would have been very awkward and uncomfortable to play 'Hello Sunshine' in front of people again." Boo-fucking-hoo! You can dab your eyes with all the money we're offering you! Anyway, like I said before, I'm not the kind of guy to take "no" for an answer, so we more than double the offer.

Now, let's put some perspective on this; the Coca-Cola corporation is a generous company, an excellent citizen of the world community. When those poor schmucks in Pakistan got hit with an earthquake that fucked up a lot of people, our benevolent company bestowed $2 million upon them to help with the country's relief effort. This is about the same amount of money that we were offering these Welsh assholes. And, like I knew they would, the band considered the offer, saying that they would donate all the money to charity. And I'm like, "You can coat it in honey and tickle your asshole with it for all I care, I just want the fucking song to be associated with my product!" But you know these artist types with their fucking "inegrity." What a load of horseshit! Those motherfuckers turned down the offer. Can you fucking believe that? That Gruff guy said, "...ultimately you've got to hear your own voice on telly selling a product that you hate, you know." Hate Coke? What the fuck is wrong with these people? That's like hating America! I think maybe this "Wales" place might need to be added to that "Axis of Evil" list that my main man Dubya has. I bet you $2 million in the right hands could get that to happen! Susan! Get me Jack Abramoff on the phone!


06.02.2006 - 14:01

Tolle Scheibe. Wie eine Zeitreise.


30.07.2007 - 16:49

neues Album!


Sie gehören zu den Grundsympathen der britischen Indieszene. Ihr achtes
Album ist mal wieder voll von tollen Melodien, mit denen sie einen mal
wieder kriegen. Dieser Band geht man halt gerne auf den Leim. Und da
keiner einen schöneren walisischen Akzent als Gruff Rhys in Petto hat,
wird er am 30.8.07 für Interviews nach Hamburg kommen, um euch Rede
und Antwort zu stehen.

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