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Deerhoof - Actually, you Can

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22.07.2021 - 19:44 Uhr - Newsbeitrag

Neues Album „Actually, You Can“ erscheint am 22. Oktober bei Joyful Noise!
Erste Single „Department Of Corrections“ bereits online

Auf DEERHOOF ist Verlass: Erst im letzten Jahr veröffentlichte die Band „Future Teenage Cave Artists“ und überraschte mit dem Gratis-Album „Love-Lore“ (auf dem sie 43 Songs in 35 Minuten coverten!), heute kündigen die experimentellen Indie-Rocker bereits ihr nächstes Werk an. „Actually, You Can“, ihr insgesamt 18. Studioalbum, erscheint am 22. Oktober bei Joyful Noise!

Mit „Actually, You Can“ beweisen DEERHOOF, dass - von der kreativen Neuerfindung nach 25 Jahren Karriere bis zur Selbstverwirklichung inmitten einer globaler Umwälzung - alles möglich ist. Das Ergebnis ist DEERHOOFs "Barock goes DIY"-LP, die von der Band selbst produziert wurde und mit nur nur zwei Gitarren, Bass, Schlagzeug und Gesang auskommt. Dabei nutzen Satomi Matsuzaki, Ed Rodriguez, John Dieterich und Greg Saunier ihren Witz und ihre Skurrilität, um eine neue gemeinsame Sprache der Revolution zu erschaffen. Eine, die von lyrischen Labyrinthen und thrashigen Melodien angetrieben wird. Das Album markiert außerdem DEERHOOFs Rückkehr zu biblischen Referenzen, wie man sie von ihren früheren bahnbrechenden Noise-Rock-Werken kennt. Sadie Dupuis (SPEEDY ORTIZ, SAD13) schrieb die Bio zum Album und beschreibt es als “a genre-abundant record that uses technicolor vibrancy and arpeggiated muscularity to offer a vital shock from capitalism’s purgatorial hold.”

Während das gefeierte „Future Teenage Cave Artists“ märchenhafte Visionen der Post-Apokalypse und den Anti-Helden als Retter der Menschheit erforschte, schlägt die Band auf „Actually, You Can“ optimistischere Töne an: “Think of all the beauty, positivity and love that gets deemed ugly, negative and hateful by the self-proclaimed guardians of ‘common sense. We’d hardly be destroying society by dismantling their colonial economics and prisons and gender roles and aesthetics. We’d be creating it!”

Die erste Single des Albums, „Department of Corrections“, hinterfragt den industriellen Gefängniskomplex im metaphorischen Kontext des letzten Abendmahls. Laut Band ist der Song über “all the marvellous mysteries of life that don’t add up on a ledger sheet or figure into an AI algorithm. It’s about Judas going electric. It’s about how the human species itself is meaningless without a planet to live on. How we vastly outnumber our would-be masters if only we could get organized.” Schaut euch das zugehörige the Stop-Motion-Video von Jess Joy hier an!

Over eighteen boundless albums as experimental as they are pop, DEERHOOF has continuously quested for radical sounds and daring storytelling. 2020’s Future Teenage Cave Artists explored fairytale visions of post-apocalypse, welding intrinsic melodies with absurdist digital recording methods. Its sequel Love-Lore, a live covers medley, channeled futurist mid-century artists—Parliament, Sun Ra and Stockhausen, to name a handful— into a patchwork love letter to the anti-authoritarian expressions that inspire the band. Galvanized by the challenge of unifying many styles of music, DEERHOOF landed on their next record’s concept: baroque gone DIY

With state lines and oceans separating band members, DEERHOOF not only reinvented their sonic and thematic credo, but also their recording process. DEERHOOF’s players are not strangers to home-recording their individual parts, and have long embraced composing via file trading. But 2020’s halt to touring kicked off their longest separation from playing together, foregrounding new priorities. As the group’s combined demos became increasingly layered, bassist and vocalist Satomi Matsuzaki put her foot down, insisting the new album should replicate concert energy. Visualizing the quartet on huge stages with past tourmates Radiohead and Red Hot Chili Peppers, Saunier fugue-arranged his bandmates’ complex demos into songs to make an audience smile and dance. He sought out far-traveling delays, heavy playing, and unique panning to evoke the power of outdoor music. Matsuzaki scrutinized spots that would betray the conceit, eliminating anything that took away from the sound of onstage grandeur.

For DEERHOOF’s members to continually uncover new corners of their own talent requires deep wells of gratitude, not only for each others’ creativity but for the freedom their career affords. But by embracing each other’s art with curiosity, DEERHOOF authors a musical alphabet that continues to astound and inspire, a unique lexicon expanding limitlessly with each album. For new listeners and decades-long devotees, DEERHOOF’s electrifying, generous approach to collaborative worldbuilding on „Actually, You Can“ is an emboldening call to support our communities with renewed strength, infinite love, and the resilience to keep exploring.
„Actually, You Can“ Album Artwork + Tracklist:

1. Be Unbarred, O Ye Gates of Hell
2. Department of Corrections
3. We Grew, and We Are Astonished
4. Scarcity Is Manufactured
5. Ancient Mysteries, Described
6. Plant Thief
7. Our Philosophy Is Fiction
8. Epic Love Poem
9. Divine Comedy

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