The Joy Formidable - Aaarth


18.05.2018 - 14:39- Newsbeitrag

THE JOY FORMIDABLE - neuer Song, neues Video & Tourdaten

As The Joy Formidable prepare for their sold-out show at Meltdown Festival next month, the Welsh trio are ready to share a brand new track from their forthcoming album, and announce a UK headline date at The Lexington, London.

"Dance of the Lotus" and its accompanying video will give fans their first glimpse of new material from The Joy Formidable and will provide a special preview of a record rumoured to be their most vibrant and experimental yet. Heavily inspired by the artwork of bassist Rhydian Dafydd, the animation for the video was done by the award-winning Boston production team Trllm.

"We wanted to share this album track with the people who have supported us to give them a glimpse of what we've been working on, and this track is right at the heart of our new record," says lead vocalist Ritzy Bryan. "It's magical and lonely, like a night-time walk in the desert when you're trying to escape from yourself and the chaos you've created."

Although the album came into being as the band travelled the globe and recorded in their mobile recording studio, the music intertwines the whispering hills of Wales with the otherworldly rainbow canyons of the Utah / Arizona border.

"We've definitely made a colourful, mystical collage with this record, partly because of our surroundings," says Bryan. "Those multi-coloured sunsets & the primeval elements of nature in the Southwest - it's emboldened our imaginations in the songwriting & the production."

The Joy Formidable wrap up shows in the US and Europe, before arriving in the UK for their headline show at The Lexington, London - and are excited to have support from the talented Bryde - ahead of appearances at Reading & Leeds Festivals. Prior to this, on June 22nd, the band will perform at London's Southbank Centre for Robert Smith's Meltdown, the UK's longest-running artist-curated music festival.

Dance of the Lotus Tour Dates (Part1):
June 22nd - Meltdown Festival - London, UK (SOLD OUT)
August 16th - Open Air Gampel Festival - Gampel, Switzerland
August 18th - Pukkelpop Festival - Hasselt, Belgium
August 19th - Bitterzoet - Amsterdam, NL
August 20th - Luxor - Cologne, DE
August 22nd - Lexington - London, UK
August 23rd - Clwb For Bach - Cardiff, UK
August 24th - Leeds Festival - Leeds, UK


18.05.2018 - 22:58

ausgerechnet das luxor... :/
der schlechteste laden der stadt


26.06.2018 - 19:01- Newsbeitrag

The Joy Formidable announce new album “AAARTH”

Huw Stephens premieres new single
“The Wrong Side”

Reading & Leeds Festival mainstage + Foo Fighters US / Canada tour dates

“AAARTH” will be released on September 28th via Hassle Records

Welsh rock trio The Joy Formidable are returning with yet another huge step forward, in the shape of upcoming fourth album “AAARTH”. Propelled by their restlessness and curiosity, the band continue to sit at the forefront of inventive and aggressive guitar music, taking what can be done with the instrument to new levels with each album. Still commanding festival mainstages around the world, and following a rapturous response to their sold-out UK live return at last week’s Robert Smith-curated Meltdown Festival, the band are now able to share full details of the album, along with brand new single “The Wrong Side”. It was premiered on Radio 1 by Huw Stephens last night said "it's brilliant isn't it... a pleasure to bring you that this evening… I’m really looking forward to seeing them at Reading & Leeds.”

“AAARTH” is released on September 28th on CD, download and LP, as well as an extremely limited boxset, Indie retail exclusive vinyl, and Rough Trade exclusive vinyl, which will be supported by in-stores at Nottingham, Bristol and London East.

“The Wrong Side” follows recent single “Dance of the Lotus” and is a lurching, hulking giant of a track that aligns and progresses all of the band’s best qualities – a crushing, intense rhythm, remarkably inventive, snaking guitar work, and a soaring vocal melody – pushing things forward on an album that promises to be their most vibrant and experimental yet. Lead singer and guitarist Ritzy Bryan explains; “With life not always being that kind, you can either go down a really dark hole or you can smear yourself with colour and reverie and try to forget. That’s what we did with AAARTH; we threw ourselves into this beautiful vivacious collage of experimentation, real meets unreal, and stopped giving a fuck about things that didn’t matter, and started caring more about the things that are worth your time.”

