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The Felice Brothers - Favorite Waitress

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Postings: 39

Registriert seit 13.06.2013

11.04.2014 - 14:14 Uhr
Neues Album kommt am 09. Juni.

Oddly enough, The Felice Brothers' new album Favorite Waitress marks the first time the band has ever recorded in a proper studio. Produced by the band's longtime producer and collaborator Jeremy Backofen, the album is their most fully realized statement yet. After diligently working for a year, mining through a hundred songs worth of material, they took off last December for Omaha and knocked the whole thing out in a week.

Favorite Waitress is about fantastic escape from the terrifying realities of modern life. First single "Cherry Licorice" is an ode to never growing up, retreating from a domestic nightmare into a world of soda pop rivers and candy corn comas. “Meadow Of A Dream” feels like that perfect summer day in the woods lost in some primitive western shoot out with the neighborhood gang, when you wish you would never hear any parent cry for supper. “Saturday Night” describes the mythical properties of that magical time of the week when anything can happen, searching through the smoke and shit talk with a couple bucks in your pocket and a head full of teeth that could use loosening.


1. Bird On Broken Wing

2. Cherry Licorice

3. Meadow Of A Dream

4. Lion

5. Saturday Night

6. Constituents

7. Hawthorne

8. Katie Cruel

9. No Trouble

10. Alien

11. Chinatown

12. Woman Next Door

Duff Duff
10.06.2014 - 09:23 Uhr
auf spotify schon zu hören

die ersten 2 Songs sind mal absolute Kracher, gefällt mir gut

mal schauen wie es weitergeht


Postings: 4102

Registriert seit 15.05.2013

19.06.2014 - 20:59 Uhr
Großartiges Album und sehr schöne Rezension vom Kollegen.
19.06.2014 - 23:13 Uhr
Nach der s/t gings immer weiter bergab. Das neue Album ist ein weiterer Schritt. Langeweile pur und simple Hipster-Zitate des Great-American-Songbooks. Die Stimme von Ian geht mir mittlerweile nur noch auf den Senkel. Live finde ich die Band übrigens seit Simones Abgang ebenfalls fad - hat was von Frat Boys die einen auf Dylan machen wollen.

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