John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey - Neues Album


09.01.2008 - 21:15

Polly Jean Harvey, John Parish Meet Again for New LP

Make way for a new addition to that list of most anticipated records of 2008. Polly Jean Harvey's next musical endeavor will be a proper follow-up to 1996's Dance Hall at Louse Point, her unduly underappreciated meet-up with songwriter and multi-instrumentalist John Parish.

According to a MySpace post, Harvey and Parish are set to enter the studio this month, joined by Harvey's frequent collaborator Eric Drew Feldman (also a member of Captain Beefheart's Magic Band), Autolux's Carla Azar, and Giovanni Ferrario. If it works anything like Louse Point, Parish will handle the music, while Harvey will tackle the words.

The disc can be expected before the end of 2008, and sessions should wrap just in time for PJ Harvey's mid-February tour of Australia and New Zealand.



07.01.2009 - 01:12


07.01.2009 - 01:13

Ein Link zu Powermetal. Gruselig, irgendwie.

der troll

07.01.2009 - 01:19

auf so eine billige falle fall ich doch nicht herein

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