Rachael Yamagata - Neues Album
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Leatherface |
21.06.2008 - 02:07 Uhr
Warum muss ich Threads immer mitten in der Nacht auf machen? Jetzt antwortet mir bestimmt wieder keiner und der schöne Thread verschwindet unbemerkt in der Versenkung...jedenfalls, ich wurde ja gerade erst auf Rachaels wunderbares Debüt "Happenstance" aufmerksam gemacht und jetzt darf ich von ihrer MySpace-Seite erfahren, dass bald schon wieder ein neues Album kommt.Dear Patient Pollyanna Partners, News news news! I've just signed with Warner Bros Records and we are working overtime to get all ducks in a row for an early October release! Thank you for hanging with me all this time – it's been a long road of red tape trails, but I'm very excited about the new team of peeps and I can finally say that we are on our way! I am pleased to announce as well a little something available for your listening pleasure – an ep. The L Word was kind enough to premiere one of the songs a few weeks back (The Other Side). We heard you were looking, and lord knows you've been waiting for a record, so while I work on getting that out, I've put three songs up to tide you over. They feature some beautiful strings and my old friend, the piano. There is a link on myspace, or you may go directly here www.rachaelyamagata.com/store So for those of you heading for heartbreak, here is some tonic. Add vodka or gin, a candle, some headphones and please enjoy. Einen ganz und gar großartigen Teaser gibt es auch schon. Da freut man sich doch gleich doppelt so doll. |
äffchen |
21.06.2008 - 12:15 Uhr
"schon"?!?Der Teaser wurde schon vor über einem Jahr gepostet, wenn mich nicht alles täuscht... Aber trotzdem schön endlich mal ein konkretes Datum zu haben, auf das man sich freuen kann. |
Leatherface |
25.06.2008 - 16:35 Uhr
"It's definitely an evolution from where I was before," she explains. "Half of it is some sort of 'Pulp Fiction'/Led Zeppelin rock creation. It's more in-your-face." "The record is darker and grittier, and it's a bit more like my live show," she continues. "It's gutsier than the last one." But fans of "Happenstance," which has sold 136,000 copies in the United States, according to SoundScan, needn't worry. "There are still the ballads and that kind of stuff," New York-based Yamagata reassures. "There are still beautiful songs, of course, but I think the sound is something new." To achieve the new sound, Yamagata linked with producer Mike Mogis, who has worked with such acts as Bright Eyes and Rilo Kiley. "We really built things around stranger instruments like a marimba," she explains. Yamagata also reconnected for a couple of tracks with producer John Alagia, who worked on "Happenstance." Alagia's recordings will be found on a deluxe edition of the album, which will include five extra songs. |
Leatherface |
02.07.2008 - 18:30 Uhr
Ist zwar ein bisschen älter, aber steht auch einiges über das neue Album drin, außerdem unterhaltsam zu lesen:the new record.... Well, it's done. The music part that is...Mixed, mastered, ordered, spaced – done. If I hadn't recently lost my hearing out of my right ear, I'd be able to comment on how it sounds, however, whatever I'm listening back to at top volume in car stereo is really coming through left ear only. No worries on this front – apparently, I should be repaired in a week or two more according to 2 specialists who have now told me I shouldn't free dive in ocean at depths of pain. I've started on all post album rituals – sighing, crying, drinking, wanting to burn it, forcing myself not to burn it, praising it, loving it, hating it, forgiving myself for it, writing new songs with crap lyrics, rearranging apt furniture to set up play space to relearn new songs for performance, giving up and watching movies, reading self help motivational books, and taking very unmotivated naps. Travels are finished, snow covers ground, cat has stopped shitting outside the box letting me know he does not appreciate my vacation away and I am onto things like artwork. In fact, I've discovered I own about 200 colored pencils sharpened and ready to go should I turn out to be one of those multi talents that design album cover with poignant sketch giving light to some new facet of undiscovered personal depth. That, or I'll start a fashion line catering to upstate New Yorkers – overalls, tank tops, winter boots and ratty hair. My fav outfit of late shows that I have indeed thought nothing of