The Joy Formidable - Into the blue
29.03.2021 - 20:06- Newsbeitrag
THE JOY FORMIDABLE veröffentlichten am Freitag nach 3 Jahren, mit "Into The Blue“ ihre brandneue Single auf Hassle Records.
Das passende Musikvideo feierte am Wochenende nun ebenfalls Premiere.
Die britische Alternative-Rock Band um Sängerin/Gitarristin Ritzy Bryan, erzielte in USA/UK bereits diverse Chart-Erfolge, tourte mit Bands wie den Foo Fighters, The Cure, Muse oder Placebo, spielte Headline-Tourneen in Europa und traten in UK u.a. auf der Mainstage der Reading and Leeds Festivals auf.
Die neue eingängige Single "Into The Blue" wurde in Wales komponiert, in ihrer momentanen Wahlheimat Utah fertiggestellt und steht ab sofort zum Einsatz bereit:
The Joy Formidable - "Into The Blue“
"Into The Blue“ - Press-Release
The Joy Formidable are today sharing a brand-new single, “Into The Blue”. It is the band’s first new material since their kaleidoscopic 2018 album AAARTH.
Written in North Wales and later completed at their homes in Utah, “Into The Blue” arrives self-assured and forthright, in a world still trying to regain its footing, stalked by the specters of manipulation, mis-information, and trepidation.
For The Joy Formidable, “Into The Blue” has come to symbolize a period in which anything felt possible. The world stands in a fine balancing act where no bad deed can shock anymore, yet good things can still happen. It is this second side of the coin that brings a resilient, more ethereal quality and magic to "Into The Blue", as the band embraces a growth mindset, leaning into the idea that uncertainty needn’t be something to fear. As lead singer and guitarist Ritzy Bryan sings “You see me for what I am, I don’t have to guess any more”, a great strength is found in turning feelings of being unaccepted and misunderstood into self-love and connection. We find them abandoning the idea of safety and security from the wider world, and instead searching for it within, happy to be surprised by life again.
Bryan comments: “Into The Blue is about surrendering to love and magic. Having the courage to enjoy a new journey and the mystery and excitement of something unexpected. It’s about opening your eyes to beauty and love again. Making it to the other side. Whilst not conceived as a metaphor for the times we all live in now, it certainly turned out that way.”
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A Welsh alternative-rock trio with a predilection for delivering stadium-sized riffs , the Joy Formidable emerged in 2011 with the fiery Big Roar, which effectively paired '90s alt-rock sonic might with indie pop smarts. Taking a cue from bands like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, My Bloody Valentine, and Arcade Fire, the trio continued to push their already expansive sound further on subsequent offerings like 'Wolf's Law' (2013) and 'AAARTH' (2018), while maintaining the hook-driven indie rock foundation laid down on their chart-topping debut.
After spending several years with the post-punk outfit Sidecar Kisses, vocalist/guitarist Ritzy Bryan and bassist Rhydian Dafydd left the lineup and launched the Joy Formidable, drawing heavily from shoegaze and noisy alt-rock to create their new group's sound. Formed in North Wales in 2007, the band later resettled in London, where original drummer Justin Stahley was replaced by Matt Thomas. The Joy Formidable began building a buzz in 2008, making appearances at several British festivals and earning high marks from publications like The Guardian, which recommended the band's "darkly joyous soft-loud racket." After releasing several singles, the group issued the mini-album 'A Balloon Called Moaning' in early 2009. Tours with the Editors and Passion Pit followed, and The Joy Formidable issued a live album, 'First You Have to Get Mad', before signing with Black Bell Records, an independent label run by Passion Pit member Ayad Al Adhamy. With Black Bell's support, 'A Balloon Called Moaning' was released stateside in 2010. The Joy Formidable toured throughout the year and kicked off 2011 with the international release of The Big Roar, their well-received full-length studio debut.
The band spent the following year writing their second record, while on the road supporting Muse. The resulting 'Wolf's Law', which was recorded in the small town of Casco, Maine, arrived in early 2013 and peaked at the number 51 slot on the Billboard 200 in the U.S., and at number 41 on the U.K. album charts. The following year saw the band issue a series of monthly vinyl-only singles sung in their native Welsh, and in early 2016 they announced via Facebook that they would be releasing their much-anticipated third studio long-player, 'Hitch', later that March. The record was preceded by the single "The Last Thing on My Mind," which was accompanied by a video that included a montage of scantily clad men -- a comment on the over-sexualization of women in the media. The group went on to promote the record with a tour that spanned the U.K. and Europe, as well as playing an opening slot for Foo Fighters across North America. In 2017, The Joy Formidable got to work writing and recording their fourth record. Riffing on the Welsh word for "bear," the album, titled 'AAARTH', arrived in September 2018, a release that was celebrated with tours in support of The Cure and Foo Fighters, alongside a summer of festivals including a coveted main stage slot at Reading and Leeds Festivals.
In 2019 the band took the opportunity to look back at their debut release, 'A Balloon Called Moaning' with a 10th anniversary deluxe edition including a bonus version of the entire record, re-recorded in the Welsh language. This release was accompanied by the first instalment of the band's very own festival, Formidable Fest, set in Cardiff's much-loved Tramshed venue and completely curated and organised by the band, and broadcast live on BBC Radio Wales.
