Cat Power - Neues Album
13.12.2009 - 21:33
Die wichtigste weibliche Musikerin unserer Zeit (behaupte ich jetzt einfach mal dreist) arbeitet an einem neuen Album:
Fans of Cat Power's band-less early years just might be in for a treat when the singer-songwriter eventually unveils her first album of original material since 2006's The Greatest. Though the record is still in the very early stages of development, Chan Marshall chatted about it in an interview with Australia's Courier-Mail that ran today. (Via Largehearted Boy.)
Talking about the new stuff, she said, "It's just me this time... I don't know if I should push all these [new] songs away and actually try to write and record it with the band. I don't know what to do. But I'm at a point where my heart tells me, 'Chan, you haven't played piano or guitar for four or five years,' and I do have guilt about that. People ask me, 'When are you going to play by yourself?' I have problems with strange yearnings and guilt." She also added, "I'm also frightened because some of them are sad again and I feel really nervous about that."
Not exactly definitive, but it's something.
Trauriger und minimalistischer wird es wieder. Das freut mich. Darauf eine Portion Großartigkeit
Herr Schoirch
13.12.2009 - 21:46
Bei soviel Dreistigkeit verschlägt es mir glatt die Sprache.
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