photoshoot world yet. What can I tell you about the new record…Hmm. Well, it's different. It's a growth.. Not a growth as in a leechy kind of infection that will kill you growth (that's for my relationships), but more .. a step beyond where I was. Touring gave me a thirst for edgy in your face survival. I'm not making any sense here...I know it. You know it...I mean – I started to love guitar...So I wrote a lot on guitar...I got a little weathered, grittier, feistier. These songs are like that. They may surprise some from that last record because we didn't shy away from letting it all hang out. Gritty, scruffy, biting, hypnotic PJ Harvey, Zepplin meets Buckley meets Pulp Fiction eerie vibaliscious rockin out. If you've seen the live show, you will get what I mean and be happy that we got some of it down on record. For those who haven't – it's "Letter Read" and "Paper Doll" taken to the next level. The "beautiful" tunes are nostalgic and heartwrenching and more poetic lyrically than I've ever been. The strings are haunting and lush and you'll even find a French horn and some woodwinds on a couple. I found a soundscape in anything eclectic and texturally interesting for the song – marimba, melatron, moog, the sound of tape running in the background, wind or rain howling from the day, stomps, claps – I think we even have Jack Daniel bottles clanking away in one. A nice compliment I've received was a comparison to Tom Wait's 'Raindogs'… others are gospel backed calling out cards to past straying loves, or whisper sung lullabies with nothing crowding them but honesty. Hahahh! I had to write that...I'm on a pretentious who does this muthaf...think she is streak. Having just gotten off the phone with my drummer – I asked him to comment on the record saying I was in the midst of a blog about it.. I quote… "Yo yo bitches – this album is off the hizzy. Holla back. True dat. Represent ildelph 215." I have no idea what this means, but I know he lives in Phily and the area code there is 215 so I'm thinking at least that part is what is known as a shout out. Anyway, I'm planning on a deluxe edition for you – superfans / myspace addicts / my peeps. The additional disc will have 5 songs that are drenched in mood and sadness and all those good things and seemed to fit nicely together as it's own piece. It's a drive record. An active listen record – it won't satisfy your dinner parties, but it may just dig into you in a way that will spur you on. That's pretentious too, but you have to forgive me this one blog because I will soon be faced with size 0 fashion stylists telling me some designer dud "just isn't working on her" and we all know that what I write in these blogs has the potential to be very influenced by cabernet and dark woods and well now, the imbalance caused by hearing out of one ear only. So stay tuned folks. The first bit will draw you in, the next will rough you up, you'll descend into some ethereal journey for awhile and the last moments will break your heart. I love you all. I love this record. It's time to go start a fire. I kill me. Lol. Xoxoxox r Posted by Rachael Yamagata Und hier gibt es "The Other Side" in voller Länge zu hören. |
Leatherface |
20.07.2008 - 17:53 Uhr
Warner Bros. Records will release Rachael Yamagata: A Record In Two Parts…Elephants and Teeth Sinking Into Heart on October 7th, 2008.The CD, as its title suggests, contains two parts. The first, Elephants, is the darker and more vulnerable of the two. It plays like a film score, with orchestral transitions that expand as the songs progress. The more guitar-driven Teeth Sinking Into Heart is grittier and more defiantly cynical. Underscored by Rachael’s husky alto and expressive piano (and now guitar) playing, the two parts, when taken together, present a snapshot of the emotions that revolve around heartbreak and the inevitable challenges of relationships. Of the album’s 14 tracks, 11 were produced by Nebraska-based Mike Mogis, the multi-instrumentalist and producer known for his work with Bright Eyes, Rilo Kiley and The Faint. Two tracks, “What If I Leave” and “Horizon,” were produced by John Alagia (John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band) who also produced Rachael’s debut album, 2004’s Happenstance. The album also features guest appearances by singer-songwriters Ray Lamontagne and Azure Ray’s Maria Taylor, and Maroon 5 guitarist James Valentine. Wie ich mich freue. Thread dann bitte in "Rachael Yamagata - Elephants and Teeth Sinking Into Heart" umbenennen. |