“AAARTH” marks a transformative, near-psychedelic rebirth that channels long-held anger, soundtracking a chaotic global period of injustice and division, setting it against a deeply poignant backdrop of personal experiences and healing. Although the album came into being as the band travelled the globe and recorded in their mobile recording studio, the music intertwines the whispering hills of Wales with the otherworldly rainbow canyons of the Utah / Arizona border. “AAARTH” unites the personal with the mythical and symbolic, as Bryan continues; “We’ve definitely made a colourful, mystical collage with this record, partly because of our surroundings. Those multi-coloured sunsets & the primeval elements of nature in the Southwest – it’s emboldened our imaginations in the songwriting and the production. I love stories and seeing symbolism and meaning change with different cultures and interpretations. I see it in my lyrics, a lot of the imagery plays on being ambivalent because I’m often expressing a lot of things at once. That’s true of the title; it falls somewhere between a scream, an exaltation, a play on words, and then this motif of the bear (“arth” in Welsh) that spiritually represents strength, wisdom & healing.”

The Joy Formidable bring their unique, evolving and progressive live show to an already-sold-out show at The Lexington in London, followed by main stage appearances at Reading & Leeds Festivals, before they depart for the US and Canada – by personal invitation from Dave Grohl – as support to Foo Fighters.


August 22 - The Lexington - London, UK – SOLD OUT
August 23 – Clwb Ifor Bach – Cardiff, UK [buy tickets]
August 24 – Leeds Festival – Leeds, UK
August 26 – Reading Festival – Reading, UK
Sept 01 – Safeco Field, Seattle, WA, USA w/ Foo Fighters
Sept 04 – Rogers Place, Edmonton, AB, CANADA w / Foo Fighters
Sept 06 – Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary, AB, CANADA w / Foo Fighters
Sept 08 – Pepsi Live, Rogers Arena, Vancouver,BC, CANADA w / Foo Fighters
Sept 10 – Moda Center, Portland, OR, USA / Foo Fighters
Sept 12 – SAP Center, San Jose, CA, USA w / Foo Fighters
Sept 29 – Rough Trade in-store, Nottingham
Sept 30 - Rough Trade in-store, Bristol
Oct 01 – Rough Trade in-store, London East

“AAARTH” Track Listing

1. Y Bluen Eira
2. The Wrong Side
3. Go Loving
4. Cicada (Land on Your Back)
5. All in All
6. What For
7. The Better Me
8. Absence
9. Dance of the Lotus
10. You Can’t Give Me
11. Caught on a Breeze


07.08.2018 - 20:18- Newsbeitrag

Hallo Musikfreunde,

am 28.09. werden THE JOY FORMIDABLE ihr neues Album AAARTH veröffentlichen ( Hassle / Rough Trade), aktuell gibt es dazu die zweite Videoauskopplung THE WRONG SIDE zu sehen und zudem spielt die Band am 20.08. eine exklusive Show in Köln (Blue Shell).


12.09.2018 - 19:44- Newsbeitrag


19.09.2018 - 20:47- Newsbeitrag

Frisch rezensiert.


The MACHINA of God

05.10.2018 - 17:23

Erster Durchgang begeistert sofort. Viel zu unbeachtet die Band.

MopedTobias (Marvin)

05.10.2018 - 18:10

Definitiv zu unbekannt.


05.10.2018 - 19:58

Ich hab vor Jahren mal ins Debüt reingehört, fand es damals aber nur wenig spannend. Sollte ich diese Meinung also noch mal revidieren?

The MACHINA of God

05.10.2018 - 20:00

Auf jeden Fall.

