Weakened Friends - Quitter


10.11.2021 - 22:10- Newsbeitrag

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Robert G. Blume

11.11.2021 - 13:53

Muss ich leider den Besserwisser geben: der Titelsong wie das ganze Album handeln davon, wie es ist, von der Musik eher schlecht als recht leben zu können, und vom Hadern damit, ob man nicht doch eher hinschmeißen und sich einen „richtigen“ Job suchen soll.
Sagt zumindest die Bio:

„Portland, Maine indie rock trio Weakened Friends dive into the honest truth of being a working musician on their new LP, Quitter, reflecting on lost friendships and self-worth swallowed up by burnout. Songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist Sonia Sturino is supported by Annie Hoffman (bass/vocals) and Adam Hand (drums), filling out a mature and emotive sound.

Central to the record thematically is the empty threat of quitting music and “getting a real job”. Sturino wrestles with her relationship with music on the title track, shouting “I love it, but it never really feels okay” over scorching guitars. Despite the implications of the title, quitting is not an option for the band.“


18.11.2021 - 15:12

Dear Sonia, Annie and Adam. Yes, sometimes the bloody truth is difficult to take. But please, make your parents a favor and get a real job. In your college rock type of music nothing is special, everything is predictable, and don't get overwhelmed by the valuation you got here on Plattentests.de, they give 7/10 for so much shitty music, so be realistic and make your parents happy...

a friend

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