Leatherface |
25.08.2008 - 22:05 Uhr
TracklistElephants 1. "Elephants" 2. "What If I Leave" 3. "Little Life" 4. "Sunday Afternoon" 5. "Elephants Instrumental" 6. "Duet" 7. "Over and Over" 8. "Brown Eyes" 9. "Horizon" Teeth Sinking Into Heart 1. "Sidedish Friend" 2. "Accident" 3. "Faster" 4. "Pause The Tragic Ending" 5. "Don't" Cover Hörschnipsel |
Stefan |
26.08.2008 - 00:49 Uhr
Klingt gut und wird auf jeden Fall eingesackt. |
Leatherface |
26.08.2008 - 14:45 Uhr
Ich muss nochmal gerade, hab nämlich nun auch komplette Songs gefunden. Elephants (was für ein unglaublicher Song!!!) und Sidedish Friend (auch sehr gut). |
Leatherface |
17.09.2008 - 11:34 Uhr
Video zu Elephants |
Stefan |
24.10.2008 - 10:32 Uhr
Oh je, die ist alles andere als einfach. Klingt im Gesamteindruck doch schon sehr anders als Vorgänger. Dazu noch in einem außerordentlich hässlichen 2CD-Pappschuber. Hm. Da werde ich Zeit für brauchen. :/ |
Leatherface |
24.10.2008 - 10:55 Uhr
Das Album ist grandios! Weniger Pop, viel mehr Substanz. |
Stefan |
24.10.2008 - 11:27 Uhr
Was ja nicht weiter schlimm wäre. Ich bin mir nur nicht sicher, ob es eine CD nicht auch getan hätte. Gerade die erste kommt mir halt doch etwas zu getragen daher. Aber vielleicht wirds ja noch, mal abwarten. |
Leatherface |
24.10.2008 - 21:05 Uhr
Das wird. Während der ersten paar Durchgänge wirkte CD1 für mich auch etwas sehr einlullend und Songs wie "What If I Leave" oder "Little Life" wirkten ziellos. Da muss man etwas Geduld aufbringen und bewusst zuhören. Mittlerweile finde ich das komplette Album fantastisch und mag "Elephants" ein ganzes Stück lieber als das leider etwas kurze "Teeth Sinking Into Heart". Die laufen beide weiterhin auf Dauerrotation. "Elephants", "Sunday Afternoon", "Duet", "Over & Over", "Sidedish Friend", "Accident", "Faster" - alles wahnsinnig gute Songs. |
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25.10.2008 - 20:35 Uhr
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Stefan |
25.10.2008 - 21:52 Uhr
Also ich bin immer noch der Ansicht, dass auf Elephants zwei oder drei Lieder sind, die nicht ganz das Niveau des Rests halten können oder zumindest etwas zu lang geraten sind. Andererseits kann ich mir jedoch auch nicht vorstellen, wie die Tracks der beiden CDs gemeinsam auf eine gepasst hätten, ohne die jeweilige Stimmung zu zerstören. Dazu sind die Lieder einfach zu verschieden.Naja, ist wohl müßig. Unter dem Strich bleiben jedenfalls rund zehn Stücke, die ohne Zweifel absolut großartig sind. Da sollte man sich an solchen Kleinigkeiten nicht stören. |
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15.12.2008 - 18:43 Uhr
Gerade mal das neue Album gehört und wirklich TOLL! Fantastische Stimme in meinen Ohren. Ist irgendwie zum weiblich Ryan Adams geworden.Und wie kam ich auf die? RICHTIG! The O.C. gekuckt;-)! |
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quincy |
18.03.2009 - 15:32 Uhr
Erst jetzt auf das Album aufmerksam geworden. "Sunday Afternoon" ist ein Meisterwerk in 09:05 und je öfters ich "Elephants" höre, desto mehr verstärkt sich der Eindruck: Klassiker. |
Leatherface |
18.03.2009 - 19:57 Uhr
Am 24. April erscheint sie endlich auch bei uns und wird hoffentlich hier besprochen. Alles unter 8/10 wäre eine Farce. |
Stefan |
20.04.2009 - 22:13 Uhr
Wenn sie in einer hübscheren Aufmachung kommt kauf ich sie mir grad nochmal. |
Einzelkind |
25.04.2009 - 21:17 Uhr
Gerade im Media Markt entdeckt und gleich mal mitgenommen.Ich erwarte einiges und hoffe,dass ich es nicht wieder bereue,eine CD blind gekauft zu haben.Kommt aber immernoch im hässlichen Pappschuber. |
stimpy |
02.05.2009 - 20:22 Uhr
so hab das album seit 1 woche und muss sagen, dass es (abgesehen vom hässlichen pappschuber) bis jetzt das beste ist was ich dieses jahr gehört habe.vor allem die erste cd ist einafch nur wunderschön, die 2te is da für mich eigentlich nur bonus (hätte man auch weglassen können) what if i leave, horizon und duet sind mit abstand sie schönsten lieder die ich seit langem gehört habe diese platte ist zeitlos glatte 9/10 |
Beefy |
08.05.2009 - 07:05 Uhr
Ich bin begeistert. Eine der wenigen weiblichen Künsterinnen, die mich so richtig umhauen. "Duet" mit Ray Lamontagne ist etwas vom Schönsten, was ich in diesem Jahr gehört habe. |
ergrimm |
08.05.2009 - 10:06 Uhr
Ich finde die zweite CD einfach furchtbar. Da klingt sie stellenweise wie Pink. |
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