Nicolas Chains

16.10.2018 - 15:20

Nach meinen bisherigen Eindrücken ein geiles Album. Viel wilder, viel asymmetrischer, entfesselter und deutlich gitarrenlastiger. Teilweise weiß ich gar nicht mehr am Ende eines Songs, wie er überhaupt angefangen hat, weil ziemlich viel passiert. Insgesamt versucht das Album, die melodiöse Wärme seines Vorgängers abzulegen, es wehrt sich da fast schon gegen, indem hier noch mal Gesang oder Instrument verzerrt werden, da noch ein schiefes Keyboard/Piano/Gitarren-Lick eingebaut wird. Highlights: Der walisische Opener, What For, The Better Me. Vielleicht nicht unbedingt AOTY, aber in einer Top10-Liste sollte es nicht fehlen.

MopedTobias (Marvin)

16.10.2018 - 18:01

Ich finds auch echt gut, durch das ganze Ausfasern ist es auf Songwriting-Ebene aber nicht ihre Beste. Für die Top 10 dieses Jahr reichts nicht, aber Top 50 :)


04.12.2018 - 00:04- Newsbeitrag

The Joy Formidable im Februar auf Tour

Nach einer sehr erfolgreichen US-Tour, bei der The Joy Formidable unter anderem sechs Shows zusammen mit den Foo Fighters spielten, kündigen die drei Waliser jetzt ihre neue Tournee an, die sie im Februar für vier Konzerte nach Deutschland führen wird.

Die mittlerweile in London beheimatete Alternative-Rock-Band The Joy Formidable besteht aus Rhiannon "Ritzy" Bryan (Leadsängerin, Gitarre), Rhydian Dafydd (Bass, Gesang) und Matthew James Thomas (Schlagzeug, Percussion).

Einst vom Rolling Stone als "wickedly bracing and Himalaya-huge" beschrieben, hat die atemberaubende Live-Band es geschafft, ihre Bühnenenergie und die Fähigkeit, das Publikum auf den Punkt zu begeistern auch auf ihr neues Album „AAARTH“ zu transferieren.

Das Publikum in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Berlin und Münster kann sich auf einzigartige und mitreißende Konzerte des Trios freuen.

Tickets sind ab Mittwoch, den 05.12.2018 um 10 Uhr unter sowie an allen bekannten Vorverkaufsstellen erhältlich.

The Joy Formidable | Live 2019
Präsentiert von: Bedroomdisco | | The Pick | Visions

24.02.2019 Frankfurt |Nachtleben
25.02.2019 Hamburg | Kukuun
26.02.2019 Berlin | Musik & Frieden
27.02.2019 Münster | Gleis 22

Felix H

04.12.2018 - 23:01

Im Kukuun? So "klein" sind die nur?

MopedTobias (Marvin)

04.12.2018 - 23:15

Finde ich auch wirklich schade, wie wenig man denen zutraut. Ich sehe keinen Grund, warum diese Band nicht theoretisch ein großes Rock-Festival headlinen könnte.

The MACHINA of God

05.12.2018 - 18:02

Wenn Biffy Clyro das dürfen, sollten das auch Joy Formidable dürfen.

The MACHINA of God

16.12.2018 - 00:00

Debut und Vorgänge find ich besser, aber das Album macht defintiv Spaß. Grad der walisisch gesundene Opener ist klasse.

The MACHINA of God

20.10.2019 - 19:13

Immer wieder ein sehr gutes Album. Wie eigentlich alle von denen. Sehr unterbewertet die Band.

Opener, "All in all", "Dance of the locust"

MopedTobias (Marvin)

20.10.2019 - 20:21

Du meinst "lotus", mit "Gears of war" hat das nichts zu tun :D

Definitiv unterbewertete Band. Wie letztes Jahr schon gesagt, die könnten problemlos große Rockfestivals headlinen und eine hochwertige Figur dabei abgeben.

The MACHINA of God

08.06.2020 - 15:24

Immer noch toll. Und die Band immer noch zu unbekannt.

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