In March 2020 The Joy Formidable are sharing a brand-new single, “Into The Blue”. It is the band’s first new material since their kaleidoscopic 2018 album AAARTH.
Written in North Wales and later completed at their homes in Utah, “Into The Blue” arrives self-assured and forthright, in a world still trying to regain its footing, stalked by the specters of manipulation, mis-information, and trepidation.
"Into the Blue is about opening your eyes to beauty & love again. Making it to the other side. Whilst not conceived as a metaphor for the times we all live in now, it certainly turned out that way“
- Ritzy, Rhydian & Matt - The Joy Formidable
29.03.2021 - 20:19
Gefällt mir sehr gut.
Geht im Sound wieder etwas mehr in die Richtung der ersten beiden Alben.
29.03.2021 - 22:44
Hm, weiß nicht so recht.
Der neue Song packt mich jetzt nicht besonders.
Irgendwie schade: Die hatten/haben ein irres Potenzial, wie sie auf den ersten beiden Alben bewiesen haben, aber seitdem ist es leider etwas austauschbar geworden.
07.05.2021 - 19:25- Newsbeitrag
THE JOY FORMIDABLE - Neue Single "Back To Nothing", Album "Into The Blue" am 20.08. auf Hassle Records
THE JOY FORMIDABLE veröffentlichen heute ihre neue Single "Back To Nothing“ und kündigen parallel das am 20.08. erscheinende neue Studioalbum "Into The Blue“ auf Hassle Records an !
"Back To Nothing" ist die zweite Singleauskopplung aus dem anstehenden Longplayer und folgt auf den Teaser- und Titeltrack "Into The Blue "(Video), der u.a. von Huw Stephens auf BBC 6 Music als “sehr beeindruckend" betitelt wurde.
Sängerin/Gitarristin Ritzy Bryan kommentiert die eingängige Nummer wie folgt: "Back To Nothing bezieht Stellung zu Selbstmitgefühl, dem Erkennen des eigenen Wertes, der eigenen Grenzen und der Entscheidung, seine Liebe nicht wahllos herzuschenken“
Die britische Alternative/Indie/Rock Band feierte in USA/UK bereits diverse Chart-Erfolge, tourte mit Bands wie den FOO FIGHTERS, MUSE oder PLACEBO spielten mehrere Headline-Tourneen in Europa, traten in UK u.a. auf der Mainstage der Reading and Leeds Festivals auf und wurden von Robert Smith / The Cure höchstpersönlich eingeladen sein Meltdown Festival in London und Pasadena Daydream Fest in LA zu spielen.
THE JOY FORMIDABLE - "Back To Nothing” - Stream
The MACHINA of God
08.05.2021 - 04:26
Ach schön.
11.06.2021 - 18:49- Newsbeitrag
26.07.2021 - 16:54- Newsbeitrag
11.08.2021 - 19:46- Newsbeitrag
11.08.2021 - 21:11
. . . an wen erinnert mich "Ritzy Bryan" Gesang nur. Schönes Stimmchen. Egal, mir gefällt's, da sind auch nette neue kreative Elemente mit drinnen, neben aller Harmonie und Gefälligkeiten.
Album ist meins, wie wann wo? Ja, 20.8.ok dann.
15.08.2021 - 17:33- Newsbeitrag
Frisch rezensiert. Also fast frisch. Ich hab doch tatsächlich am Freitag die Threads vergessen.
The MACHINA of God
20.08.2021 - 13:33
So. Erster Durchgang. Vorfreude.
The MACHINA of God
22.08.2021 - 14:37
Das Riff in "Sevier" ist klasse. Auch an sich wieder gewohnt sehr gutes Niveau.
15.09.2021 - 13:57
Gefällt mir ganz gut - haben mit dem Album die Kurve wieder bekommen
The MACHINA of God
15.09.2021 - 14:06
Fandest du die davor deutlich schwächer? Ich kenne kaum eine Band, bei der meine Album-Bewertungen so nah beieinander wären wie bei Joy Formidable. Eigentlich alles so 7,5-8/10
MopedTobias (Marvin)
15.09.2021 - 14:27
Sehe ich ähnlich, wobei das Debüt bei mir schon in Richtung 9 geht und für mich klar ihr bestes ist. "Into the blue" empfinde ich auch eher als kleinen kreativen Rückschritt zum Vorgänger, der näher an der 8 war.
The MACHINA of God
15.09.2021 - 14:31
Ja, das Debut finde ich auch minimal besser. Und auch ja, "AAARTH" fand ich etwas kreativer als die neue...
15.09.2021 - 14:36
Die Aaarth war bei mir damals ziemlich durchgefallen. Läuft jetzt gerade - die hat auch gute Momente, aber in der Gesamtbetrachtung finde ich die schon deutlich schwächer.
The MACHINA of God
15.09.2021 - 14:45
Da sind für mich mit OPener, "All in all" und "Dance of the locusts" drei Karriere-Highlights mit drauf.
Bei der neuen ist neben "The severer" wohl ausgerechnet "Somewhere new" mein Highlight.
The MACHINA of God
29.12.2021 - 15:57
Eine qualitativ sehr konstante Band liefert mal wieder ein sehr gutes Album. Ihr großes Meisterwerk ist es zwar wieder nicht, aber trotzdem wieder ein Album ohne jeglichen Ausfall und mit ein paar richtig tollen Stücken. 7,8/10
Opener, Sevier (!), Somewhere new, das Finale
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