Greg Graffin - Millport


07.12.2016 - 18:11

GREG GRAFFIN (Bad Religion)

Neues Musikvideo: "Lincoln’s Funeral Train”

feat. Jonny ‘Two Bags’ Wickersham, Brent Harding and David Hidalgo (SOCIAL DISTORTION)

Der Bad Religion Frontmann GREG GRAFFIN hat mit “Lincoln’s Funeral Train” (Original vom Folk/Bluegrass Norman Blake) einen neuen Solo-Song veröffentlicht, zu dem es nun auch ein Musikvideo gibt:

Produziert wurde er von Brett Gurewitz und als Backing Band ist niemand geringeres als Jonny ‘Two Bags’ Wickersham, Brent Harding und David Hidalgo von Social Distortion mit dabei!

Weitere Infos lesen sich wie folgt:


Bad Religion Frontman Electrifies Socially Relevant Bluegrass Track

Greg Graffin, frontman of legendary Los Angeles punk band Bad Religion, has just released a new video for his powerful rendition of the track “Lincoln’s Funeral Train” by veteran bluegrass and folk artist Norman Blake. The track is from Graffin’s forthcoming solo album set for release in 2017

Watch the video here:

Set against a potent montage of historical photos and footage depicting years of racial conflict, Graffin and a renowned band consisting of Social Distortion members Jonny ‘Two Bags’ Wickersham, Brent Harding and David Hidalgo amplify the track in a deliberate sonic homage to Neil Young’s Crazy Horse produced by Bad Religion co-founder Brett Gurewitz. Graffin calls the song “a sorrowful piece of Americana” that "still finds itself deeply significant today.”

Along with his role in Bad Religion, Graffin is an acclaimed solo artist, professor of evolutionary biology and a respected author.

For more information visit:


10.01.2017 - 18:01


Album features members of Bad Religion and Social Distortion

Preview The Track “Making Time” Now

Greg Graffin, frontman of the iconic Los Angeles punk band Bad Religion as well as a renowned author, will be releasing a brand new solo album entitled Millport this March 10th via Anti- .

Millport delivers a stirring though perhaps unexpected reinterpretation of the classic Laurel Canyon country-rock sound alongside Graffin’s insightful lyricism, all propelled by some esteemed colleagues from the LA punk scene including Social Distortion members Jonny ‘Two Bags’ Wickersham, Brent Harding and David Hidalgo Jr., with Bad Religion co-founder Brett Gurewitz producing. The resulting record is less a reinvention then a creative liberation - a group of Los Angeles musicians at the peak of their game, playing a brand of music they genuinely love.

You can preview the song “Making Time” a melodic and energetic folk rocker about “living in the moment” that features a soaring chorus and some truly tasteful guitar licks from Jonny ‘Two Bags’ Wickersham here:

As Graffin explains, “This feels as exciting to me as when we made the Bad Religion record Suffer. Like everything had been leading up to the songs and they just happened totally organically in this short intense burst. I’m really just doing what I did back then, which is write songs that mean something to me and deliver them in a way that is completely honest.”

Album producer and Graffin’s longtime Bad Religion collaborator, Brett Gurewitz, adds, “It’s the two songwriters from Bad Religion and the rhythm section of Social Distortion, two influential LA punk bands, getting together to do an authentic country rock album, a genre most would think is the absolute antithesis of punk rock. But I think it sounds great. Both are iconic Southern California genres. It’s like the Laurel Canyon sound played by the kids who were smashing up the clubs a few years later.”

Greg Graffin will be performing at the forthcoming 2017 SXSW Festival in March. Stay tuned for dates and locations.

Millport Track Listing:

1. Backroads of My Mind - 3:53

2. Too Many Virtues - 3:04

3. Lincoln's Funeral Train - 3:43

4. Millport - 3:19

5. Time of Need - 3:33

6. Making Time - 3:24

7. Shotgun - 2:38

8. Echo on the Hill - 2:30

9. Sawmill - 2:11

10. Waxwings - 3:27

Millport is available for pre-order at the below listed outlets. You will receive the tracks “Making Time” and “Lincoln’s Funeral Train” instantly upon ordering.


15.02.2017 - 18:03


01.03.2017 - 20:49- Newsbeitrag

Frisch rezensiert.



02.03.2017 - 17:49

"Und wie schon bei allen anderen Songs, die der Mann bislang geschrieben hat, erkennt man schon beim ersten Hinhören, wer die zehn neuen Stücke auf "Millport" ersonnen hat."

Interessant, denn eines der 10 ist ein Cover.


06.03.2017 - 18:01

Mein Fehler. Ist korrigiert, danke für den Hinweis.


10.03.2017 - 19:47

Schönes Ding. 7/10!


14.03.2017 - 14:49

irgendwie klingt das nach dem Soundtrack,zu dem man vor 40/50/60 Jahren irgendwo im Tiefen US-Süden mit Pickup, Latzhose und Pumpgun auf Jagd nach schwarzen Mitbürgern oder Langhaarigen aus der Stadt ging.
Es könnte sich hierbei um die letzten Szenen aus Easy Rider handeln, die sich da vor dem geistigen Auge abspielen...nunja, die Mucke konnte/kann ja nix dafür.
Abgesehen davon klingts altbacken. Genau das, was die Herren selbst vor 30/40 Jahren verteufelt haben...
Aber unter dem Einfluss von Schnaps bei schwülen 30 Grad im Abendrot am Baggersee und von Mücken gepiesackt könnte es passen.


14.03.2017 - 16:19

Hmm, das meiste was ich von der Platte gehört habe klingt sehr nach leicht verdaulichem Country Gedudel. Irgendwie fehlt mir die Melancholie der Vorgänger, z.B. The Fault Line, Talk about Suffering oder Don't be Afraid to Run


14.03.2017 - 17:51

"Making time" klingt, als würden Bad Religion Country machen. Den Song könnte man auch schnell spielen. :) Nicht schlecht, brauche ich aber auch nicht so dringend.


21.03.2017 - 20:31

Livemitschnitt aus Chicago in sehr guter Audio- und Videoqualität:

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